Some New Results on Fault-tolerant Cycles Embedding in Folded Hypercubes

Hongmei Liu, Maozeng Tang Dan Yuan1
1College of Science, China Three Gorges University, Yichang, Hubei Province, 443002, China.


Under the conditions looser than previous works, this paper shows that the \( n \)-dimensional folded hypercube networks have a cycle with length at least \( 2^n – 2|F_v| \) when the number of faulty vertices and non-critical edges is at most \( 2n – 4 \), where \( |F_v| \) is the number of faulty vertices. Meanwhile, this paper proves that \( FQ_n \) contains a fault-free cycle with length at least \( 2^n – 2|F_v| \), under the constraints that (1) The number of both faulty nodes and faulty edges is no more than \( 2n – 3 \) and there is at least one faulty edge; (2) every node in \( FQ_n \) is incident to at least two fault-free links whose other end nodes are fault-free. These results have improved the present results with further theoretical evidence of the fact that \( FQ_n \) has excellent node-fault-tolerance and edge-fault-tolerance when used as a topology of large scale computer networks.

Keywords: Node-fault-tolerance; Edge-fault-tolerance; Cycle; Folded hypercube networks