On Hb-graphs and their application to general hypergraph e-adjacency tensor

Xavier Ouvrard1, Jean-Marie Le Goff2, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet3
1CERN, 1 Esplanade des Particules, 1211 MEYRIN, Switzerland University of Geneva
2CERN, 1 Esplanade des Particules, 1211 MEYRIN, Switzerland
3University of Geneva, CUI, Battelle (Bat A) – Route de Drize, 7,1227 Carouge, Switzerland


Working on general hypergraphs requires to properly redefine the concept of adjacency in a way that it captures the information of the hyperedges independently of their size. Coming to represent this information in a tensor imposes to go through a uniformisation process of the hypergraph. Hypergraphs limit the way of achieving it as redundancy is not permitted. Hence, our introduction of hb-graphs, families of multisets on a common universe corresponding to the vertex set, that we present in details in this article, allowing us to have a construction of adequate adjacency tensor that is interpretable in term of \(m\)-uniformisation of a general hb-graph. As hypergraphs appear as particular hb-graphs, we deduce two new (\(e\))-adjacency tensors for general hypergraphs. We conclude this article by giving some first results on hypergraph spectral analysis of these tensors and a comparison with the existing tensors for general hypergraphs, before making a final choice.