We study real algebras admitting reflections which commute. In dimension two, we show that two commuting reflections coincide and we specify the two and four-dimensional real algebras cases. We characterize real algebras of division of two-dimensional to third power-associative having a reflection. Finally We give a characterization in four-dimensional, the unitary real algebras of division at third power-associative having two reflections that commute. In eight-dimensional, we give an example of algebra so the group of automorphisms contains a subgroup isomorphic to \(\mathbb{Z}_2\times\mathbb{Z}_2\).
The classification of non-associative division algebras over a commutative field \(\mathbb{K}\) with a characteristic different from \(2\) is a pastionning and topical problem, whose origins date back to the discovery of quaternions (\(\mathbb{H}\), Hamilton 1843) and octonions (\(\mathbb{O}\), Graves 1843, Cayley 1845). Fundamental results appeared, Hopf proved that the dimension of a real algebra of division of finite dimension \(n\) is a power of 2 and cannot exceed 2 in the commutative case.
Bott and Milnor [1] refined the result of Hopf by reducing the power of \(2\) to \(n\in \{1,2, 4, 8\}\). It is trivial to show that in dimension one the real algebra \(\mathbb{R}\) is unique. In two-dimensional, the classification of these algebras is recently completed. The problem remains open in dimension 4 and 8. The study is quite interesting when there is a sufficient number of distinct reflections which commute for a finite-dimensional division algebra since the product of this last translates a certain symmetry and elegance.
In this paper, we give a description of real algebras of division in two-dimensional having one reflection, and in four-dimensional having two distinct reflections which commute. We recall that the subgroup generated by the latter is isomorphic to the Klein’s group \(\mathbb{Z}_2\times \mathbb{Z}_2\) with \(\displaystyle\mathbb{Z}_2:=\frac{\mathbb{Z}}{2\mathbb{Z}}\).
In eight-dimensional, we give a class of algebra whose group of automorphisms contains the Klein’s group without giving the necessary and sufficient condition of the division.
Let \(A\) be an arbitrary non-associative real algebra. We define, \(I(A)=\{x\in A, x^2=x\}\) and let \(x\), \(y\in A\), \([x,y]=xy-yx\) and \((x,y,z)=(xy)z-x(yz)\).
\(A\) is said to be
– division if the operations \(L_x: A\rightarrow A\), \(y\mapsto xy\) and \(R_x: A\rightarrow A\), \(y\mapsto yx\) are bijective, for all \(x\in A\), \(x\neq 0.\)
–at third power-associative if \((x,x,x)=0\) for all \(x\in A\).
–at 121 power-associative if \((x,x^2,x)=0\) for all \(x\in A\).
A linear map \(\partial: A\rightarrow A\) is said to be a derivation of \(A\) if for all \(x,\) \(y\in A\), we have \(\partial(x.y)=\partial(x).y+x.\partial(y)\). The derivations of \(A\) form a vector subspace of the endomorphisms of \(A\) (\(End_\mathbb{K}(A)\)) which is a Lie algebra, for the bracket of Lie \([f,g]=f\circ g- g\circ f\). Such an algebra is called the Lie algebra of the derivations of \(A\) denoted by \(Der(A).\)
A linear map \(f: A\rightarrow A\) is said to be an automorphism of \(A\) if \(f\) is bijective and for all \(x,\) \(y\in A\), \(f(x.y)=f(x).f(y).\) The automorphisms of \(A\) constitute a group \(Aut_\mathbb{K}(A)\) for the usual law. \(f\in Aut(A)\) is said to be a reflection of \(A,\) if \(f\) is involutive \((f\circ f=id_A)\) not identical \((f\neq id_A)\). Let \(f\) be an automorphism of \(A\) and \(\lambda \in \mathbb{R}\), we denote by \(E_{\lambda}(f)\) the kernel of \(f-\lambda id_A\), \(id_A\) being the identity operator of \(A\).
Let \(f, g: A\rightarrow A\) be linear bijections of \(A\). Recall that the \((f,g)\)-Albert isotope of \(A\) denoted by \(A_{f,g}\) is a vector space \(A\) with the product \(x\odot y = f(x)g(y)\).
Remark 1. A linearization of \((x,x,x)=0\), gives \([x^2,y]+[xy+yx,x]=0\) for all \(x\), \(y\in A\). So by taking \(y=x^2\) we get \([x.x^2+x^2.x, x]=0\Rightarrow 2[x.x^2,x]=0\Rightarrow (x.x^2)x-x(x.x^2)=0\Rightarrow (x.x^2)x-x(x^2.x)=0\Rightarrow (x,x^2,x)=0\). We can therefore affirm that if \(A\) is at third power-associative then it is at 121 power-associative. But the converse is not true in the case where the algebra is not of division. For example the algebra \(A\) having a basis \(\{e_1, e_2, e_3, e_4\}\) whose product of the elements in this base is given by, \({e_1}^2=e_1\), \(e_1e_2=e_3\), \(e_2e_1=e_4\) and other null products, is at 121 power-associative and it is not at third power-associative.
In [2], we have the following result;
Lemma 1. Let \(A\) be a real algebra of division of finite 2n-dimensional with \(n\in\{1,2,4\}\). We suppose that there exists an automorphism \(f\) of \(A\) such that \(sp(f)=\{-1,1\}\). Then the following inclusions between subalgebras of \(A\) are strict, \[\{0\}\subset E_1(f)\subset E_1(f)+E_{-1}(f).\] In that case \(dim E_1(f)=n\geq 1,\) and \(dim \big( E_1(f)+E_{-1}(f)\big)=2n.\)
In addition, the following statements are equivalent,
And the following equalities hold, \[E_1(f)E_{-1}(f)=E_{-1}(f)E_1(f)=E_{-1}(f),\] \[E_{-1}(f).E_{-1}(f)=E_1(f).\]
Definition 1. Let \(\alpha\), \(\beta,\) \(\gamma,\) \(\alpha',\) \(\beta'\) and \(\gamma'\) be real numbers. We define
algebra \(A\) having a base \(\{e,e_1, e_2, e_3\}\) for which the product
is given as
We denote this algebra \(A\) by \(\mathbb{H}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \alpha', \beta', \gamma')\).
In [3], the author gives the following results:
Theorem 1. A necessary condition that the algebra \(\mathbb{H}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \alpha', \beta', \gamma')\) should be a division algebra, is that the six nonzero constants \(\alpha,\) \(\beta,\) \(\gamma,\) \(-\alpha',\) \(-\beta',\) \(-\gamma'\) should have the same sign. This sign may be taken to be positive without loss of generality. If the six constants are positive, a sufficient (but not necessary) condition for a division algebra is that they satisfy the relation \(f(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)=f(-\alpha', -\beta', -\gamma')\) where \(f\) is defined by \[f(x,y,z)=x+y+z-xyz.\]
Theorem 2. A necessary and sufficient condition that the division algebra \(\mathbb{H}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \alpha', \beta', \gamma')\) should have two sided rank 2 is that the equations \(\alpha'=\alpha\), \(\beta'=\beta\) and \(\gamma'=\gamma\) hold true. In the contrary case, the algebra has two sided rank 4.
Proposition 1. Let \(A\) be a finite dimensional real algebra. The following proposals are equivalent,
\(Aut(A)\) contains two distinct reflections which commute.
\(Aut(A)\) contains a subgroup isomorphic to the Klein’s group \(\mathbb{Z}_2\times \mathbb{Z}_2\).
Proof. \((1)\Longrightarrow (2)\) Let \(A\) be a real algebra such that \(Aut(A)\) contains two reflections which commute \(f\) and \(g.\) Then \(h=f\circ g \in Aut(A)\) and is a different reflection of \(f\) and \(g\). The subgroup of \(Aut(A)\) generated by \(f\) and \(g\) is isomorphic to the klein’s group \(\mathbb{Z}_2\times \mathbb{Z}_2\).
\((2)\Longrightarrow (1)\) Obvious because the elements of the subgroup of \(Aut(A)\) which is isomorphic to \(\mathbb{Z}_2\times \mathbb{Z}_2\) different from the identity are distinct reflections that commute. ◻
Proposition 2. Let \(A\) be a two-dimensional division algebra and let \(f\), \(g\) be two commuting reflections of \(A\). Then \(f=g\)
Proof. The endomorphisms \(f\) and \(g\) of \(A\) are diagonalizable which commute, consequently there exists a common basis \(\{e, e_1\}\) of \(A\), formed of eigenvectors associated with eigenvalues \(1\) and \(-1\). According to Lemma 1. The eigpaces \(E_1(f)\), \(E_{-1}(f)\), \(E_1(g)\), \(E_{-1}(g)\) of \(f\) and \(g\) are one-dimensional. By setting \(E_1(f)= \mathbb{R}e\) and \(E_{-1}(f)=\mathbb{R}e_1\).
Suppose that \(E_1(g)=\mathbb{R}e_1\) and \(E_{-1}(g)=\mathbb{R}e\), let \(x=a e+b e_1\in A,\) we have \[f(x)=af(e)+bf(e_1)=ae-be_1=-ag(e)-bg(e_1)=-g(ae+be_1)=-g(x),\] thus \(f=-g\) (which is not an automophism of \(A\)), absurd. So \(E_1(g)=\mathbb{R}e\) and \(E_{-1}(g)=\mathbb{R}e_1\), therefore \(f\) and \(g\) coincide on \(A=E_1(f)\oplus E_{-1}(f).\) ◻
Theorem 3. Let \(A\) be a two-dimensional division algebra
and let \(f\) be a reflections of \(A.\) Then there exists a basis \(B=\{e, e_1\}\) of \(A\) such that the product of \(A\) in this basis is given as,
Proof. The eigenspaces \(E_1(f)\), \(E_{-1}(f)\) of f are one-dimensional and \(A=E_1(f) \oplus E_{-1}(f)\). There exists \(e \in E_1(f)\) and \(e_1 \in E_{-1}(f)\), such that \(\{e, e_1\}\) is a basis of \(A.\) Taking into account the equalities \((\ast)\) of Lemma 1, we obtain the product of the elements of this basis of (2). ◻
For the division, the Theorem 3 of [4] gives the result.
Corollary 1. Let \(A\) be a two-dimensional division algebra, then the following propositions are equivalent,
\(Aut(A)\) contains a reflection.
\(A\) is isomorphic to \(A(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)\) with \(\alpha\beta\gamma< 0\).
Proof. \((1)\Rightarrow (2)\) The Theorem 3 gives the result.
\((2) \Rightarrow (1)\) The endomorphism \(f\) of \(A(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)\) defined by \(f(x_0e+x_1e_1)=x_0e-x_1e_1\) is a reflection of \(A(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)\). ◻
Theorem 4. Let \(A\) be a two-dimensional division algebra and let \(f\) be a reflection of \(A\), then the following propositions are equivalent,
\(A\) is commutative.
\(A\) is isomorphic to \(A(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)\) with \(\beta=\alpha\) and \(\gamma< 0\).
\(A\) is at third power-associative.
\(A\) is at 121 power-associative.
Proof. \((1)\Rightarrow (2)\) Since \(f\) be a reflection of \(A\), the Corollary 1 asserts that \(A\) is isomorphic to \(A(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)\) with \(\alpha \beta \gamma< 0\). Since \(A\) is commutative, \(e_1e=ee_1\Longrightarrow \alpha=\beta\), therefore we get the result.
\((2)\Rightarrow (3)\) It is easy to show that \(A(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)\), with \(\beta=\alpha\) and \(\gamma< 0\), is at third power-associative.
\((3)\Rightarrow (4)\) The Remark 1 gives the result.
\((4)\Rightarrow (1)\) \(A\) is isomorphic to \(A(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)\) with \(\alpha \beta \gamma< 0\) and it is at \(121\) power-associative, We have \((e_1, {e_1}^2, e_1)=0\Rightarrow \gamma^2(\alpha-\beta)e=0\Rightarrow \alpha=\beta.\) and \(\gamma< 0.\) Then \(A\) is commutative. ◻
Theorem 5. Let \(A\) be a two-dimensional division algebra and let \(f\) be a reflection of \(A\), then A is isomorphic to \(A(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)\) and we have.
\(I(A)\) | |
\(\alpha+\beta\neq 0 \ et \ \gamma(\alpha+\beta-1)> 0\) | \(\{e, \ \ \lambda_0e-\lambda_1 e_1, \ \ \lambda_0e+\lambda_1 e_1 \}\) |
otherwise | \(\{e\}\) |
with \(\displaystyle \lambda_0=\frac{1}{\alpha+\beta}\), \(\displaystyle {\lambda_1}^2=\frac{\alpha+\beta-1}{\gamma(\alpha+\beta)^2}\).
Proof. Since \(A\) is isomorphic to \(A(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)\) with \(\alpha\beta\gamma< 0.\) Let \(x=\lambda_0 e+\lambda_1e_1 \in I(A)\), we have \(x^2=x\Leftrightarrow \left\{\begin{array}{ll} {\lambda_0}^2+\gamma{\lambda_1}^2= \lambda_0;\\ (\alpha+\beta)\lambda_0\lambda_1=\lambda_1, \end{array}\right.\) we obtain \(I(A)\) by resolving the system and discussing on \(\alpha+\beta\) and \(\displaystyle \frac{\alpha+\beta-1}{\gamma}\). ◻
Corollary 2. Let \(A\) be a two-dimensional division algebra and let \(f\) be a reflection of \(A\), then A is isomorphic to \(A(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)\) and we have
\(Aut(A)\) is isomorphic to | |
\(\alpha+\beta\neq 0 \ et \ \gamma(\alpha+\beta-1)> 0\) | \(\mathbb{Z}_2\) or \(S_3\) |
\(\mathbb{Z}_2\) |
Proposition 3. Let \(A\) be a four-dimensional division algebra, let \(f\) and \(g\) are reflections of \(A.\) Then there exists a basis \(B=\{e, e_1, e_2, e_3\}\) of \(A\) where \(e^2=e\) and \(E_1(f)=\mathbb{R}e+\mathbb{R}e_1,\) \(E_{-1}(f)=\mathbb{R}e_2+\mathbb{R}e_3,\) \(E_1(g)=\mathbb{R}e+\mathbb{R}e_2,\) and \(E_{-1}(g)=\mathbb{R}e_1+\mathbb{R}e_3.\)
Proof. Since \(f\) and \(g\) are diagonalizable and commute, so there is a common basis \(\{e,e_1,e_2, e_3\}\) formed by eigenvectors associated to eigenvalues \(1\) or \(-1\). The Lemma 1 shows that \(E_1(f)\), \(E_{-1}(f)\), \(E_1(g)\) and \(E_{-1}(g)\) are vector spaces of two-dimensional. If \(E_1(f)=\mathbb{R}e+\mathbb{R}e_1\), \(E_{-1}(f)=\mathbb{R}e_2+\mathbb{R}e_3\), then one of the eigenvectors \(e\), \(e_1\) (and only one) belongs to \(E_{1}(g)\), otherwise \(f\) and \(g\) coincide in \(A=E_1(f)\oplus E_{-1}(f)\).
We can therefore set \(E_1(g)=\mathbb{R}e+\mathbb{R}e_2\) and \(E_{-1}(g)=\mathbb{R}e_1+\mathbb{R}e_2\). We have \(e_1\in E_1(f)\Rightarrow {e_1}^2\in E_1(f).E_1(f)=E_1(f),\) and \(e_1\in E_{-1}(g)\Rightarrow {e_1}^2\in E_{-1}(g).E_{-1}(g)=E_1(g).\) Therefore \(e_1\in E_1(f)\cap E_1(g)=\mathbb{R}e\). Thus by analogy, the elements \({e_i}^2\in E_1(f)\cap E_1(g)=\mathbb{R}e\) for all \(i\in \{2, 3\}\). Since \(E_1(f)\cap E_1(g)\) is a subalgebra of \(A\), the element \(e\) is a scalar multiple of an idempotent and can be assumed to be idempotent. ◻
Proposition 4. Let \(A\) be a real division algebra of unit four-dimensional of unit \(e\). Then the following propositions are equivalent,
\(Aut(A)\) contains two distinct reflections which commute.
\(Aut(A)\) contains a subgroup isomorphic to the Klein’s group \(\mathbb{Z}_2\times \mathbb{Z}_2\).
\(A\) is isomorphic to the algebra \(\mathbb{H}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \alpha', \beta', \gamma')\).
Proof. \((1) \Longleftrightarrow (2)\) This is true according to Proposition 1.
\((2) \Longleftrightarrow (3)\) We have two distinct reflections which commute. Proposition 2 ensures the existence of a basis \(\{e, e_1, e_2, e_3\}\) of \(A\), and the subalgebras \(\mathbb{R}e+\mathbb{R}e_i\), for all \(i\in \{1,2,3\}\), are isomorphic to the algebra \(\mathbb{C}\) since they are real algebras of unit division of two-dimensional. We can now set \(E_1(f)=\mathbb{R}e+\mathbb{R}e_1,\) \(E_{-1}(f)=\mathbb{R}e_2+\mathbb{R}e_3,\) \(E_1(g)=\mathbb{R}e+\mathbb{R}e_2\) and \(E_{-1}(g)=\mathbb{R}e_1+\mathbb{R}e_3.\)
We have \(e_1\in E_1(f) \ et \ e_2 \in E_{-1}(f)\Rightarrow e_1e_2, \ \ e_2e_1\in E_1(f).E_{-1}(f)=E_{-1}(f)\), \(e_1 \in E_{-1}(g)\) and \(e_2 \in E_1(g)\Rightarrow e_1e_2, \ \ e_2e_1 \in E_{-1}(g).E_1(g)=E_{-1}(g)\).
As a result \(e_1e_2,\) and \(e_2e_1 \in E_{-1}(f)\cap E_{-1}(g)=\mathbb{R}e_3\). In the same way we have \[\begin{aligned} e_1e_3, && e_3 e_1 \in E_{-1}(f)\cap E_{1}(g)=\mathbb{R}e_2, \\ e_2e_3, && e_3 e_2 \in E_{1}(f)\cap E_{-1}(g)=\mathbb{R}e_1. \end{aligned}\] This gives the multiplication table for (1).
\((3)\Longrightarrow (1)\) \(f: A\longrightarrow A;\) \(\lambda_0 e+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{3}\lambda_i e_i\longmapsto \lambda_0 e+\lambda_1 e_1-\sum\limits_{i=2}^{3}\lambda_i e_i\) and \(g: A\longrightarrow A;\) \(\lambda_0 e+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{3}\lambda_i e_i\longmapsto \lambda_0 e-\lambda_1 e_1+\lambda_2 e_2-\lambda_3e_3\) are distinct reflections that commute. ◻
Corollary 3. If \(A\) is a real division algebra of four-dimensional with two commute distinct reflections then \(A\) is isotope in the sens of Albert to \(\mathbb{H}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \alpha', \beta', \gamma')\) with \(e\in I(A)\).
Proof. Let \(A\) be a real division algebra of four-dimensional having two distinct reflections that commute \(f\) and \(g\). According to Proposition 2 there is a basis \(\{e, e_1, e_2, e_3\}\) where \(e\in I(A)\) and \(f(e)=g(e)=e\). Let \(x \in A\), we have \[f\circ R_e(x)=f(R_e(x))=f(xe)=f(x)f(e)=f(x)e=R_e(f(x))=R_e\circ f(x),\] so \[f\circ R_e=R_e\circ f\Leftrightarrow f\circ {R_e}^{-1}={R_e}^{-1}\circ f.\] As well as \(f\circ {L_e}^{-1}={L_e}^{-1}\circ f\), \((A, \odot)\) where \(x\odot y={R_e}^{-1}(x).{L_e}^{-1}(y)\) for all \(x\), \(y \in A\), is isotope to \(A\), and is unitary of unit \(e\). We have, \[f(x\odot y)=f\big({R_e}^{-1}(x).{L_e}^{-1}(y)\big)=f\big({R_e}^{-1}(x)\big).f\big({L_e}^{-1}(y)\big)={R_e}^{-1}(f(x)).{L_e}^{-1}(f(y))=f(x)\odot f(y),\] then \(f\in Aut((A,\odot))\). We also show by analogy that \(g\in Aut((A,\odot)).\) Hence \((A,\odot)\) verifies the assumptions of Proposition 5 therefore it is isomorphic to \(\mathbb{H}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \alpha', \beta', \gamma')\). ◻
Theorem 6. Let \(A\) be a real division algebra of unit four-dimensional having two reflections that commute. Then the following statements are equivalent,
\(A\) is isomorphic to \(\mathbb{H}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \alpha', \beta', \gamma')\), with \(\alpha'=\alpha\), \(\beta'=\beta\), \(\gamma'=\gamma\).
\(A\) is at third power-associative.
\(A\) is at 121 power-associative.
Proof. \((1)\Longrightarrow(2)\) For all \(x=\displaystyle \lambda_0e+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{3}\lambda_ie_i\in\mathbb{H}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \alpha', \beta', \gamma')\), with \(\alpha'=\alpha\), \(\beta'=\beta\), \(\gamma'=\gamma\), we have \(x^2=-N(x)e+2\lambda_0 x\) with \(N(x)=\displaystyle\sum\limits_{i=0}^{3}{\lambda_i}^2\) and it is easy to check that \((x,x,x)=0\)
\((2)\Longrightarrow(3)\) It is clear from Remark 1
\((3)\Longrightarrow(1)\) A simple calculation show that \(\alpha=\alpha'\), \(\beta=\beta'\) et \(\gamma=\gamma'\). ◻
We notice that \(\{1,2,3\} := J_3;\) \(\Big\{\sum_{i=1}^{3}\alpha_ie_i, \ \alpha_i\in \mathbb{R} \Big\}:= V;\) \(\{x\in V; x^2=-e\}:= V_e\) and \(\{\lambda e_i+\mu e_j; \ \lambda^2+\mu^2=1\} := V_{ij} \ \ \ i \ j \in J_3, \ i\neq j.\)
Proposition 5. Let \(D=\{x\in\mathbb{H}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \alpha', \beta', \gamma'); x^2=-e \}\). If \((\alpha-\alpha')(\beta-\beta')(\gamma-\gamma')=0\), then \(D=\Big\{\lambda_1e_1+\lambda_2e_2+\lambda_3e_3; \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{3}{\lambda_i}^2=1\Big\}\), otherwise, \(D=\{-e_1,e_1, -e_2, e_2, -e_3, e_3\}\)
Proof. Let \(x=\lambda_0 e+\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{3}\lambda_ie_i\) and \(x'=\lambda_0' e+\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{3}\lambda_i'e_i \in\) \(\mathbb{H}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \alpha', \beta', \gamma')\), we have \(xx'=\big(\lambda_0\lambda_0'-\lambda_1\lambda_1'-\lambda_2\lambda_2'-\lambda_3\lambda_3'\big)e +\big(\lambda_0\lambda_1'+\lambda_0'\lambda_1+\alpha\lambda_2\lambda_3'-\alpha'\lambda_3\lambda_2'\big)e_1+\big(\lambda_0\lambda_2'+\lambda_0'\lambda_2+\beta\lambda_3\lambda_1'-\beta'\lambda_1\lambda_3'\big)e_2+ \big(\lambda_0\lambda_3'+\lambda_0'\lambda_3+\gamma\lambda_1\lambda_2'-\gamma'\lambda_2\lambda_1'\big)e_3.\) Especially \(x^2=\big({\lambda_0}^2-{\lambda_1}^2-{\lambda_2}^2-{\lambda_3}^2\big)e +\big(2\lambda_0\lambda_1+(\alpha-\alpha')\lambda_2\lambda_3\big)e_1+\big(2\lambda_0\lambda_2+(\beta-\beta')\lambda_1\lambda_3\big)e_2+ \big(2\lambda_0\lambda_3+(\gamma-\gamma')\lambda_1\lambda_2\big)e_3.\) So \[x\in D\Longleftrightarrow \left\{\begin{array}{ll} {\lambda_0}^2-{\lambda_1}^2-{\lambda_2}^2-{\lambda_3}^2=-1;\\ 2\lambda_0\lambda_1+(\alpha-\alpha')\lambda_2\lambda_3 =0;\\ 2\lambda_0\lambda_2+(\beta-\beta')\lambda_1\lambda_3=0; \\ 2\lambda_0\lambda_3+(\gamma-\gamma')\lambda_1\lambda_2=0, \end{array}\right.\] we obtain \(D\) by resolving the system and discussing on \((\alpha-\alpha')(\beta-\beta')(\gamma-\gamma')=0\) and \((\alpha-\alpha')(\beta-\beta')(\gamma-\gamma')\neq0\). ◻
Proposition 6. The group of automorphisms of algebra \(\mathbb{H}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \alpha', \beta', \gamma')\) contains two reflections which commute. Furthermore, the following two propositions are equivalent:
\(\mathbb{H}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \alpha', \beta', \gamma')\) is isomorphic to \(\mathbb{H}^{(\frac{\alpha+1}{2})}.\)
Proof. Proposition 4 shows that \(\mathbb{H}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \alpha', \beta', \gamma')\) contains two reflections which commute. ◻
Lemma 2. Let \(f\in Aut(\mathbb{H}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \alpha', \beta', \gamma'))\), we have
\(f(e_i)^2=-e\) for all \(i\in J_3\),
\(\left\{\begin{array}{ll} \gamma'f(e_1)f(e_2)+\gamma f(e_2)f(e_1)=0, \ \ \ \ \ E(3.1)\\ \beta f(e_1)f(e_3)+\beta' f(e_3)f(e_1)=0, \ \ \ \ \ E(3.2)\\ \alpha'f(e_2)f(e_3)+\alpha f(e_3)f(e_2)=0, \ \ \ \ \ E(3.3) \end{array}\right.\)
Lemma 3. Let \(f\in Aut(\mathbb{H}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \alpha', \beta', \gamma'))\), then \(f(V)\subseteq V.\)
Proof. The demonstration is reduced to the case \((\alpha-\alpha')(\beta-\beta')(\gamma-\gamma')\neq 0\) (Proposition 5, Lemma 2). We will show that \(\{f(e_1), f(e_2), f(e_3)\}\subseteq V\).
Let \(f(e_i)=\lambda_{0i}e+\lambda_{1i}e_1+\lambda_{2i}e_2+\lambda_{3i}e_3\) or \(i\in J_3.\) Now, \(f(e_2)f(e_3)\) and \(f(e_3)f(e_2)\) have the same component following \(e\), namely \(\lambda_{02}\lambda_{03}-\lambda_{12}\lambda_{13}-\lambda_{22}\lambda_{23}-\lambda_{23}\lambda_{33}:=\lambda\).
If \(f(e_1)\notin V\), since \(\alpha f(e_1)=f(e_2)f(e_3)\notin V\), then \(\lambda \neq 0\). E(3.3) shows that \(\alpha-\alpha'=0\) absurd. Therefore \(f(e_1)\in V\) it is the same for \(f(e_2)\) and \(f(e_3)\in V.\) ◻
Proposotion 7. We suppose that \((\alpha-\alpha')(\beta-\beta')(\gamma-\gamma')\neq 0\). Let \(f\in Aut(\mathbb{H}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \alpha', \beta', \gamma'))\). Then there exists a permutation \(\sigma\) of the set \(J_3\), which is not a transposition, and scalars \(\varepsilon_1,\) \(\varepsilon_2\in \{1,-1\}\) such that \(\Big(f(e_1), f(e_2), f(e_3)\Big)=\Big(\varepsilon_1e_{\sigma(1)}, \varepsilon_2e_{\sigma(2)}, \varepsilon_3e_{\sigma(3)} \Big)\). Furthermore, the following two are equivalent:
\(Aut(\mathbb{H}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \alpha', \beta', \gamma'))\) contains an element \(f\) which transitively permutes, \(\pm e_1\), \(\pm e_2\) and \(\pm e_3\).
\(\alpha=\beta=\gamma \neq \alpha'=\beta'=\gamma'\).
Proposotion 8. We have
\(V_e=\left\{\begin{array}{ll} \{\pm e_1, \pm e_2, \pm e_3 \}, \ \ \ if \ \ (\alpha-\alpha')(\beta-\beta')(\gamma-\gamma')\neq 0,\\ \{\pm e_1\}\cup V_{23}, \ \ \ \ if \ \ \alpha=\alpha' \ and \ (\beta-\beta')(\gamma-\gamma')\neq 0, \\ V_{13}\cup V_{23}, \ \ \ \ if \ \ (\alpha,\beta)=(\alpha',\beta') \ and \ \gamma \neq \gamma',\\ \{\lambda e_1+\mu e_2+\nu e_3; \lambda^2+\mu^2+\nu^2=1\}\ \ \ \ if \ \ (\alpha, \beta, \gamma)=(\alpha', \beta', \gamma'). \end{array}\right.\)
Corollary 4. For \(A:=\mathbb{H}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \alpha', \beta', \gamma')\), we have
Case 1: \((\alpha-\alpha')(\beta-\beta')(\gamma-\gamma')\neq
Aut(A) is isomorphic to
\(\alpha=\beta=\gamma\) nd
Case 2: \((\alpha-\alpha')(\beta-\beta')(\gamma-\gamma')=0\), \(Aut(A)\) is isomorphic to \(\mathbb{Z}_2\times\mathbb{Z}_2\)
Case 3: \((\alpha,\beta,\gamma)=(\alpha',\beta',\gamma')\)
\(\alpha\neq \beta \neq \gamma \)
\(\mathbb{Z}_2\times \mathbb{Z}_2\)
\(\alpha=\beta, \beta\neq\gamma\)
Proposotion 9. Let \(A\) be a division algebra of eight-dimensional, the following statements are equivalent,
\(Aut(A)\) contains two distinct reflections which commute.
\(Aut(A)\) contains a subgroup isomorphic to the Klein’s group \(\mathbb{Z}_2\times \mathbb{Z}_2\).
There are vector subspaces \(X\), \(Y,\) \(Z\)
and \(T\) of two-dimensional, for which
the multiplication of \(A\) is given
Proof. \((1)\Longrightarrow (2)\) This is true according to Proposition 4.
\((2)\Longrightarrow (3)\) The group \(Aut(A)\) contains two distinct reflections \(f\) and \(g\) which commute. Then there is a basis \(\{e, e_1, e_2, e_3, e_4, e_5, e_6, e_7\}\) consisting of eigenvectors common to \(f\) and \(g\) where \(E_1(f)=Lin\{e, e_1, e_2, e_3\}\) and \(E_{-1}(f)=Lin\{e_4, e_5, e_6, e_7\}\). As \(f\neq g\) the subalgebras \(E_1(f)\), \(E_1(g)\) of dimension \(4\), cannot coincide. Consequently the subalgebra \(X:=E_1(f)\cap E_1(g)\), is of dimension \(\leq 2.\)
Moreover the subalgebra \(X\) cannot be reduced to \(\mathbb{R}e.\) Otherwise the vector subspace \(Lin\{e_1,e_2, e_3\}:=E\) of \(E_1(f)\), would be contained in \(E_{-1}(g)\) and we would have \(E^2\subset E_1(f)^2 \cap E_{-1}(g)^2= E_1(f)\cap E_1(g)=\mathbb{R}e\) nonsense because, \(e_1\), \(e_2\) \(e_3\in E\) then \(e_1e_2, e_1e_3\in E^2\subset \mathbb{R}e\) so there exist \(\alpha, \beta \in \mathbb{R}\) nonzero, such that \(e_1.e_2=\alpha e\) and \(e_1e_3=\beta e\). We have \(e_1.(\beta e_2-\alpha e_3)=0\Longrightarrow \beta e_2-\alpha e_3=0\), as \(A\) is of division so \(\beta e_2=\alpha e_3\) contradicting the fact that \(e_2\) and \(e_3\) are linearly independent. So \(X\) is of dimension 2.
If for example \(X=Lin\{e, e_1\}\) we can state that \(E_1(g)=Lin\{e, e_1, e_4, e_5\}\) and \(E_{-1}(g)=Lin\{e_2, e_3, e_6, e_7\}\), we then obtain the following sub-vector spaces of dimension \(2\).
\(Y:=E_1(f)\cap E_{-1}(g)=Lin\{e_2,
\(Z:=E_1(g)\cap E_{-1}(f)=Lin\{e_4,
\(T:=E_{-1}(f)\cap E_{-1}(g)=Lin\{e_6,
It is easy to show that the multiplication of \(A\) is done according to (3).
\((3)\Longrightarrow (1)\) The vector space \(A\) decomposes into a direct sum of the subspaces vector espaces \(X\), \(Y\), \(Z\), \(T\) and the two endomorphisms \(f, g: A:=X\oplus Y\oplus Z\oplus T\rightarrow X\oplus Y\oplus Z\oplus T\) defined by, for all \(u=x+y+z+t\in X\oplus Y\oplus Z\oplus T\) we have \(f(u)= x+y-z-t\) and \(g(u)= x-y+z-t\). They are distinct reflections, which commute. Thus the subgroup of \(Aut(A)\) generated by \(f\) and \(g\) is isomorphic to \(\mathbb{Z}_2\times \mathbb{Z}_2\). ◻
Example 1. Let \(A\) be a division algebra of eight-dimensional whose product in the base \(B=\{e, u_1, \ldots, u_7\}\) is given by,
. | e | \(u_1\) | \(u_2\) | \(u_3\) | \(u_4\) | \(u_5\) | \(u_6\) | \(u_7\) |
e | e | \(u_1\) | \(u_2\) | \(u_3\) | \(u_4\) | \(u_5\) | \(u_6\) | \(u_7\) |
\(u_1\) | \(u_1\) | \(-e\) | \(\gamma u_3\) | \(-\beta’ u_2\) | \(\delta u_5\) | \(-\eta’u_4\) | \(\lambda u_7\) | \(-\mu’u_6\) |
\(u_2\) | \(u_2\) | \(-\gamma’u_3\) | \(-e\) | \(\alpha u_1\) | \(\sigma u_6\) | \(\eta u_7\) | \(-\rho’u_4\) | \(-\xi’u_5\) |
\(u_3\) | \(u_3\) | \(-\beta u_2\) | \(-\alpha’u_1\) | \(-e\) | \(\psi u_7\) | \(-\rho u_6\) | \(\tau u_5\) | \(-\chi’u_4\) |
\(u_4\) | \(u_4\) | \(-\delta’u_5\) | \(\eta u_6\) | \(-\tau’u_7\) | \(-e\) | \(\beta’u_1\) | \(-\xi u_2\) | \(\chi u_3\) |
\(u_5\) | \(u_5\) | \(-\lambda’u_7\) | \(\mu u_6\) | \(\rho’u_4\) | \(-\beta u_1\) | \(-e\) | \(\alpha’u_3\) | \(\delta’u_2\) |
\(u_6\) | \(u_6\) | \(\psi’u_7\) | \(\lambda u_5\) | \(\chi’u_4\) | \(\rho u_3\) | \(-\alpha u_2\) | \(-e\) | \(\gamma’u_1\) |
\(u_7\) | \(u_7\) | \(\xi’u_5\) | \(\mu’ u_6\) | \(\delta u_4\) | \(\chi’u_3\) | \(\tau’u_2\) | \(\eta’u_1\) | \(-e\) |
Let \(x=x_0e+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{7}x_iu_i\in A\), the endomorphisms \(f: A\longrightarrow A\) and \(g: A\longrightarrow A\) defined by \(f(x)=x_0e+x_1u_1-x_2u_2-x_3u_3+x_4u_4+x_5u_5-x_6u_6-x_7u_7\) and \(g(x)=x_0e+x_1u_1+x_2u_2+x_3u_3-x_4u_4-x_5u_5-x_6u_6-x_7u_7\) are automorphisms of \(A\) which commute. Thus \(Aut(A)\) contains a subgroup isomorphic to the Klein’s group \(\mathbb{Z}_2\times \mathbb{Z}_2\).
1970-2025 CP (Manitoba, Canada) unless otherwise stated.