\(e\)-Injective Coloring: \(2\)-Distance and Injective Coloring Conjectures

Shahrzad. S. Mirdamad1, Doost Ali Mojdeh1
1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran


An injective coloring of a given graph \(G = (V, E)\) is a vertex coloring of \(G\) such that any two vertices with a common neighbor receive distinct colors. An \(e\)-injective coloring of a graph \(G\) is a vertex coloring of \(G\) in which any two vertices \(v, u\) with a common edge \(e\) (\(e \neq uv\)) receive distinct colors; in other words, any two end vertices of a path \(P_4\) in \(G\) achieve different colors. With this new definition, we want to take a review of injective coloring of a graph from the new point of view. For this purpose, we review the conjectures raised so far in the literature of injective coloring and \(2\)-distance coloring, from the new approach of \(e\)-injective coloring. Additionally, we prove that, for disjoint graphs \(G, H\), with \(E(G) \neq \emptyset\) and \(E(H) \neq \emptyset\), \(\chi_{ei}(G \cup H) = \max\{\chi_{ei}(G), \chi_{ei}(H)\}\) and \(\chi_{ei}(G \vee H) = |V(G)| + |V(H)|.\) The \(e\)-injective chromatic number of \(G\) versus the maximum degree and packing number of \(G\) is investigated, and we denote \(\max\{\chi_{ei}(G), \chi_{ei}(H)\} \leq \chi_{ei}(G \square H) \leq \chi_{2}(G)\chi_{2}(H).\) Finally, we prove that, for any tree \(T\) (\(T\) is not a star), \(\chi_{ei}(T) = \chi(T),\) and we obtain the exact value of the \(e\)-injective chromatic number for some specified graphs.

Keywords: Injective coloring conjecture, \(2\)-distance coloring conjecture, \(e\)-injective coloring