On the Ramsey numbers \(r(S_n, K_6-3K_2)\)

Roland Lortz1, Ingrid Mengersen2
1Technische Universitat Braunschweig Institut Computational Mathematics AG Algebra und Diskrete Mathematik 38092 Braunschweig, Germany
2Moorhüttenweg 2d 38104 Braunschweig, Germany


For every connected graph \(F\) with \(n\) vertices and every graph \(G\) with chromatic surplus \(s(G)\leq n\), the Ramsey number \(r(F,G)\) satisfies \(
r(F,G) \geq (n-1)(\chi(G)-1) + s(G), \) where \(\chi(G)\) denotes the chromatic number of \(G\). If this lower bound is attained, then \(F\) is called \(G\)-good. For all connected graphs \(G\) with at most six vertices and \(\chi(G) \geq 4\), every tree \(T_n\) of order \(n\geq 5\) is \(G\)-good. In case of \(\chi(G) = 3\) and \(G \neq K_6-3K_2\), every non-star tree \(T_n\) is \(G\)-good except for some small \(n\), whereas \(r(S_n,G)\) for the star \(S_n = K_{1,n-1}\) in a few cases differs by at most 2 from the lower bound. In this note, we prove that the values of \(r(S_n,K_6-3K_2)\) are considerably larger for sufficiently large \(n\). Furthermore, exact values of \(r(S_n,K_6-3K_2)\) are obtained for small \(n\).

Keywords: Ramsey number, Ramsey goodness, star, small graph