Volume 90, (2013)

Research Article

Down-linking \((K_{v},\Gamma)\)-designs to \(P_{3}\)-designs

Benini, A.; Giuzzi, L.; Pasotti, A.

Util. Math. 90, 3-21 (2013).

Research Article

The harmonic index for bicyclic graphs

Zhong, Lingping; Xu, Kexiang

Util. Math. 90, 23-32 (2013).

Research Article

The full metamorphosis of λ-fold black designs with block size four into λ-fold kite systems

Küçükçifçi, Selda; Smith, Benjamin R.; Yazıcı, Emine Şule

Util. Math. 90, 33-60 (2013).

Research Article

Labeling of chordal rings

Javaid, Imran; Ismail, Abida; Salman, Muhammad

Util. Math. 90, 61-75 (2013).

Research Article

Edge-colorings of \(K_{m,n}\) which forbid multicolored cycles

Fu, Hung-Lin; Lo, Yuan-Hsun; Pei, Ryo-Yu

Util. Math. 90, 77-84 (2013).

Research Article

Classes of convex polytopes with constant metric dimension

Imran, Muhammad; Baig, A. Q.; Shafiq, M. K.; Semaničová-Feňovčíková, Andrea

Util. Math. 90, 85-99 (2013).

Research Article

Detour index of bicyclic graphs

Qi, Xuli

Util. Math. 90, 101-113 (2013).

Research Article

Multiplicate inversions and identities of terminating hypergeometric series

Chen, Xiaojing; Chu, Wenchang

Util. Math. 90, 115-133 (2013).

Research Article

On d-divisible \(\alpha\)-labelings of \(C_{4k}\times P_{m}\)

Pasotti, Anita

Util. Math. 90, 135-148 (2013).

Research Article

Extremal degree distance of bicyclic graphs

Chen, Shubo; Liu, Weijun; Xia, Fangli

Util. Math. 90, 149-169 (2013).

Research Article

Derivations on semiprime Γ-rings

Khan, Abdul Rauf Khan; Javaid, Imran; Chaudhry, Muhammad Anwar

Util. Math. 90, 171-185 (2013).

Research Article

Toughness and the existence of Hamiltonian [a,b]-factors of graphs

Zhou, Sizhong

Util. Math. 90, 187-197 (2013).

Research Article

The linear arboricity of planar graphs with maximum degree at least 7

Chen, Hong-Yu; Tan, Xiang; Wu, Jiang-Liang

Util. Math. 90, 199-218 (2013).

Research Article

Two-tough graphs and f-factors with given properties

Wang, Tao; Wu, Zefang; Yu, Quinling

Util. Math. 90, 219-237 (2013).

Research Article

On vertex irregular total labelings of cartesian products of two paths

Bokhary, Syed Ahtsham ul Haq; Ahmad, Ali; Imran, M.

Util. Math. 90, 239-249 (2013).

Research Article

Robust run order for uniform designs in simple linear regression with MA errors

Hsu, Hsiang-Ling; Lo Huang, Mong-Na; Chiou, Guo-Huai

Util. Math. 90, 251-267 (2013).

Research Article

Characterizations of k-traceable graphs and oriented graphs

van Aardt, Susan A.; Frick, Marietjie; Dunbar, Jean E.; Nielsen, Morten H.; Oellermann, Ortrud R.

Util. Math. 90, 269-281 (2013).

Research Article

Near perfect nonlinear functions

Wen, Bin; Yin, Jianxing; Shi, Ce

Util. Math. 90, 283-296 (2013).

Research Article

Signed 2-independence of Cartesian product of directed cycles and paths

Wang, Haichao; Kim, Hye Kyung

Util. Math. 90, 297-306 (2013).

Research Article

Fuzzy soft K-algebras

Akram, Muhammad; Alshehri, Noura Omair; Alghamdi, Rania Saeed

Util. Math. 90, 307-325 (2013).

Research Article

Edge disjoint Hamilton cycles in intersection graphs of bases of matroids

Zhang, Ying-hao; Yu, Qinglin Roger; Liu, Gui-zhen

Util. Math. 90, 327-334 (2013).

Research Article

Signed clique edge domination numbers of graphs

Hong, Xia; Feng, Wei; Xu, Chunlei; Jirimutu

Util. Math. 90, 335-343 (2013).

Research Article

The number of triangles in 2-factorizations of K2n minus a 1-factor

Meng, Xianchen; Zhang, Yan; Du, Beiliang

Util. Math. 90, 345-368 (2013).

Research Article

New results on path-decompositions and their down-links

Benini, A.; Giuzzi, L.; Pasotti, A.

Util. Math. 90, 369-382 (2013).

Research Article

Derivations involving centralizers

Ullah, Zafar; Javaid, Imran; Chaudhry, Muhammad Anwar

Util. Math. 90, 383-392 (2013).

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Call for papers

Special issue: Dynamical systems and differential equations in applied sciences
Guest editors: Renhai Wang, Mirelson Martins Freitas, Nguyen Huy Tuan
Submission deadline: 03 January 2026

Special Issues

The Combinatorial Press Editorial Office routinely extends invitations to scholars for the guest editing of Special Issues, focusing on topics of interest to the scientific community.