Volume 75, (2008)

Research Article


Farrell, Edward J.; Gargano, Michael L.; Quintas, Louis V.

Util. Math. 75, 3-12 (2008).

Research Article

A linear space algorithm for the heaviest common subsequence problem

Li, Rao

Util. Math. 75, 13-20 (2008).

Research Article

Families of regular graphs with constant metric dimension

Javaid, Imran; Tariq Rahim, M.; Ali, Kashif

Util. Math. 75, 21-33 (2008).

Research Article

The P3 intersection graph

Menon, Manju K.; Vijayakumar, A.

Util. Math. 75, 35-50 (2008).

Research Article

Combinatorial identities on binomial coefficients and harmonic numbers

Chu, Wenchang; Yan, Qinglun

Util. Math. 75, 51-66 (2008).

Research Article

Defining set spectra for designs can have arbitrarily large gaps

Havas, George; Lawrence, Julie L.; Ramsay, Colin; Street, Anne Penfold; Yazıcı, Emine Şule

Util. Math. 75, 67-81 (2008).

Research Article

Some further vertex Turán numbers for cube graphs

Harborth, Heiko; Nienborg, Hauke

Util. Math. 75, 83-87 (2008).

Research Article

Szeged index of TUC4C8(S) nanotube

Iranmanesh, A.; Pakravesh, Y.

Util. Math. 75, 89-96 (2008).

Research Article

Two combinatorial problems involving lottery schemes: characterising solution set structures

Burger, A. P.; Gründlingh, W. R.; van Vuuren, J. H.

Util. Math. 75, 97-124 (2008).

Research Article

On recognition property of some projective special linear groups by their element orders

Darafsheh, M. R.; Karamzadeh, N. S.

Util. Math. 75, 125-137 (2008).

Research Article

A study of total relative displacements of permutations in paths and cycles

Cheng, Kai-Chung; Fu, Hung-Lin; Chiang, Nam-Po; Tzeng, Chien-Kuo

Util. Math. 75, 139-157 (2008).

Research Article

Non-intersecting detours in strong oriented graphs

van Aardt, Susan; Semanišin, Gabriel

Util. Math. 75, 159-173 (2008).

Research Article

Pancyclism of 3-domination-critical graphs with small minimum degree

Shiu, W. C.; Zhang, Lian-zhu

Util. Math. 75, 175-192 (2008).

Research Article

Automated bounds on recursive structures

Goddard, Wayne

Util. Math. 75, 193-210 (2008).

Research Article

The crossing number of Knödel graph W3,n

Wenping, Zheng; Xiaohui, Lin; Yuansheng, Yang; Chengrui, Deng

Util. Math. 75, 211-224 (2008).

Research Article

Graphs with n−3 isomorphic vertex-deleted subgraphs and their reconstructibility

Ramachandran, S.; Monikandan, S.

Util. Math. 75, 225-248 (2008).

Research Article

Kronecker sum of binary orthogonal arrays

Sinha, K.; Vellaisamy, P.; Sinha, N.

Util. Math. 75, 249-257 (2008).

Research Article

More asymptotic formulas for the generalized Stirling numbers of the first kind

Vega, Mary Ann Ritzel P.; Corcino, Cristina B.

Util. Math. 75, 259-272 (2008).

Research Article

Optimal crossover designs under premature stopping

Bose, Mausumi; Bagchi, Sunanda

Util. Math. 75, 273-285 (2008).

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