Volume 117, (2020)

Research Article

Certain topological indices and polynomials for semitotal line graph and its line graph for dutch Windmill graph

Kanwal, Salma; Rauf, Asia; Malik, Shabnam; Sumbal, Tahira; Arshad, Misbah; Irfan, Rida; Manzoor, Ayesha

Util. Math. 117, 3-32 (2020).

Research Article

Eccentricity-based topological indices of three-layer \(\mathrm{TiO_2}\) nanotubes

Shaker, Hani; Nadeem, Imran; Imran, Muhammad

Util. Math. 117, 33-44 (2020).

Research Article

Proof of a conjecture on the complete split-like graphs

Das, Kinkar Chandra

Util. Math. 117, 45-52 (2020).

Research Article

Hyperwheel decompositions of \(λ\)-fold complete bipartite 3-uniform hypergraphs \(\lambda K^{(3)}_{n,n}\)

Zhao, Hongtao; Dong, Nannan

Util. Math. 117, 53-67 (2020).

Research Article

Hosoya and Harary polynomials of Zigzag and triangular Benzoid systems

Ali, Ashaq; Gao, Wei; Ahmad, Haseeb; Nazeer, Waqas

Util. Math. 117, 69-97 (2020).

Research Article

Distance spectrum and distance (signless) Laplacian spectrum of some subdivision graphs

Lu, Pengli; Liu, Wenzhi

Util. Math. 117, 99-106 (2020).

Research Article

On the 4-girth-thickness of the line graph of the complete graph

Rubio-Montiel, Christian

Util. Math. 117, 107-116 (2020).

Research Article

Cycles are the only connectivity double-critical graphs

Zhao, Yanhua

Util. Math. 117, 117-123 (2020).

Research Article

On total vertex-irregular labellings for several types of trees

Nurdin; Baskoro, E. T.; Salman, A. N. M.; Gaos, N. N.

Util. Math. 117, 125-138 (2020).

Research Article

A note on the modified Albertson index

Yousaf, Shamaila; Bhatti, Akhlaq Ahmad; Ali, Akbar

Util. Math. 117, 139-146 (2020).

Research Article

Heptavalent arc-transitive Cayley graphs on Frobenius groups with soluble vertex stabilizer

Liu, Hailin

Util. Math. 117, 147-157 (2020).

Research Article

Some bounds for the domination number of a class of graphs arising from rings

Chin, A. Y. M.; Kiani, S.; Maimani, H. R.; Pournaki, M. R.

Util. Math. 117, 159-168 (2020).

Research Article

A note on constructing small rotatable designs under first order response surface interference model

Varghese, Eldho; Kumar, Jitendra; Jaggi, Seema; Varghese, Cini; Bhowmik, Arpan

Util. Math. 117, 169-178 (2020).

Research Article

Domination in transformation graph \(G^{xy-}\)

Wang, Tao; Wu, Baoyindureng

Util. Math. 117, 179-187 (2020).

Research Article

On the potential number of \(K_{r+1}-E(H)\)

Li, Haiyan; Guo, Jin

Util. Math. 117, 189-200 (2020).

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