The slow motion of a viscous fluid generated by a cylinder moving in the presence of a fixed plane or another cylinder
Ranger, K. B.
Util. Math. 13, 3-26 (1978).
A note on combining two partially balanced incomplete block designs
Saha, G. M.
Util. Math. 13, 27-32 (1978).
Explicit singular value decompositions, spectral decompositions and inverses of some skew-symmetric matrices
Gower, J. C.; Laslett, G. M.
Util. Math. 13, 33-47 (1978).
A mixed theory of information. II: Additive inset entropies (of randomized systems of events) with measurable sum property
Aczél, János
Util. Math. 13, 49-54 (1978).
Manhattan trees
Hadlock, F.; Hoffman, F.
Util. Math. 13, 55-67 (1978).
Oscillation criteria of solutions of n-th order nonlinear functional differential inequalities
Chen, Lu-San; Yeh, Cheh-Chih
Util. Math. 13, 69-76 (1978).
An improved bound for equidistant permutation arrays of index one
Mullin, R. C.; Nemeth, E.
Util. Math. 13, 77-85 (1978).
On the damp nonoscillation in higher order retarded differential equations
Chen, Lu-San
Util. Math. 13, 87-98 (1978).
NP-completeness, puzzles and games
Robertsen, Edward; Munro, Ian
Util. Math. 13, 99-116 (1978).
On the extension of Hertz’s theory of elastic impact to viscoelasticity
Graham, G. A. C.
Util. Math. 13, 117-137 (1978).
When ar−br divides (a−b)s
Wilson, William H.
Util. Math. 13, 139-141 (1978).
Construction of PBIBD’s
Ralston, Tom
Util. Math. 13, 143-155 (1978).
Life cycle costing with a discount rate
Posner, Edward C.
Util. Math. 13, 157-188 (1978).
Intersection of blocks in a quasi-residual balanced incomplete block design
Majindar, K. N.
Util. Math. 13, 189-191 (1978).
Some constructions for equidistant permutation arrays of index one
Heinrich, Katherine; van Rees, G. H. J.
Util. Math. 13, 193-200 (1978).
Extensions of determinantal inequalities
Wang, Chung-Lie
Util. Math. 13, 201-210 (1978).
Oscillatory behaviour of solutions of a pair of second-order differential equations. II
Cheng, Sui-Sun
Util. Math. 13, 211-229 (1978).
An application of the canonical formalism of Rund to the problem of Plateau
Swart, J. H.
Util. Math. 13, 231-248 (1978).
Asymptotic estimates of sums of series using difference equations
Smith, A. C.
Util. Math. 13, 249-269 (1978).
The seven friezes and how to colour them
Macdonald, Sheila Oates; Street, Anne Penfold
Util. Math. 13, 271-292 (1978).
On the equation y2+k=x7
Blass, Josef; Steiner, Ray
Util. Math. 13, 293-297 (1978).
Remarks on latin squares with no subsquares of order two
Denniston, R. H. F.
Util. Math. 13, 299-302 (1978).
Non-existence of the Steiner system S(4,10,66)
Denniston, R. H. F.
Util. Math. 13, 303-309 (1978).
Two new nearly Kirkman triple systems
Brouwer, A. E.
Util. Math. 13, 311-314 (1978).
Locally Hamiltonian graphs without triangular embedding
Bouchet, Andre
Util. Math. 13, 315-317 (1978).