Directed coverings of pairs by quadruples
Skillicorn, David B.
Util. Math. 26, 5-10 (1984).
On D-optimal designs for completely nonlinear regression models
Singh, N.
Util. Math. 26, 11-15 (1984).
Impulse propagation in liquid filled distensible tubes: A two-dimensional analysis
Barclay, D. W.; Moodie, T. Bryant; Tait, R. J.
Util. Math. 26, 17-31 (1984).
The development of a time domain model for transients on lossy, distorting coaxial cables
Meek, D. S.
Util. Math. 26, 33-44 (1984).
Recursive constructions for resolvable and doubly resolvable 1-rotational Steiner 2-designs
Jimbo, Masakazu; Vanstone, Scott A.
Util. Math. 26, 45-61 (1984).
Multivariate filtered Poisson processes and applications to multivariate stochastic modelling of mutagenicity and carcinogenesis
Tan, W. Y.
Util. Math. 26, 63-78 (1984).
Incomplete block designs for the 24 factorial
John, Peter W. M.
Util. Math. 26, 79-88 (1984).
On first passage probability distributions in continuous time Markov processes
Tan, W. Y.
Util. Math. 26, 89-102 (1984).
On the parameters of a certain exceptional block design
Shrikhande, Mohan
Util. Math. 26, 103-108 (1984).
Minimum number of edges in P4-connected graphs
Usami, Yoko
Util. Math. 26, 109-169 (1984).
The convexity with respect to Gaussian distributions of divergences of order α
Burbea, Jacob
Util. Math. 26, 171-192 (1984).
Numerical inversion of a second kind singular Volterra equation – The thin section equation of stereology
Jakeman, A. J.
Util. Math. 26, 193-213 (1984).
Minimax and symmetric duality for non-linear mixed-integer programming problem
Mishra, B. K.; Das, C.
Util. Math. 26, 215-234 (1984).
A technique for obtaining nonisomorphic balanced incomplete block designs
Bhat-Nayak, Vasanti N.; Kane, V. D.
Util. Math. 26, 235-247 (1984).
An optimization theorem with applications in some mathematical programming problems
Bector, C. R.; Bhatia, B. L.
Util. Math. 26, 249-258 (1984).
A lower bound for number of treatments in a main effect plus one plan for 24 factorials
Gupta, B. C.; Carvazal, S. S. Ramirez
Util. Math. 26, 259-267 (1984).
Aires et surdiagonalités d’une famille de chemins. (Areas and supra- diagonalities of a family of paths)
Poupard, Y.
Util. Math. 26, 269-295 (1984).
On a fourth order boundary value problem
Agarwal, Ravi P.; Wilson, S. J.
Util. Math. 26, 297-310 (1984).
All directed GDDs with block size three, λ1=0, exist
Sarvate, D. G.
Util. Math. 26, 311-317 (1984).
On the norm of combining alias matrices of balanced fractional 2m factorial designs of resolution 2ℓ+1 derived from simple arrays
Kuwada, Masahide
Util. Math. 26, 327-337 (1984).
On the optimality of block designs under a mixed effects model
Bhattacharya, C. G.; Shah, K. R.
Util. Math. 26, 339-345 (1984).
A large set of optimal embedded Hadamard matrices
Kharaghani, H.
Util. Math. 26, 347-350 (1984).