On scalar concominants of tensor fields
Prélat, Daniel
Util. Math. 34, 3-12 (1988).
Kelvin wave generation by a finite barrier and depth discontinuities
Asghar, S.; Bismel, Farooq A.
Util. Math. 34, 13-23 (1988).
Labelings of two classes of convex polytopes
Bača, Martin
Util. Math. 34, 24-31 (1988).
Addendum to the paper: Further equireplicate variance-balanced designs with unequal block sizes
Jones, B.; Sinha, K.; Kageyama, S.
Util. Math. 34, 32 (1988).
Towards a general theory for the construction of designs with crossed blocking factors
Dean, A. M.; Lewis, S. M.
Util. Math. 34, 33-44 (1988).
Order constrained Chebyshev rational approximation
Lawson, J. D.; Lau, T. C.
Util. Math. 34, 45-52 (1988).
D-optimal designs for polynomial regression when lower degree parameters are more important
Lee, Carl M.-S.
Util. Math. 34, 53-63 (1988).
On the size of a solution of Legendre’s equation
Williams, Kenneth S.
Util. Math. 34, 65-72 (1988).
Latin squares and one-factorizations of complete graphs. II: Enumerating one-factorizations of the complete directed graph K∗n using MacMahon’s double partition idea
Dénes, J.; Keedwell, A. D.
Util. Math. 34, 73-83 (1988).
On pentagon systems with prescribed intersections
Fu, Chin-Mei
Util. Math. 34, 85-96 (1988).
Enumeration of simple planar maps
Liu, Yanpei
Util. Math. 34, 97-104 (1988).
Efficiency-consistency in non-equireplicate designs
Mukerjee, Rahul; Dean, A. M.
Util. Math. 34, 105-112 (1988).
Partial parallel classes in Steiner quadruple systems
Lo Faro, Giovanni
Util. Math. 34, 113-116 (1988).
Nearest neighbour designs for three or four treatments in rows and columns
Freeman, G. H.
Util. Math. 34, 117-130 (1988).
Balanced fractional 2m1 factorial designs of resolution 2l+1 when some effects concerning m2 factors are eliminated
Kuwada, Masahide
Util. Math. 34, 131-142 (1988).
Power product expansions
Gingold, H.; Gould, H. W.; Mays, Michael E.
Util. Math. 34, 143-161 (1988).
Some inequalities associated with a class of regular functions
Srivastava, H. M.; Owa, Shigeyoshi; Pashkouleva, Donka Z.
Util. Math. 34, 163-168 (1988).
Hadamard difference sets over an extension of Z/4Z
Yamamoto, Koichi; Yamada, Mieko
Util. Math. 34, 169-178 (1988).
Gray codes with optimized run lengths
Goddyn, Luis; Lawrence, George M.; Nemeth, Evi
Util. Math. 34, 179-192 (1988).
Optimality conditions and subgradient duality for minimax programming problems with applications
Zalmai, G. J.
Util. Math. 34, 193-222 (1988).