Decompostion of 2Km,n into short cycles
Chou, Chao-Chih; Fu, Chin-Mei; Huang, Wen-Chung
Util. Math. 58, 3-10 (2000).
The superposition of t treatments on a (t−1)×t Youden square design
Freeman, G. H.; Gongora-Aldaz, J. A.
Util. Math. 58, 11-32 (2000).
Orbits on cycles of automorphisms
Mendelsohn, Eric; Webb, Bridget S.
Util. Math. 58, 33-44 (2000).
New constructions of Lotto designs
Li, Pak Ching; Van Rees, G. H. John
Util. Math. 58, 45-64 (2000).
Designing tournaments with the aid of Latin squares: A presentation of old and new results
Keedwell, A. D.
Util. Math. 58, 65-85 (2000).
Star polynomials of some families of graphs with small cyclomatic numbers
Farrell, E. J.; de Matas, C. M.
Util. Math. 58, 87-96 (2000).
Pairwise balanced designs on 4s+1 points with longest block of cardinality 2s
Allston, J. L.; Grannell, M. J.; Griggs, T. S.; Stanton, R. G.
Util. Math. 58, 97-107 (2000).
On the large maximal {0,1,2,…,t}-cliques in Hamming graph H(n,q)
Choi, Sul-young
Util. Math. 58, 109-128 (2000).
A generalization of domination critical graphs
Phillips, James B.; Haynes, Teresa W.; Slater, Peter J.
Util. Math. 58, 129-144 (2000).
On the α-labeling number of bipartite graphs
El-Zanati, Saad; Vanden Eynden, Charles; Fu, Hung-Lin
Util. Math. 58, 145-152 (2000).
On constructions of optimal complete diallel crosses
Choi, Kuey Chung; Gupta, Sudhir
Util. Math. 58, 153-160 (2000).
Generalizations of the Josephus problem
Thériault, Nicolas
Util. Math. 58, 161-173 (2000).
A class of extended triple systems and numbers of common blocks
Huang, Wen-Chung
Util. Math. 58, 175-187 (2000).
On the number of partitions with a fixed largest part
Robbins, Neville
Util. Math. 58, 189-193 (2000).
Products of uniquely completable partial Latin squares
Bedford, David; Whitehouse, David
Util. Math. 58, 195-201 (2000).
On closure operators and the sieve formula
Dohmen, Klaus
Util. Math. 58, 203-207 (2000).
Pascal’s triangle and constructible polygons
Luca, Florian
Util. Math. 58, 209-214 (2000).
New methods of solving general constrained calculus of variations problems involving PDEs
Gregory, John; Pericak-Spector, Kathleen
Util. Math. 58, 215-224 (2000).
A generalization of Schröder quasigroups
Stojaković, Zoran; Tasić, Boža
Util. Math. 58, 225-235 (2000).
Consecutive-magic labeling of generalized Petersen graphs
Bača, Martin
Util. Math. 58, 237-241 (2000).
The number of nearly 4-regular planar maps
Cai, Junliang; Liu, Yanpei
Util. Math. 58, 243-254 (2000).