Volume 62, (2002)

Research Article

Frequency magic squares

Hicks, Kenneth; Laywine, Charles F.; Mullen, Gary L.

Util. Math. 62, 3-12 (2002).

Research Article

A survey on flow polynomial

Shahmohamad, Hossein

Util. Math. 62, 13-32 (2002).

Research Article

Locally balanced change-over designs

Anderson, Ian; Preece, D. A.

Util. Math. 62, 33-59 (2002).

Research Article

On the achromatic number of P(α,Kn), P(α,K1,n) and P(α,Km,n)

Mammana, Maria Flavia

Util. Math. 62, 61-70 (2002).

Research Article

Generalised independent minimum t-degree

Domke, G. S.; Markus, L. R.

Util. Math. 62, 71-81 (2002).

Research Article

Self-dual codes over Z4 and unimodular lattices using orthogonal designs

Georgiou, S.; Koukouvinos, C.

Util. Math. 62, 83-93 (2002).

Research Article

Analytic numerical solutions with a priori error bounds of initial value problems for the time dependent coefficient wave equation

Jódar, Lucas; Pérez, Jezabel

Util. Math. 62, 95-115 (2002).

Research Article

Face 2-colorable quadrilateral embeddings of complete bipartite graphs

Fu, Hung-Lin; Sun, I-Fan

Util. Math. 62, 117-129 (2002).

Research Article

On certain multiple integral inequalities related to Hermite-Hadamard inequality

Yang, Gou-Sheng; Tseng, Kuei-Lin

Util. Math. 62, 131-142 (2002).

Research Article

The A-optimal two-level fractional factorial resolution III saturated design with N=21 observations

Chadjiconstantinidis, Stathis; Sotirakoglou, Kiki

Util. Math. 62, 143-154 (2002).

Research Article

Bounds for the Randić index of catacondensed systems

Rada, Juan

Util. Math. 62, 155-162 (2002).

Research Article

Hilbert function of quadrics over finite fields

Ballico, E.; Cossidente, A.

Util. Math. 62, 163-168 (2002).

Research Article

On three-color partitions

Robbins, Neville

Util. Math. 62, 169-173 (2002).

Research Article

Vertex-magic total labelings of wheels and related graphs

MacDougall, J. A.; Miller, Mirka; Wallis, W. D.

Util. Math. 62, 175-183 (2002).

Research Article

Every tree with at most 34 vertices is prime

Pikhurko, Oleg

Util. Math. 62, 185-190 (2002).

Research Article

Harmonious graphs C2k∪C2j+1

Yang, YuanSheng; Lu, Weiming; Zeng, Qingshuang

Util. Math. 62, 191-198 (2002).

Research Article

On pseudocoloring of graphs

Yegnanarayanan, V.

Util. Math. 62, 199-216 (2002).

Research Article

Critical sets in direct product C3×Cn of back circulant Latin squares

Cao, Haitao; Du, Beiliang

Util. Math. 62, 217-236 (2002).

Research Article

The effect of missing data on Latin square designs

Mansson, Ralph A.; Prescott, Philip

Util. Math. 62, 237-253 (2002).

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Call for papers

Special issue: Dynamical systems and differential equations in applied sciences
Guest editors: Renhai Wang, Mirelson Martins Freitas, Nguyen Huy Tuan
Submission deadline: 03 January 2026

Special Issues

The Combinatorial Press Editorial Office routinely extends invitations to scholars for the guest editing of Special Issues, focusing on topics of interest to the scientific community.