The triangle intersection problem for K4−e designs
Billington, Elizabeth J.; Yazıcı, Emine Şule; Lindner, C. C.
Util. Math. 73, 3-21 (2007).
A note on lower bounds for maximum genus
Chen, Yichao; Liu, Yanpei
Util. Math. 73, 23-31 (2007).
The value of the Ramsey number R4(C4)
Sun, Yongqi; Yang, Yuansheng; Lin, Xiaohui; Zheng, Wenping
Util. Math. 73, 33-44 (2007).
Lower bounds on the vertex-connectivity of oriented graphs and bipartite oriented graphs
Volkmann, Lutz
Util. Math. 73, 45-54 (2007).
Pv-factorization of symmetric complete bipartite digraphs
Wang, Jian; Du, Beiliang
Util. Math. 73, 55-64 (2007).
Amicable sets of matrices and their applications in constructing orthogonal designs and self-dual codes
Georgiou, S.; Koukouvinos, C.
Util. Math. 73, 65-79 (2007).
On friendly index sets of total graphs of trees
Lee, Sin-Min; Ng, Ho Kuen
Util. Math. 73, 81-95 (2007).
On vertex-magic total labeling of some wheel related graphs
Rahim, M. Tariq; Tomescu, Ioan; Slamin
Util. Math. 73, 97-104 (2007).
On a class of recursive-based binomial coefficient identities involving harmonic numbers
Kirschenhofer, Peter; Larcombe, Peter J.
Util. Math. 73, 105-115 (2007).
Super edge-antimagic labelings of the path-like trees
Bača, M.; Lin, Yuqing; Muntaner-Batle, F. A.
Util. Math. 73, 117-128 (2007).
An asymptotic formula for the generalized Stirling numbers of the first kind
Vega, Mary Ann Ritzell P.; Corcino, Cristina B.
Util. Math. 73, 129-141 (2007).
The power and influence in some Youden squares and secret sharing
Fitina, Lakoa; Russell, Kenneth G.; Seberry, Jennifer
Util. Math. 73, 143-157 (2007).
More extreme problems for edge-regular graphs
Johnson, P. D. jun.; Myrvol, W.; Roblee, K. J.
Util. Math. 73, 159-168 (2007).
Every (2,r)-regular graph is regular
Khodkar, Abdollah; Leach, David; Robinson, David
Util. Math. 73, 169-172 (2007).
The dissimilarity characteristic theorem for k-supertrees and its application
Liang, Yangtin; Liu, Bolian
Util. Math. 73, 173-179 (2007).
On the reversing number of powers of directed Hamiltonian paths
Narayan, Darren A.
Util. Math. 73, 181-206 (2007).
An upper bound on the radius of a 3-edge-connected graph
Dankelmann, Peter; Mukwembi, Simon; Swart, Henda C.
Util. Math. 73, 207-215 (2007).
Independent separator graphs
McKee, Terry A.
Util. Math. 73, 217-224 (2007).
The existence of resolvable Mendelsohn designs RMD({4,s∗},v)
Qian, Yan; Du, Beiliang
Util. Math. 73, 225-237 (2007).
A-efficient block designs for symmetric parallel line assays
Srivastava, R.; Parsad, Rajender; Dey, Amitava; Gupta, V. K.
Util. Math. 73, 239-253 (2007).
Paired-domination of Cartesian products of graphs
Brešar, Boštjan; Henning, Michael A.; Rall, Douglas F.
Util. Math. 73, 255-265 (2007).
Several symmetric transformations form q-Chu-Vandermonde summation
Zhang, Zhizheng
Util. Math. 73, 267-277 (2007).
The least possible diameter for Cn+3e
Yang, Yuansheng; Zhao, Chengye; Li, Bingxi; Xu, Feng
Util. Math. 73, 279-284 (2007).