Volume 79, (2009)

Research Article

The sum \(16^n\sum^{2n}_{k=0}4^k{\tfrac12\choose k}{-\tfrac12\choose k}{-2k\choose 2n-k}\): a proof of its closed form

Larcombe, Peter J.; Larsen, Mogens E.

Util. Math. 79, 3-7 (2009).

Research Article

The sum \(16^n\sum^{2n}_{k=0}4^k{\tfrac12\choose k}{-\tfrac12\choose k}{-2k\choose 2n-k}\): a computer assisted proof of its closed form, and some generalised results

Koepf, Wolfram A.; Larcombe, Peter J.

Util. Math. 79, 9-15 (2009).

Research Article

The minimal closed geodetic numbers of graphs

Aniversario, Imelda S.; Jamil, Ferdinand P.

Util. Math. 79, 17-29 (2009).

Research Article

Explicit formulas for the determinants of Toeplitz matrices

Withers, Christopher S.; Nadarajah, Saralees

Util. Math. 79, 31-49 (2009).

Research Article

A new Turan number for quadrilateral

Shao, Zehui; Xu, Jin; Xu, Xiaodong

Util. Math. 79, 51-58 (2009).

Research Article

Majorization and applications to block designs

Thomas, Seemon; Thannippara, Alex

Util. Math. 79, 59-69 (2009).

Research Article

Planar oriented graphs of diameter two

Bau, S.; Dankelmann, P.; Henning, Michael A.

Util. Math. 79, 71-80 (2009).

Research Article

Connected \(p\)-domination in graphs

Volkmann, Lutz

Util. Math. 79, 81-90 (2009).

Research Article

Bounds for the geodetic number of the Cartesian product of graphs

Cagaanan, Gilbert B.; Canoy, Sergio R. jun.

Util. Math. 79, 91-98 (2009).

Research Article

Embedding 4-cycle systems into octagon triple systems

Billington, Elizabeth J.; Küçükçifçi, Selda; Yazıcı, Emine Şule; Lindner, Curt

Util. Math. 79, 99-106 (2009).

Research Article

Feedback vertex set of generalized de Bruijn digraphs \(GB(d,n)\)

Xirong, Xu; Yang, Yuansheng; Di, Ming

Util. Math. 79, 107-124 (2009).

Research Article

On the crossing number of some complete multipartite graphs

Ho, Pak Tung

Util. Math. 79, 125-143 (2009).

Research Article

New combinatorial versions of Göllnitz-Gordon identities

Agarwal, A. K.; Rana, M

Util. Math. 79, 145-155 (2009).

Research Article

Embedding of \(E_{2}\)-designs into 4-cycle systems

Munda, Maria Adelaide

Util. Math. 79, 157-166 (2009).

Research Article

Detour saturated oriented graphs

van Aardt, Susan A.; Frick, Marietjie; Dunbar, Jean E.; Oellermann, Ortrud

Util. Math. 79, 167-180 (2009).

Research Article

Edge magic labeling of graphs

Manickam, K.; Marudai, M.

Util. Math. 79, 181-187 (2009).

Research Article

The \(k\)-domination number and bounds for the Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs

Li, Rao

Util. Math. 79, 189-192 (2009).

Research Article

Antimagic labeling of disjoint union of \(s\)-crowns

Bača, Martin; Dafik; Miller, Mirka; Ryan, Joe

Util. Math. 79, 193-205 (2009).

Research Article

Existence of \(Z\)-cyclic \(DTWh(p)\) and \(Z\)-cyclic \(OTWh(p)\), for primes \(p≡17(mod32)\)

Finizio, Norman J.

Util. Math. 79, 207-219 (2009).

Research Article

Butterfly factorizations of \(K_{8}\)

Stanton, R. G.; Kocay, W. L.

Util. Math. 79, 221-225 (2009).

Research Article

On extreme tournaments for two types of generalized exponents

Ye, Xuemei

Util. Math. 79, 227-241 (2009).

Research Article

On super edge-magic total labeling of banana trees

Hussain, M.; Baskoro, E. T.; Slamin

Util. Math. 79, 243-251 (2009).

Research Article

\(28\leq R(C_4,C_4,C_3,C_3)\leq 36\)

Xiaodong, Xu; Radziszowski, Stanisław

Util. Math. 79, 253-257 (2009).

Research Article

Recounting some reciprodal Fibonacci number relations

Shattuck, Mark

Util. Math. 79, 259-265 (2009).

Research Article

Locally rainbow graphs

Omoomi, Behnaz; Pourmiri, Ali

Util. Math. 79, 267-275 (2009).

Research Article

On the non-existence of some Steiner \(t-(v,k)\) trades of certain volumes

Asgari, Mehri; Soltankhah, Nasrin

Util. Math. 79, 277-283 (2009).

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Special issue: Dynamical systems and differential equations in applied sciences
Guest editors: Renhai Wang, Mirelson Martins Freitas, Nguyen Huy Tuan
Submission deadline: 03 January 2026

Special Issues

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