Volume 83, (2010)

Research Article

New theory and results from an algebraic application of Householder root finding schemes

Clapperton, James A.; Larcombe, Peter J.; Fennessey, Eric J.

Util. Math. 83, 3-36 (2010).

Research Article

Efficient computation of truncated power series: direct approach versus Newton’s method

Koepf, Wolfram

Util. Math. 83, 37-55 (2010).

Research Article

On the lower bound of vertex connectivity of semiregular cages

Balbuena, C.; González-Moreno, D.; Lin, Y.; Marcote, X.

Util. Math. 83, 57-68 (2010).

Research Article

Periodicity of max difference equations

Stević, Stevo

Util. Math. 83, 69-71 (2010).

Research Article

On \((a,d)\)-vertex-antimagic total labeling of Harary graphs

Hussain, M.; Ali, Kashif; Rahim, M. T.; Baskoro, Edy Tri

Util. Math. 83, 73-80 (2010).

Research Article

Graceful labelling of some 3-distant trees

Panigrahi, Pratima

Util. Math. 83, 81-93 (2010).

Research Article

On the prime labeling of generalized Petersen graph \(P(n,1)\)

Haque, Kh. Md. Mominul; Xiaohui, Lin; Yuansheng, Yang; Zhao, Ping; zhong

Util. Math. 83, 95-106 (2010).

Research Article

Maximal independent sets in graphs with cyclomatic number at most two

Li, Shuchao; Jing, Wei

Util. Math. 83, 107-120 (2010).

Research Article

The resolving graph of amalgamation of cycles

Iswadi, H.; Baskoro, E. T.; Salmon, A. N. M.; Simanjuntak, R.

Util. Math. 83, 121-132 (2010).

Research Article

Multivariate Bell polynomials, series, chain rules, moments and inversion

Withers, Christopher S.; Nadarajah, Saralees

Util. Math. 83, 133-140 (2010).

Research Article

On the irregularity of trees and unicyclic graphs with given matching number

Luo, Wei; Zhou, Bo

Util. Math. 83, 141-147 (2010).

Research Article

Enclosings of \(\gamma\)-fold triple systems

Newman, N. A.; Rodger, C. A.

Util. Math. 83, 149-158 (2010).

Research Article

Matching and factor-critical property in 3-domination-critical graphs

Wang, Tao; Yu, Qinglin

Util. Math. 83, 159-170 (2010).

Research Article

Bounds on the forcing domination number of graphs

Karami, H.; Sheikholeslami, S. M.; Toomanian, M.

Util. Math. 83, 171-178 (2010).

Research Article

Significant differences between path partitions in directed and undirected graphs

Whitehead, Carol; Frick, Marietjie; van Aardt, Susan

Util. Math. 83, 179-185 (2010).

Research Article

Fault-tolerant metric and partition dimension of graphs

Chaudhry, Muhammad Anwar; Javaid, Imran; Salman, Muhammad

Util. Math. 83, 187-199 (2010).

Research Article

Piecewise algebraic curves and four-color theorem

Gong, Dian-Xuan; Wang, Ren-Hong

Util. Math. 83, 201-210 (2010).

Research Article

Embedding of a \(\mu\)-fold \(P_{3}\)-design into a \(\gamma\)-fold triple system

Ragusa, Giorgio

Util. Math. 83, 211-218 (2010).

Research Article

Edge-colorings of Kn which forbid rainbow cycles

Gouge, Adam; Hoffman, Dean; Johnson, Peter; Nunley, Laura; Paben, Luke

Util. Math. 83, 219-232 (2010).

Research Article

A characterization of trees with unique minimum double dominating sets

Chellali, Mustapha; Haynes, Teresa W.

Util. Math. 83, 233-242 (2010).

Research Article

Summation of reciprocals related to quadruple product of generalized Fibonacci sequences

Xi, Gaowen

Util. Math. 83, 243-253 (2010).

Research Article

Signed majority edge domination in graphs

Xing, Hua-Ming; Liu, Aiping; Huang, Zhong-Sheng

Util. Math. 83, 255-264 (2010).

Research Article

The signless Laplacian spectral radius of graphs with given diameter

Feng, Li-Hua; Yu, Gui-Hai

Util. Math. 83, 265-276 (2010).

Research Article

On total vertex-irregular labellings for several types of trees

Nurdin; Baskoro, E. T.; Salman, A. N. M.; Gaos, N. N.

Util. Math. 83, 277-290 (2010).

Research Article

Identities involving harmonic numbers that are of interest for physicist

Prodinger, Helmut

Util. Math. 83, 291-299 (2010).

Research Article

Norm of an integral-type operator from Dirichlet to Bloch space on the unit disk

Stević, Stevo

Util. Math. 83, 301-303 (2010).

Research Article

A note on Roman domination in graphs

Rad, Nader Jafari

Util. Math. 83, 305-312 (2010).

Research Article

Total domination in the Cartesian product of a graph and \(K_{2}\) or \(C_{n}\)
Lu, You; Hou, Xinmin

Util. Math. 83, 313-322 (2010).

Research Article

On super edge-magic total labelings of a forest of banana trees

Ahmad, Ali; Ali, Kashif; Baskoro, E. T.

Util. Math. 83, 323-332 (2010).

Research Article

On H-supermagic labelings for certain shackles and amalgamations of a connected graph

Maryati, T. K.; Salman, A. N. M.; Baskoro, E. T.; Ryan, J.; Miller, M.

Util. Math. 83, 333-342 (2010).

Research Article

The smallest houses of reciprocal algebraic integers

Fang, Yunfei; Li, Meixia; Wu, Qiang

Util. Math. 83, 343-351 (2010).

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