Magic labelings of graphs
Göbel, F.; Hoede, C.
Ars Comb. 51, 3-19 (1999).
On the bipartition numbers of random trees, II
Meir, A.; Moon, J. W.
Ars Comb. 51, 21-31 (1999).
The nonexistence of quaternary linear codes with parameters \([243,5,181], [248,5,185] and [240,5,179]\)
Hamada, Noboru
Ars Comb. 51, 33-47 (1999).
Some new infinite series of Freeman-Youden rectangles
Vowden, B. J.; Preece, D. A.
Ars Comb. 51, 49-63 (1999).
Pushing vertices and orienting edges
Klostermeyer, William F.
Ars Comb. 51, 65-75 (1999).
Finite abelian groups with the \(m\)-DCI property
Li, Cai Heng
Ars Comb. 51, 77-88 (1999).
Radius of \((2k−1)\)-connected graphs
Egawa, Yoshimi; Inoue, Katsumi
Ars Comb. 51, 89-95 (1999).
What is the size of the smallest Latin square for which a weakly completable critical set of cells exists
Keedwell, A. D.
Ars Comb. 51, 97-104 (1999).
Decomposition of multigraphs into isomorphic graphs with two edges
Ivančo, J.; Meszka, M.; Skupień, Z.
Ars Comb. 51, 105-112 (1999).
Bipartite graphs with balanced \((a,b)\)-partitions
Handa, Keiichi
Ars Comb. 51, 113-119 (1999).
An inequality characterizing chordal graphs
McKee, Terry A.
Ars Comb. 51, 121-127 (1999).
The concept of diameter in exponents of symmetric primitive graphs
Neufeld, Stewart W.
Ars Comb. 51, 129-142 (1999).
Hamilton decompositions of block-intersection graphs of Steiner triple systems
Pike, David A.
Ars Comb. 51, 143-148 (1999).
A comparison of some conditions for non-hamiltonicity of graphs
Hoede, Cornelis
Ars Comb. 51, 149-159 (1999).
Double Youden rectangles of sizes \(p\times (2p+1)\) and \((p+1)\times (2p+1)\)
Preece, D. A.; Vowden, B. J.; Phillips, N. C. K.
Ars Comb. 51, 161-171 (1999).
On the inequality \(dk(G)≤k(G)+1\)
Kim, Suh-Ryung
Ars Comb. 51, 173-182 (1999).
Another equivalent of the graceful tree conjecture
Broersma, H. J.; Hoede, C.
Ars Comb. 51, 183-192 (1999).
The extremal question for cycles with chords
Ali, Ali A.; Staton, William
Ars Comb. 51, 193-197 (1999).
A note on hamiltonian cycles in \(K_{1}\),\(r\)-free graphs
Li, Rao
Ars Comb. 51, 199-203 (1999).
Balanced ternary designs from any \((v,b,r,k)\) design
Kherwa, Ram G.; Prasad, Jagdish; Bhagwandas
Ars Comb. 51, 205-210 (1999).
Maximal trades
Khosrovshahi, G. B.; Torabi, R.
Ars Comb. 51, 211-223 (1999).
A note on the cycle structures of automorphisms of \(2-(v,k,1)\) designs
Metsch, Klaus; Webb, Bridget S.
Ars Comb. 51, 224-228 (1999).
Generalized exponents of primitive, nearly reducible matrices
Liu, Bolian
Ars Comb. 51, 229-239 (1999).
Permutation graphs and Petersen graph
Goldwasser, John L.; Zhang, Cun-Quan
Ars Comb. 51, 240-248 (1999).
Completely strong path-connectivity of local tournaments
Hua, Bu Yue; Min, Zhang Ke
Ars Comb. 51, 249-268 (1999).
Some results on packing graphs in their complements
Gangopadhyay, T.
Ars Comb. 51, 269-286 (1999).
On complementary consecutive labelings of octahedron
Anjing, Qu
Ars Comb. 51, 287-294 (1999).
A characterization of uniquely 2-list colorable graphs
Mahdian, M.; Mahmoodian, E. S.
Ars Comb. 51, 295-305 (1999).
Some new large sets of \(KTS(v)\)
Yanxun, Chang; Ge, Gennian
Ars Comb. 51, 306-312 (1999).
New simple 3-designs on 26 and 28 points
Bluskov, Iliya
Ars Comb. 51, 313-318 (1999).