Small Steiner triple systems and their properties
Mathon, R. A.; Phelps, K. T.; Rosa, A.
Ars Comb. 15, 3-110 (1983).
Chromatic polynomials of a family of graphs
Chao, Chong-Yun; Zhao, Lian-Chang
Ars Comb. 15, 111-129 (1983).
Hamiltonian-like indices of graphs
Clark, L. H.; Wormald, N. C.
Ars Comb. 15, 131-148 (1983).
The problem of the hospitable golfers
Wallis, W. D.
Ars Comb. 15, 149-152 (1983).
Construction of pandiagonal magic squares from circulant pandiagonal matrices
Proskurowski, Wlodzimierz; Proskurowski, Andrzej
Ars Comb. 15, 153-162 (1983).
Ramsey numbers involving powers of sparse graphs
Burr, Stefan A.
Ars Comb. 15, 163-168 (1983).
Medians and distance sequences in graphs
Miller, Zevi
Ars Comb. 15, 169-177 (1983).
Some results on t-wise balanced designs
Kramer, Earl S.
Ars Comb. 15, 179-192 (1983).
Scheduling designs for a league tournament
Straley, Tina H.
Ars Comb. 15, 193-200 (1983).
On clique covering numbers of regular graphs
Caccetta, Louis; Pullman, Norman J.
Ars Comb. 15, 201-230 (1983).
On Cayley graph isomorphisms
Godsil, C. D.
Ars Comb. 15, 231-246 (1983).
Intersection properties of families containing sets of nearly the same size
Erdős, Paul; Silverman, R.; Stein, A.
Ars Comb. 15, 247-259 (1983).
Directing triple systems
Colbourn, Charles J.; Harms, Janelle J.
Ars Comb. 15, 261-266 (1983).
Variation on a partition theorem of Schur
Bressoud, D. M.
Ars Comb. 15, 267-273 (1983).
Isotone interval relations in linearly ordered sets
Simeone, B.
Ars Comb. 15, 275-278 (1983).
An inclusion-exclusion transform
Buttsworth, R. N.
Ars Comb. 15, 279-300 (1983).
On the block intersection problem for Steiner quadruple systems
Gionfriddo, Mario
Ars Comb. 15, 301-314 (1983).
A resolvable solution of BIBD (18,51,17,6,5)
Kageyama, Sanpei
Ars Comb. 15, 315-316 (1983).