The Eleventh International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications
July 5 – July 9, 2004
Technical University Carolo-Wilhelmina
Braunschweig, Germany
Representations using negatively subscripted Fibonacci and Tribonacci numbers with applications
Anderson, Peter G.; Bicknell-Johnson, Marjorie
Congr. Numer. 194, 23-38 (2009).
A weak generalization of ordinary Lucas sequences involving the sequence {AN+BN+CN}N≥0
Ballot, Christian
Congr. Numer. 194, 39-44 (2009).
Recounting the sums of cubes of Fibonacci numbers
Benjamin, Arthur T.; Carnes, Timothy A.; Cloitre, Benoit
Congr. Numer. 194, 45-51 (2009).
When does FLm divide Fn? A combinatorial solution
Benjamin, Arthur T.; Rouse, Jeremy A.
Congr. Numer. 194, 53-58 (2009).
Bounds for second order recurrences in terms of maximal products over integer partitions
Berenhaut, Kenneth S.; Morton, Daniel C.; Fan, Ying Wai
Congr. Numer. 194, 59-66 (2009).
A new characterization of the Fibonacci word
Berthé, V.; Brlek, S.; Choquette, P.
Congr. Numer. 194, 67-76 (2009).
Sums of consecutive factorials in the Fibonacci sequence
Bollman, Mark; Grossman, George
Congr. Numer. 194, 77-83 (2009).
The least period of the ratio sequence
Brison, Owen J.; Nogueira, J. Eurico
Congr. Numer. 194, 85-89 (2009).
A simple proof of Lerch’s formula
Brown, Tom C.; Maňuch, Ján
Congr. Numer. 194, 91-93 (2009).
The Fibonacci lengths of binary polyhedral groups and related groups
Campbell, C. M.; Campbell, P. P.
Congr. Numer. 194, 95-102 (2009).
On sums of squares and products of odd and even terms of the Lucas sequence
Čerin, Zvonko
Congr. Numer. 194, 103-107 (2009).
Golden tuple products
Ericksen, Larry
Congr. Numer. 194, 109-121 (2009).
On proofs of certain combinatorial identities
Grossman, George; Tefera, Akalu; Zeleke, Aklilu
Congr. Numer. 194, 123-128 (2009).
Solutions to xyz=x+y+z=1 in quintic number rings
Grundman, H. G.; Hall-Seelig, L. L.
Congr. Numer. 194, 129-135 (2009).
Extension of a theorem of Somer to the companion Lucas sequences
Jaroma, John H.
Congr. Numer. 194, 137-140 (2009).
Binary words with restricted repetitions and associated compositions of integers
Kimberling, Clark
Congr. Numer. 194, 141-151 (2009).
The Wythoff difference array
Kimberling, Clark
Congr. Numer. 194, 153-158 (2009).
A representation of recurrent sequences by previous terms
Latushkin, Yaroslav; Ushakov, Vladimir
Congr. Numer. 194, 159-166 (2009).
On calculating the Sprague-Grundy function for the game Euclid
Lengyel, Tamás
Congr. Numer. 194, 167-172 (2009).
A remark on a question of Rotkiewicz
Luca, Florian; Somer, Lawrence
Congr. Numer. 194, 173-176 (2009).
Fibonacci numbers of the form pa±pb
Luca, Florian; Stănică, Pantelimon
Congr. Numer. 194, 177-183 (2009).
Some fascinating properties of balancing numbers
Panda, G. K.
Congr. Numer. 194, 185-189 (2009).
On pseudoprimes of the form an−a
Paszkiewicz, A.; Rotkiewicz, A.
Congr. Numer. 194, 191-197 (2009).
Fibonacci-like sequences of Apollonian circle packings
Ratliff, Michael I.; McShane, Janet M.
Congr. Numer. 194, 199-206 (2009).
On the number of quadratic non-residues that are not primitive roots (mod p)
Robbins, Neville
Congr. Numer. 194, 207-211 (2009).
Generalization of a theorem of Jarden
Somer, Lawrence
Congr. Numer. 194, 213-217 (2009).
Period patterns of certain kth-order linear recurrences over a finite field
Somer, Lawrence
Congr. Numer. 194, 219-224 (2009).
Fibonacci digraph and its entropy
Tajima, Ippei; Horibe, Yasuichi
Congr. Numer. 194, 225-232 (2009).
Fibonacci tracks in quadratic fields
Turner, John C.
Congr. Numer. 194, 233-242 (2009).
An algorithm for proving arbitrary identities involving linear recurrence sequences
Webb, William A.
Congr. Numer. 194, 243-250 (2009).
Multivariable recurrences with constant coefficients
Webb, William A.
Congr. Numer. 194, 251-255 (2009).
Combinatorial chessboard tilings
Webb, William A.; Criddle, Nicholas D.; DeTemple, Duane W.
Congr. Numer. 194, 257-262 (2009).
A Fibonacci-counting proof begged by Benjamin and Quinn
Zeilberger, Doron
Congr. Numer. 194, 263-264 (2009).
Applications of a determinant F-L identity
Zhou, Chizhong; Howard, Frederic T.
Congr. Numer. 194, 265-275 (2009).
Sums of powers of generalized Fibonacci numbers
Zhou, Chizhong; Howard, Fredric T.
Congr. Numer. 194, 277-287 (2009).