Volume XCVIIA, October, 2010

Research Article

Super-edge-connected and optimally super-edge-connected bi-Cayley graphs

Liu, Fengxia; Meng, Jixiang

Ars Comb. 97A, 3-13 (2010).

Research Article

On transitive ternary relational structures of order a prime-squared

Dobson, Edward

Ars Comb. 97A, 15-32 (2010).

Research Article

Some narcissistic power-sequence Zn+1 terraces with n an odd prime power

Anderson, Ian; Preece, D. A.

Ars Comb. 97A, 33-57 (2010).

Research Article

Diagonalised lattices and the Steinhaus chessboard theorem

Steinsky, Bertran

Ars Comb. 97A, 59-63 (2010).

Research Article

Proofs of Ramanujan’s 1ψ1-summation formula

Chu, Wenchang; Wang, Xiaoxia

Ars Comb. 97A, 65-79 (2010).

Research Article

On infinite families of optimal double-loop networks with non-unit steps

Zhou, Jianqin; Xu, Xirong

Ars Comb. 97A, 81-95 (2010).

Research Article

Even and odd Eulerian paths

Schmerl, James H.

Ars Comb. 97A, 97-99 (2010).

Research Article

λ-designs with g=7

Fiala, Nick C.

Ars Comb. 97A, 101-127 (2010).

Research Article

On a conjecture about inverse domination in graphs

Frendrup, A.; Henning, M. A.; Randerath, B.; Vestergaard, P. D.

Ars Comb. 97A, 129-143 (2010).

Research Article

Edge-antimagicness for a class of disconnected graphs

Bača, M.; Brankovic, L.

Ars Comb. 97A, 145-152 (2010).

Research Article

Regular matroids without disjoint circuits

Fan, Suohai; Lai, Hong-Jian; Shao, Yehong; Wu, Hehui; Zhou, Ju

Ars Comb. 97A, 153-159 (2010).

Research Article

Orientations of graphs and minimum degrees of graphs

Lakshmi, R.

Ars Comb. 97A, 161-167 (2010).

Research Article

Clique domination in graphs

Xu, Guangjun; Shan, Erfang; Zhao, Min

Ars Comb. 97A, 169-180 (2010).

Research Article

Two-path convexity and bipartite tournaments of small rank

Parker, Darren B.; Westhoff, Randy F.; Wolf, Marty J.

Ars Comb. 97A, 181-191 (2010).

Research Article

The periods of k-nacci sequences in centro-polyhedral groups and related groups

Deveci, Ömür; Karaduman, Erdal; Campbell, Colin M.

Ars Comb. 97A, 193-210 (2010).

Research Article

Every toroidal graph without 4- and 6-cycles is acyclically 5-choosable

Zhang, Haihui

Ars Comb. 97A, 211-221 (2010).

Research Article

The exterior of a graph or tree

Johns, Garry; Winters, Steven J.; Hlavacek, Amy

Ars Comb. 97A, 223-234 (2010).

Research Article

The dihedral group as the array stabilizer of an augmented set of mutually orthogonal Latin squares

Francel, Margaret A.; John, David J.

Ars Comb. 97A, 235-252 (2010).

Research Article

On friendly index sets of cycles with parallel chords

Lee, Sin-Min; Ng, Ho Kuen

Ars Comb. 97A, 253-267 (2010).

Research Article

On the number of generalized Dyck paths

Imaoka, Mitsunori; Takata, Isao; Fujiwara, Yu

Ars Comb. 97A, 269-278 (2010).

Research Article

A note on the maximum number of edges of a spanning Eulerian subgraph

Li, Dengxin; Li, Shengyu

Ars Comb. 97A, 279-286 (2010).

Research Article

Restricted vertex connectivity of Harary graphs

Chen, Yingying; Meng, Jixiang; Tian, Yingzhi

Ars Comb. 97A, 287-297 (2010).

Research Article

Domination and bondage number of C5×Cn

Cao, Jian Xiang; Yuan, Xudong; Moo, Sohn Young

Ars Comb. 97A, 299-310 (2010).

Research Article

On the number of H-points in a circle

Cao, Penghao; Yuan, Liping

Ars Comb. 97A, 311-318 (2010).

Research Article

Toughness of infinite graphs

Ferland, Kevin K.

Ars Comb. 97A, 319-326 (2010).

Research Article

On cordial labelings of the second power of paths with other graphs

Diab, Adel T.

Ars Comb. 97A, 327-343 (2010).

Research Article

The dimension of the kernel for intersections of certain starshaped sets in R3

Breen, Marilyn

Ars Comb. 97A, 345-350 (2010).

Research Article

Monochromatic paths and monochromatic cycles in edge-coloured k-partite tournaments

Galeana-Sánchez, Hortensia; Rojas-Monroy, Rocío

Ars Comb. 97A, 351-365 (2010).

Research Article

The linear arboricity of planar graphs without 5-cycles and 6-cycles

Tan, Xiang; Chen, Hong-Yu; Wu, Jian-Liang

Ars Comb. 97A, 367-375 (2010).

Research Article

On f-derivations of BCC-algebras

Firat, Alev

Ars Comb. 97A, 377-382 (2010).

Research Article

Using affine planes to partition full designs with block size three

Gray, Ken; Street, A. P.; Stanton, R. G.

Ars Comb. 97A, 383-402 (2010).

Research Article

A new sufficient condition for graphs of f-class 1

Zhang, Xia; Liu, Guizhen; Cai, Jiansheng; Hou, Jianfeng

Ars Comb. 97A, 403-412 (2010).

Research Article

Revisiting chromatic polynomials of some sequences of graphs

Barghi, A.; Shahmohamad, H.

Ars Comb. 97A, 413-420 (2010).

Research Article

Global behavior of a rational recursive sequence

Karatas, Ramazan

Ars Comb. 97A, 421-428 (2010).

Research Article

On quotient curves of the Suzuki curve

Pasticci, F.

Ars Comb. 97A, 429-446 (2010).

Research Article

Characterizing powers of cycles that are divisor graphs

Al-Addasi, S.; AbuGhneim, O. A.; Al-Ezeh, H.

Ars Comb. 97A, 447-451 (2010).

Research Article

New construction of authentication codes with arbitration from pseudo-symplectic geometry over finite fields

Chen, Shang-di; Zhao, Da-wei

Ars Comb. 97A, 453-465 (2010).

Research Article

On the generalized k-Fibonacci hyperbolic functions

Ipek, Ahmet

Ars Comb. 97A, 467-484 (2010).

Research Article

Variations of two classical Turán-type extremal results

Yin, Jian-Hua; Li, Jiong-Sheng

Ars Comb. 97A, 485-497 (2010).

Research Article

A characterization of trees with equal domination and total domination numbers

Hou, Xinmin

Ars Comb. 97A, 499-508 (2010).

Research Article

Unimodality of independence polynomials of very well-covered graphs

Chen, Shih-Yan; Wang, Hsin-Ju

Ars Comb. 97A, 509-529 (2010).

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