Covering designs with minimum overlap
Caro, Y.; Roditty, Y.; Schönheim, J.
Ars Comb. 55, 3-23 (2000).
On determining the \(2\)-packing and domination numbers of the Cartesian product of certain graphs.
Hartnell, B. L.
Ars Comb. 55, 25-31 (2000).
k-dominating sets of cardinal products of paths
Klobucar, Antoaneta; Seifter, Norbert
Ars Comb. 55, 33-41 (2000).
Halving complete \(4\)-partite graphs
Fronček, Dalibor; Širáň, Jozef
Ars Comb. 55, 44-63 (2000).
Step domination in graphs
Schultz, Kelly
Ars Comb. 55, 65-79 (2000).
On \(L(2,1)\)-labeling of the Cartesian product of a cycle and a path
Jha, Pranava K.; Narayanan, Ashok; Sood, Puneet; Sundaram, Karthik; Sunder, Vivek
Ars Comb. 55, 81-89 (2000).
A bijective proof of an identity concerning nodes of fixed degree in planted trees
Moon, John W.; Prodinger, Helmut
Ars Comb. 55, 91-92 (2000).
Numbers of vertices and edges of magic graphs
Trenkler, Marián
Ars Comb. 55, 93-96 (2000).
Existence of HSOLSSOMs with types hn and 1nu1
Abel, R. J. R.; Bennett, F. E.; Zhang, H.; Zhu, L.
Ars Comb. 55, 97-115 (2000).
Paths to a multinomial inequality
Benjamin, Arthur T.; Quinn, Jennifer J.
Ars Comb. 55, 117-122 (2000).
A result of Erdős-Sós conjecture
Wang, Min; Li, Guo-jun; Lui, Ai-de
Ars Comb. 55, 123-127 (2000).
Two classes of graceful graphs
Kathiresan, K. M.
Ars Comb. 55, 129-132 (2000).
Some regular Steiner \(2\)-designs with block size \(4\)
Buratti, Marco
Ars Comb. 55, 133-137 (2000).
The total number of generalized stable sets and kernels of graphs
Kwaśnik, Maria; Włoch, Iwona
Ars Comb. 55, 139-146 (2000).
On exact bicoverings of \(12\) points
Allston, J. L.; Grannell, M. J.; Griggs, T. S.; Quinn, K. A. S.; Stanton, R. G.
Ars Comb. 55, 147-159 (2000).
Various partition function identities
Robbins, Neville
Ars Comb. 55, 161-165 (2000).
Adding and deleting crossings in drawings of graphs
Cottingham, J. E.; Ringeisen, R. D.
Ars Comb. 55, 167-179 (2000).
A study of the genus of a group
Fu, Hung-Lin; Sun, I-Fan
Ars Comb. 55, 181-191 (2000).
Transverse families of matchings in the plane
Nielsen, Mark J.; Sabo, Dusty E.
Ars Comb. 55, 193-199 (2000).
Double domination in graphs
Harary, Frank; Haynes, Teresa W.
Ars Comb. 55, 201-213 (2000).
A note on the Hall-condition number of a graph
Hajiabolhassan, H.; Mehrabadi, M. L.; Tusserkani, R.
Ars Comb. 55, 215-216 (2000).
On the genus of the star graph
Abbasi, Sarmad
Ars Comb. 55, 217-225 (2000).
Irredundance in the queens’ graph
Cockayne, E. J.
Ars Comb. 55, 227-232 (2000).
Stratified graphs and distance graphs
Spence, Sarah A.
Ars Comb. 55, 233-246 (2000).
Generator-preserving contractions and a min-max result on the graphs of planar polyominoes
Janaqi, Stefan; Duchet, Pierre
Ars Comb. 55, 247-258 (2000).
Maximum packings of \(K_{v}−K_{u}\) with triple
Bryant, Darryn E.; Khodkar, A.
Ars Comb. 55, 259-270 (2000).
Relationships between vertex-neighbor-integrity and other parameters
Cozzens, Margaret B.; Wu, Shu-Shih Y.
Ars Comb. 55, 271-282 (2000).
A sufficient condition for oriented graphs to be Hamiltonian
Qiang, Pan Lin; Min, Zhang Ke
Ars Comb. 55, 283-287 (2000).
A note on \(k\)-rotation graphs
Prisner, Erich
Ars Comb. 55, 289-292 (2000).
Critical sets in products of Latin squares
Gower, Rebecca A. H.
Ars Comb. 55, 293-317 (2000).