Distance irredundance in graphs: Complexity issues
Hattingh, Johannnes H.; Henning, Michael A.; Walters, Jacobus L.
Ars Comb. 50, 3-22 (1998).
On interval colourings of bi-regular bipartite graphs
Hanson, D.; Loten, C. O. M.; Toft, B.
Ars Comb. 50, 23-32 (1998).
Stiff genus of groups
Mulazzani, Michele
Ars Comb. 50, 33-51 (1998).
Independence in direct-product graphs
Jha, Pranava K.; Klavžar, Sandi
Ars Comb. 50, 53-63 (1998).
On matchings in graphs
Jones, D. M.; Roehm, D. J.; Schultz, M.
Ars Comb. 50, 65-79 (1998).
Fan-type conditions for collapsible graphs
Chen, Zhi-Hong
Ars Comb. 50, 81-95 (1998).
The elimination procedure for the competition number
Kim, Suh-Ryung; Roberts, Fred S.
Ars Comb. 50, 97-113 (1998).
Closure, path-factors and path coverings in claw-free graphs
Ishizuka, Sho
Ars Comb. 50, 115-128 (1998).
Deleting lines in projective planes
Ling, Alan C. H.; Colbourn, Charles J.
Ars Comb. 50, 129-138 (1998).
Isomorphism classes of bipartite cycle permutation graphs
Kwak, Jin Ho; Lee, Jaeun
Ars Comb. 50, 139-148 (1998).
Combinatorial lower bounds on binary codes with covering radius one
Honkala, Iiro
Ars Comb. 50, 149-159 (1998).
Generalized de Bruijn multigraphs of rank overarrowk
Grodzki, Z.; Wroński, A.
Ars Comb. 50, 161-176 (1998).
Minus \(k\)-subdomination in graphs
Broere, Izak; Dunbar, Jean E.; Hattingh, Johannes H.
Ars Comb. 50, 177-186 (1998).
Minimum order of a graph with given deficiency and either minimum or maximum degree
Purwanto; Wallis, W. D.
Ars Comb. 50, 187-192 (1998).
Some new partition identities
Robbins, Neville
Ars Comb. 50, 193-206 (1998).
The nonexistence of ternary \([231,6,153]\) codes
Hamada, Noboru
Ars Comb. 50, 207-213 (1998).
On directed incomplete transversal designs with block size five
Colbourn, Charles J.; Yin, Jianxing
Ars Comb. 50, 215-224 (1998).
Graphs of extremal weights
Bollobás, Béla; Erdős, Paul
Ars Comb. 50, 225-233 (1998).
The sizes \(k\) of the complete k-caps in \(PG(n,q)\), for small \(q\) and \(3≤n≤5\)
Faina, Giorgio; Marcugini, Stefano; Milani, Alfredo; Pambianco, Fernanda
Ars Comb. 50, 235-243 (1998).
Spanning sets and scattering sets in handcuffed designs of order \(v\) and block size \(3\)
Quattrocchi, Gaetano
Ars Comb. 50, 251-256 (1998).
Short proofs of theorems of Nash-Williams and Tutte
Hakimi, Louis S.; Mitchem, John; Schmeichel, Edward
Ars Comb. 50, 257-266 (1998).
On the \(g\)-centroidal problem in special classes of perfect graphs
Pandu Rangan, C.; Parthasarathy, K. R.; Prakash, V.
Ars Comb. 50, 267-278 (1998).
On pancyclic claw-free graphs
Li, MingChu
Ars Comb. 50, 279-291 (1998).
Snarks and reducibility
Brinkmann, G.; Steffen, E.
Ars Comb. 50, 292-296 (1998).
Several new lower bounds for football pool systems
Blass, Uri; Litsyn, Simon
Ars Comb. 50, 297-302 (1998).
On k-partite subgraphs
Hofmeister, Thomas; Lefmann, Hanno
Ars Comb. 50, 303-308 (1998).
An inequality on connected domination parameters
Yu, Hongquan; Wang, Tianming
Ars Comb. 50, 309-315 (1998).
Properly coloured Hamiltonian paths in edge-coloured complete graphs without monochromatic triangles
Barr, Olof
Ars Comb. 50, 316-318 (1998).