A lower bound for the number of polygonizations of \(N\) points in the plane
Garcia, A.; Tejel, J.
Ars Comb. 49, 3-19 (1998).
Cyclic niche graphs and grids
Seager, Suzanne
Ars Comb. 49, 21-32 (1998).
Note on Whitney’s theorem for \(k\)-connected graphs
Chen, Guantao; Faudree, Ralph J.; Shreve, Warren E.
Ars Comb. 49, 33-40 (1998).
Orderings of finite fields and balanced tournaments
Beintema, Mark B.; Bonn, Jeffrey T.; Fitzgerald, Robert W.; Yucas, Joseph L.
Ars Comb. 49, 41-48 (1998).
On graphs determined by their \(k\)-subgraphs
Caro, Yair
Ars Comb. 49, 57-64 (1998).
Further notes on: Largest triangle-free subgraphs in powers of cycles
Locke, S. C.
Ars Comb. 49, 65-77 (1998).
Scenic graphs. I: Traceable graphs
Jacobson, Michael S.; Kézdy, André E.; Lehel, Jenő
Ars Comb. 49, 79-96 (1998).
Asymptotically optimal \((Δ,D′,s)\)-digraphs
Muñoz, X.; Gómez, J.
Ars Comb. 49, 97-111 (1998).
Obstruction sets for outer-projective-planar graphs
Archdeacon, Dan; Hartsfield, Nora; Little, C. H. C.; Mohar, Bojan
Ars Comb. 49, 113-127 (1998).
On the number of specific spanning subgraphs of the graphs \(G\times P_{n}\)
Faase, F. J.
Ars Comb. 49, 129-154 (1998).
Strong chromatic index in subset graphs
Quinn, Jennifer J.; Sundberg, Eric Lars
Ars Comb. 49, 155-159 (1998).
Counting balanced ternary designs
Francel, Margaret; John, David
Ars Comb. 49, 161-184 (1998).
Score vectors and tournaments with cyclic chromatic number \(1\) or \(2\)
Ao, S.; Hanson, D.
Ars Comb. 49, 185-191 (1998).
On seed graphs with two components
Markus, Lisa; Rall, Douglas
Ars Comb. 49, 193-204 (1998).
On weak domination in graphs
Hattingh, Johannes H.; Laskar, Renu C.
Ars Comb. 49, 205-216 (1998).
One and two-block configurations in balanced ternary designs
Francel, M. A.; Sarvate, D. G.
Ars Comb. 49, 217-224 (1998).
String decompositions of graphs
Kaneko, Atsushi; Watanabe, Mamoru
Ars Comb. 49, 225-236 (1998).
Graph decompositions into generalized cubes
El-Zanati, S.; Plantholt, M.; Vanden Eynden, C.
Ars Comb. 49, 237-247 (1998).
Bicyclic directed triple systems
Gardner, Robert B.
Ars Comb. 49, 249-257 (1998).
Two series of BIB designs
Logan, Roger; Singh, M. K.; Sinha, K.
Ars Comb. 49, 259-264 (1998).
A note on the road-coloring conjecture
Gocka, E.; Kirchherr, W.; Schmeichel, E.
Ars Comb. 49, 265-270 (1998).
Independence and irredundance in \(k\)-regular graphs
Fricke, G. H.; Hedetniemi, S. T.; Jacobs, D. P.
Ars Comb. 49, 271-279 (1998).
Note on the union-closed sets conjecture
Gao, Weidong; Yu, Hongquan
Ars Comb. 49, 280-288 (1998).
A lower bound for the Ramsey multiplicity of \(K_{4}\)
Olpp, Dieter
Ars Comb. 49, 289-295 (1998).
On the determination problem for \(P_{3}\)-transformation of graphs
Li, Xueliang
Ars Comb. 49, 296-302 (1998).
On two problems about \((0, 2)\)-graphs and interval-regular graphs
Berrachedi, Abdelhafid; Mollard, Michel
Ars Comb. 49, 303-309 (1998).
Average distance in weighted graphs with removed edges
Ali, Ali A.; Sharaf, Khidir R.
Ars Comb. 49, 310-314 (1998).
A Ramsey goodness result for graphs with many pendant edges
Li, Yusheng; Rousseau, Cecil C.
Ars Comb. 49, 315-318 (1998).