The spectrum of the values \(k\) for which there exists a complete \(k\)-arc in \(PG(2,q)\) for \(q≤23\)
Faina, G.; Marcugini, S.; Milani, A.; Pambianco, F.
Ars Comb. 47, 3-11 (1997).
On distance two labellings of graphs
Liu, Daphne D.-F.; Yeh, Roger K.
Ars Comb. 47, 13-22 (1997).
The discrete logarithm problem in \(GL(n,q)\)
Menezes, Alfred J.; Wu, Yi-Hong
Ars Comb. 47, 23-32 (1997).
Decoding de Bruijn arrays constructed by the FFMS method
Shiu, W. C.
Ars Comb. 47, 33-48 (1997).
Construction of symmetric balanced squares
Dutta, T. K.; Roy, B. K.
Ars Comb. 47, 49-64 (1997).
Weighing matrices and self-dual codes
Harada, Masaaki
Ars Comb. 47, 65-73 (1997).
Several resolvable BIB or PBIB doubles round robin tournament designs
Cooke, Charlie H.
Ars Comb. 47, 75-86 (1997).
Existence of ideal matrices
Shiu, W. C.; Tang, I. P.
Ars Comb. 47, 87-92 (1997).
A note following a remark of Harary regarding a certain family of sum graphs
Lewin, Mordechai
Ars Comb. 47, 93-95 (1997).
On \(k\)-packings of graphs
Hartnell, B.; Whitehead, C. A.
Ars Comb. 47, 97-108 (1997).
Switching distance graphs
Gimbel, John; Henning, Michael A.; Tuza, Zsolt
Ars Comb. 47, 109-119 (1997).
An upper bound for the \((n,5)\)-cages
Wang, Ping
Ars Comb. 47, 121-128 (1997).
Maximal orthogonal Latin rectangles
Horák, P.; Rosa, A.; Širáň, J.
Ars Comb. 47, 129-145 (1997).
On bandwidth and cyclic bandwidth of graphs
Lam, P. C. B.; Shiu, W. C.; Chan, W. H.
Ars Comb. 47, 147-152 (1997).
Derangements in Sylow subgroups of symmetric groups
Peterson, Brian; Valdés, Linda
Ars Comb. 47, 153-159 (1997).
The \(p\)-competition graphs of strongly connected and Hamiltonian digraphs
Lundgren, J. Richard; McKenna, Patricia A.; Langley, Larry; Merz, Sarah K.; Rasmussen, Craig W.
Ars Comb. 47, 161-172 (1997).
A note on the \(P_{3}\)-sequenceability of finite groups
Heiss, Stefan
Ars Comb. 47, 173-175 (1997).
A poset-based method for counting partitions and Ferrers diagrams
Steiner, George
Ars Comb. 47, 177-184 (1997).
Local connectivity and cycle extension in claw-free graphs
Faudree, R. J.; Ryjáček, Zdeněk; Schiermeyer, Ingo
Ars Comb. 47, 185-190 (1997).
On the connection between the undirected and the acyclic directed two disjoint paths problem
Lucchesi, Cláudio L.; Giglio, Maria Cecilia M. T.
Ars Comb. 47, 191-200 (1997).
On rotational Steiner triple systems: Five, seven and eleven
Jiang, Zhike
Ars Comb. 47, 201-221 (1997).
On the number of \(6\times 7\) double Youden rectangles
Christofi, C.
Ars Comb. 47, 223-241 (1997).
On the arc-pancyclicity of local tournaments
Bu, Yue Hua; Zhang, Ke Min
Ars Comb. 47, 242-254 (1997).
sharp lower bound for the number of connectivity-redundant nodes
Lawrencenko, Serge; Mao, Jingzhong
Ars Comb. 47, 255-262 (1997).
A generalization of Favaron’s theorem
Sankaranarayana, Ramesh S.
Ars Comb. 47, 263-277 (1997).
A construction of holely perfect Mendelsohn designs
Chang, Yanxun
Ars Comb. 47, 278-286 (1997).
The complexity of consecutive \(Δ\)-coloring of bipartite graphs: \(4\) is easy, \(5\) is hard
Giaro, Krzystof
Ars Comb. 47, 287-298 (1997).
P3-connected graphs of minimum size
Fisher, David C.; Fraughnaugh, Kathryn; Langley, Larry
Ars Comb. 47, 299-306 (1997).
Hamiltonicity of \(k\)-connected graphs with independent claws
Shen, Ruqun; Tian, Feng; Wei, Bing
Ars Comb. 47, 307-312 (1997).
On incidence matrices of finite affine geometries
Bey, Christian
Ars Comb. 47, 313-317 (1997).