A triangular number theorem
Lewis, R. P.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 3-8 (1983).
Automorphisms of infinite graphs
Seifter, Norbert
Ars Comb. 16-B, 9-19 (1983).
Covering congruences related to modular arithmetic and error correcting codes
Schönheim, J.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 21-25 (1983).
Remarks on Dilworth’s decomposition theorem
Harzheim, Egbert
Ars Comb. 16-B, 27-31 (1983).
A characterization of the secants of an ovaloid in PG(3,q), q even, q>2
De Resmini, Marialuisa J.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 33-49 (1983).
The height of planted plane trees revisited
Prodinger, Helmut
Ars Comb. 16-B, 51-55 (1983).
Imbeddings of the complete graph
James, Lynne D.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 57-72 (1983).
Erdős-Szekeres’ monotone subsequence theorem for projective points and q-graphs
Prömel, Hans Jürgen
Ars Comb. 16-B, 73-94 (1983).
The non-Pappus matroid is algebraic
Lindström, Bernt
Ars Comb. 16-B, 95-96 (1983).
Hamiltonian properties of Halin-like graphs
Skowrońska, Mirosława
Ars Comb. 16-B, 97-109 (1983).
On the construction of snarks
Watkins, John J.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 111-124 (1983).
A conjecture concerning the f-vectors of polytopes
Bayer, Margaret M.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 125-134 (1983).
Partition intersection graphs
McMorris, F. R.; Meacham, Christopher A.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 135-138 (1983).
Just-edge-transitive maps and Coxeter groups
Jones, Gareth A.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 136-150 (1983).
On a lattice point problem
Kemnitz, Arnfried
Ars Comb. 16-B, 151-160 (1983).
The existence of pathological left neofields
Keedwell, A. D.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 161-170 (1983).
Reliable networks and (k,2k-2)-connected graphs
Smith, Derek H.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 171-176 (1983).
A way of enumerating Eulerian trails in a connected Eulerian graph
Fleischner, Herbert
Ars Comb. 16-B, 177-196 (1983).
Character sums and coding theory
Tietäväinen, A.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 197-200 (1983).
Ryser’s conjecture on transversals of r-partite hypergraphs
Tuza, Zsolt
Ars Comb. 16-B, 201-209 (1983).
The geometry of tiling hierarchies
Holroyd, Fred
Ars Comb. 16-B, 211-244 (1983).
The vertex-edge duality in the colouring of graphs and hypergraphs
Fiol, M.; Yebra, J. L. A.; Fàbrega, J.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 245-256 (1983).
On space-tiling zonotopes and regular chain-groups
Jaeger, François
Ars Comb. 16-B, 257-270 (1983).
Some results on the existence of 2n-factors in terms of vertex-deleted subgraphs
Katerinis, P.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 271-277 (1983).
Hamiltonian paths in tournaments
Forcade, Rodney W.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 279-284 (1983).
Equivalent conditions for Euler’s problem on Z4-Hamilton cycles
Dejter, I. J.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 285-295 (1983).
Cayley properties of vertex symmetric graphs
Marušič, Dragan
Ars Comb. 16-B, 297-302 (1983).
There is a long path in the divisor graph
Pollington, Andrew D.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 303-304 (1983).
On subtrees of certain families of rooted trees
Meir, A.; Moon, J. W.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 305-318 (1983).
Some parallelisms
Gilder, J.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 319-324 (1983).
Parameters of association schemes
Hoggar, S. G.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 325-339 (1983).
A faster algorithm for factoring binary matrices
Hoskins, J. A.; Hoskins, W. D.
Ars Comb. 16-B, 341-350 (1983).