Zero-divisor semigroups of star graphs and two-star graphs
Tang, Gaohua; Su, Huadong; Ren, Beishang
Ars Comb. 119, 3-11 (2015).
k-domination stable graphs upon edge removal
Chellali, Mustapha
Ars Comb. 119, 13-21 (2015).
Full friendly index sets of spiders
Law, Hiu-Fai
Ars Comb. 119, 23-31 (2015).
Subspaces in d-bounded distance-regular graphs and authentication code with perfect secrecy
Nan, Jizhu; Guo, Jun; Gao, Suogang
Ars Comb. 119, 33-45 (2015).
On the book embedding of ordered sets
Alhashem, Mustafa; Jourdan, Guy-Vincent; Zaguia, Nejib
Ars Comb. 119, 47-64 (2015).
A standard proof of Andrews’ conjecture for 4ϕ3-series
Wei, Chuanan; Wang, Xiaoxia
Ars Comb. 119, 65-69 (2015).
L(2,1)-labeling of block graphs
Panda, B. S.; Goel, Preeti
Ars Comb. 119, 71-95 (2015).
L(j,k)-labelings of Cartesian products of three complete graphs
Lv, Damei; Lin, Wensong
Ars Comb. 119, 97-116 (2015).
Nim on the complete graph
Merchant, Lindsay
Ars Comb. 119, 117-127 (2015).
Bounds on the size of super edge-magic graphs depending on the girth
Ichishima, R.; Muntaner-Batle, F. A.; Rius-Font, M.
Ars Comb. 119, 129-133 (2015).
On cyclic edge connectivity of regular graphs with two orbits
Yang, Weihua; Lin, Huiqiu; Cai, Wei; Guo, Xiaofeng
Ars Comb. 119, 135-141 (2015).
On b-continuity of Kneser graphs of type KG(2k+1,k)
Shaebani, Saeed
Ars Comb. 119, 143-147 (2015).
The partition theorem of connected digraphs and its enumerative applications
Huang, Yufei; Liu, Bolian
Ars Comb. 119, 149-159 (2015).
Minimal forbidden subgraphs for the Klein bottle with low connectivity
Hur, Suhkjin
Ars Comb. 119, 161-165 (2015).
Estimates of the choice numbers and the Ohba numbers of some complete multipartite graphs
Allagan, Julian; Johnson, Peter
Ars Comb. 119, 167-176 (2015).
Graphs with unique minimum paired-dominating set
Chen, Lei; Lu, Changhong; Zeng, Zhenbing
Ars Comb. 119, 177-192 (2015).
The 2-color Rado number of x1+x2+⋯+xm−1=axm. II
Saracino, Dan
Ars Comb. 119, 193-210 (2015).
Note on a Turán-type problem on distances
Li, Xueliang; Ma, Jing; Shi, Yongtang; Yue, Jun
Ars Comb. 119, 211-219 (2015).
A note on the density of M-sets in geometric sequence
Pandey, Ram Krishna; Tripathi, Amitabha
Ars Comb. 119, 221-224 (2015).
The t-pebbling number and 2t-pebbling property on the graph Dn,C2m
Wang, Zhiping; Han, Xu
Ars Comb. 119, 225-234 (2015).
On the Ramsey numbers R(S2,m,K2,q) and R(sK2,Ks+Cn)
Sudarsana, I. W.; Assiyatun, H.; Uttunggadewa, S.; Baskoro, E. T.
Ars Comb. 119, 235-246 (2015).
On the Laplacian integral (k−1)-cyclic graphs
Huang, Xueyi; Huang, Qiongxiang
Ars Comb. 119, 247-256 (2015).
A new hemisystem of H(3,49)
Cossidente, Antonio; Penttila, Tim
Ars Comb. 119, 257-262 (2015).
[r,s,t]-colorings of fans
Liao, Wei; Li, Mingchu
Ars Comb. 119, 263-273 (2015).
On some Zarankiewicz numbers and bipartite Ramsey numbers for quadrilateral
Dybizbański, Janusz; Dzido, Tomasz; Radziszowski, Stanisław
Ars Comb. 119, 275-287 (2015).
A note on edge coloring of graphs
Akbari, S.; Iradmusa, M. N.; Jamaali, M.
Ars Comb. 119, 289-292 (2015).
(−1)-critical graphs. (Les graphes (−1)-critiques.)
Belkhechine, Houmem; Boudabbous, Imed; Elayech, Mohamed Baka
Ars Comb. 119, 293-319 (2015).
Decomposition of graphs into cycles of length seven and single edges
Sousa, Teresa
Ars Comb. 119, 321-329 (2015).
On the sum of out-domination number and in-domination number of digraphs
Hao, Guoliang; Qian, Jianguo
Ars Comb. 119, 331-337 (2015).
Harmonious colorings of digraphs
Hegde, S. M.; Castelino, Lolita Priya
Ars Comb. 119, 339-352 (2015).
k-connected graphs without K−4
Li, Xiang-Jun
Ars Comb. 119, 353-362 (2015).
Edge-coloring of split graphs
de Almeida, Sheila Morais; de Mello, Célia Picinin; Morgana, Aurora
Ars Comb. 119, 363-375 (2015).
A sufficient condition for a graph to be fractional (a,b,n)-critical deleted graph
Gao, Wei
Ars Comb. 119, 377-390 (2015).
The (−1)-critically duo-free tournaments
Elayech, Mohamed Baka; Salhi, Abdeljelil; Si Kaddour, Hamza
Ars Comb. 119, 391-402 (2015).
Upper bounds on the D(β)-vertex-distinguishing total-chromatic number of graphs
Liu, Xin-sheng; Zhu, Zhi-qiang
Ars Comb. 119, 403-411 (2015).
On E4-cordial graphs.
Jinnah, M. I.; Beena, S.
Ars Comb. 119, 413-422 (2015).
Error-tolerance pooling design in a finite vector space
Guo, Haixia; Nan, Jizhu
Ars Comb. 119, 423-428 (2015).
E3-cordiality of some helm-related graphs
Bapat, Mukund V.; Limaye, N. B.
Ars Comb. 119, 429-443 (2015).