Kirkman triple systems having a prescribed number of triples in common
Lo Faro, Giovanni
Ars Comb. 24B, 9-21 (1987).
On strongly chordal graphs
Dahlhaus, E.; Duchet, P.
Ars Comb. 24B, 23-30 (1987).
Groups, strongly regular graphs, and quotient sets
Löwe, Stefan
Ars Comb. 24B, 31-34 (1987).
Graph reconstruction – some techniques and new problems
Lauri, Josef
Ars Comb. 24B, 35-61 (1987).
Hyperplane skew resolutions in spaces of even dimension
Furino, S.; Vanstone, S. A.
Ars Comb. 24B, 63-69 (1987).
On the achromatic number of permutation graphs
Milazzo, Filippo; Vacirca, V.
Ars Comb. 24B, 71-76 (1987).
How to nest a Steiner triple system
Lindner, C. C.
Ars Comb. 24B, 77-92 (1987).
A proof of an extension of Ore’s theorem
Bauer, Douglas; Schmeichel, Edward
Ars Comb. 24B, 93-99 (1987).
UEC codes correcting random/and low-density burst errors
Dass, Bal Kishan; Lal, Shanker
Ars Comb. 24B, 101-134 (1987).
The discrete and the continuum in the history and in the genesis of mathematical concepts
Speranza, Francesco
Ars Comb. 24B, 135-146 (1987).
Parallelism in S(4,5,v)
Marino, Maria Corinna
Ars Comb. 24B, 147-153 (1987).
A short survey on some generalized colourings of graphs
Gionfriddo, Mario
Ars Comb. 24B, 155-163 (1987).
On the structure of some potentially inessential PBDs in the set Ha
Mullin, R. C.
Ars Comb. 24B, 165-172 (1987).
On the achromatic number of G×Km
Milazzo, Filippo; Vacirca, Vincenz
Ars Comb. 24B, 173-177 (1987).
“Il metodo di Martinetti” (1887) or configurations and Steiner systems S(2,4,25)
Gropp, Harald
Ars Comb. 24B, 179-188 (1987).
Countably infinite Steiner triple systems
Grannell, M. J.; Griggs, T. S.; Phelan, J. S.
Ars Comb. 24B, 189-216 (1987).
Functions on symmetric designs
Ghinelli Smit, Dina
Ars Comb. 24B, 217-230 (1987).
Characterization problem for G-graphs
Borzacchini, Luigi
Ars Comb. 24B, 231-237 (1987).