E. R. Liflyand1
1Department of Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel

This is an attempt of a comprehensive treatment of the results concerning estimates of the \( L^1 \)-norms of linear means of multiple Fourier series, the Lebesgue constants. Most of them are obtained by estimating the Fourier transform of a function generating such a method. Frequently the properties of the support of this function affect distinctive features in behavior of these norms. By this geometry enters and works hand-in-hand with analysis; moreover, the results are classified mostly in accordance with their geometrical nature. Not rarely Number Theory tools are brought in. We deal only with the trigonometric case – no generalizations for other orthogonal systems are discussed nor are applications to approximation. Several open problems are posed.

Tamas Keleti1, Mihail N. Kolountzakis2
1Department of Analysis Eotvos Lorand University, Pazmany Peter setany 1/C H-1117 Budapest, Hungary.
2Department of Mathematics Univ. of Crete GR-71409 Iraklio, Greece.

Let \( G \) be a finite abelian group and \( E \) a subset of it. Suppose that we know for all subsets \( T \) of \( G \) of size up to \( k \) for how many \( x \in G \) the translate \( x + T \) is contained in \( E \). This information is collectively called the \( k \)-deck of \( E \). One can naturally extend the domain of definition of the \( k \)-deck to include functions on \( G \). Given the group \( G \), when is the \( k \)-deck of a set in \( G \) sufficient to determine the set up to translation? The \( 2 \)-deck is not sufficient (even when we allow for reflection of the set, which does not change the \( 2 \)-deck) and the first interesting case is \( k = 3 \). We further restrict \( G \) to be cyclic and determine the values of \( n \) for which the \( 3 \)-deck of a subset of \( \mathbb{Z}_n \) is sufficient to determine the set up to translation. This completes the work begun by Grünbaum and Moore [GM] as far as the \( 3 \)-deck is concerned. We additionally estimate from above the probability that for a random subset of \( \mathbb{Z}_n \), there exists another subset, not a translate of the first, with the same \( 3 \)-deck. We give an exponentially small upper bound when the previously known one was \( O(1/\sqrt{n}) \).

Hamed Hatami 1
1Department of Computer Science University of Toronto

Bourgain’s theorem says that under certain conditions a function \( f : \{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\} \) can be approximated by a function \( g \) which depends only on a small number of variables. By following his proof we obtain a generalization for the case that there is a nonuniform product measure on the domain of \( f \).

Edward Mosteig1
1Department of Mathematics Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles, California 90045

Given integers \( s, t \), define a function \( \phi_{s,t} \) on the space of all formal series expansions by \(\phi_{s,t}\left(\sum a_n x^n\right) = \sum a_{sn+t} x^n.\) For each function \( \phi_{s,t} \), we determine the collection of all rational functions whose Taylor expansions at zero are fixed by \( \phi_{s,t} \). This collection can be described as a subspace of rational functions whose basis elements correspond to certain \( s \)-cyclotomic cosets associated with the pair \( (s, t) \).

Hershel M. Farkas1
1Institute of Mathematics The Hebrew University Jerusalem

In this note we use the theory of theta functions to discover formulas for the number of representations of N as a sum of three squares and for the number of representations of N as a sum of three triangular numbers. We discover various new relations between these functions and short, motivated proofs of well known formulas of related combinatorial and number-theoretic interest.

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