Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics
ISSN 1931-3365 (online)
The Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics (OJAC) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal previously hosted by the University of Rochester and now published by Combinatorial Press. OJAC features research articles that span a broad spectrum of topics, including analysis, number theory, and combinatorics, with a focus on the convergence and interplay between these disciplines. The journal particularly welcomes submissions that incorporate one or more of the following elements: combinatorial results derived using analytic methods, analytic results achieved through combinatorial approaches, or a synthesis of combinatorics and analysis in either the methodologies or their applications
Information Menu
- Research article
- https://doi.org/10.61091/ojac-603
- Full Text
- Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics
- Issue 6, 2011
- Pages: 1-17 (Paper #3)
- Published: 31/12/2011
Let \( P(n, k) \) denote the set of partitions of \( [n] = \{1, 2, \ldots, n\} \) containing exactly \( k \) blocks. Given a partition \( \Pi = B_1 / B_2 / \cdots / B_k \in P(n, k) \) in which the blocks are listed in increasing order of their least elements, let \( \pi = \pi_1 \pi_2 \cdots \pi_n \) denote the canonical sequential form wherein \( j \in B_{\pi_j} \) for all \( j \in [n] \). In this paper, we supply an explicit formula for the generating function which counts the elements of \( P(n, k) \) according to the number of strings \( k1 \) and \( r(r+1) \), taken jointly, occurring in the corresponding canonical sequential forms. A comparable formula for the statistics on \( P(n, k) \) recording the number of strings \( 1k \) and \( r(r-1) \) is also given, which may be extended to strings \( r(r-1) \cdots (r-m) \) of arbitrary length using linear algebra. In addition, we supply algebraic and combinatorial proofs of explicit formulas for the total number of occurrences of \( k1 \) and \( r(r+1) \) within all the members of \( P(n, k) \).
- Research article
- https://doi.org/10.61091/ojac-602
- Full Text
- Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics
- Issue 6, 2011
- Pages: 1-19 (Paper #2)
- Published: 31/12/2011
A word is centrosymmetric if it is invariant under the reverse-complement map. In this paper, we give enumerative results on k-ary centrosymmetric words of length n avoiding a pattern of length 3 with no repeated letters.
- Research article
- https://doi.org/10.61091/ojac-601
- Full Text
- Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics
- Issue 6, 2011
- Pages: 1-24 (Paper #1)
- Published: 31/12/2011
We consider a bivariate rational generating function
F(x, y) = \frac{P(x, y)}{Q(x, y)} = \sum_{r, s \geq 0} a_{r,s} x^r y^s
under the assumption that the complex algebraic curve \( \mathcal{V} \) on which \( Q \) vanishes is smooth. Formulae for the asymptotics of the coefficients \( \{a_{r,s}\} \) are derived in [PW02]. These formulae are in terms of algebraic and topological invariants of \( \mathcal{V} \), but up to now these invariants could be computed only under a minimality hypothesis, namely that the dominant saddle must lie on the boundary of the domain of convergence. In the present paper, we give an effective method for computing the topological invariants, and hence the asymptotics of {\(a_{rs}\)}, without the minimality assumption. This leads to a theoretically rigorous algorithm, whose implementation is in progress at http://www.mathemagix.org
- Research article
- https://doi.org/10.61091/ojac-508
- Full Text
- Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics
- Issue 5, 2010
- Pages: 1-94 (Paper #8)
- Published: 31/01/2010
This paper presents a new construction of the \( m \)-fold metaplectic cover of \( \mathrm{GL}_n \) over an algebraic number field \( k \), where \( k \) contains a primitive \( m \)-th root of unity. A 2-cocycle on \( \mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb{A}) \) representing this extension is given, and the splitting of the cocycle on \( \mathrm{GL}_n(k) \) is found explicitly. The cocycle is smooth at almost all places of \( k \). As a consequence, a formula for the Kubota symbol on \( \mathrm{SL}_n \) is obtained. The construction of the paper requires neither class field theory nor algebraic \( K \)-theory but relies instead on naive techniques from the geometry of numbers introduced by W. Habicht and T. Kubota. The power reciprocity law for a number field is obtained as a corollary.
- Research article
- https://doi.org/10.61091/ojac-507
- Full Text
- Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics
- Issue 5, 2010
- Pages: 1-15 (Paper #7)
- Published: 31/01/2010
Let \( \pi = \pi_1 \pi_2 \cdots \pi_n \) be any permutation of length \( n \), we say a descent \( \pi_i \pi_{i+1} \) is a {lower}, {middle}, {upper} if there exists \( j > i+1 \) such that \( \pi_j < \pi_{i+1}, \pi_{i+1} < \pi_j < \pi_i, \pi_i < \pi_j \), respectively. Similarly, we say a rise \( \pi_i \pi_{i+1} \) is a {lower}, {middle}, {upper} if there exists \( j > i+1 \) such that \( \pi_j < \pi_i, \pi_i < \pi_j < \pi_{i+1}, \pi_{i+1} < \pi_j \), respectively. In this paper, we give an explicit formula for the generating function for the number of permutations of length \( n \) according to the number of upper, middle, lower rises, and upper, middle, lower descents. This allows us to recover several known results in the combinatorics of permutation patterns as well as many new results. For example, we give an explicit formula for the generating function for the number of permutations of length \( n \) having exactly \( m \) middle descents.
- Research article
- https://doi.org/10.61091/ojac-506
- Full Text
- Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics
- Issue 5, 2010
- Pages: 1-19 (Paper #6)
- Published: 31/01/2010
We prove that a sumset of a TE subset of N (these sets can be viewed as “aperiodic” sets) with a set of positive upper density intersects any polynomial sequence. For WM sets (subclass of TE sets) we prove that the intersection has lower Banach density one. In addition we obtain a generalization of the latter result to the case of several polynomials.
- Research article
- https://doi.org/10.61091/ojac-505
- Full Text
- Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics
- Issue 5, 2010
- Pages: 1-24 (Paper #5)
- Published: 31/01/2010
In this paper, we prove the Tiling implies Spectral part of Fuglede’s cojecture for the three interval case. Then we prove the converse Spectral implies Tiling in the case of three equal intervals and also in the case where the intervals have lengths 1/2, 1/4, 1/4. Next, we consider a set Ω ⊂ R, which is a union of n intervals. If Ω is a spectral set, we prove a structure theorem for the spectrum provided the spectrum is assumed to be contained in some lattice. The method of this proof has some implications on the Spectral implies Tiling part of Fuglede’s conjecture for three intervals. In the final step in the proof, we need a symbolic computation using Mathematica. Finally with one additional assumption we can conclude that the Spectral implies Tiling holds in this case.
- Research article
- https://doi.org/10.61091/ojac-504
- Full Text
- Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics
- Issue 5, 2010
- Pages: 1-4 (Paper #4)
- Published: 31/01/2010
We show that if \( A \) is a finite subset of an abelian group with additive energy at least \( c|A|^3 \), then there is a set \( \mathcal{L} \subset A \) with \( |\mathcal{L}| = O(c^{-1} \log |A|) \) such that \( |A \cap \mathrm{Span}(\mathcal{L})| = \Omega(c^{1/3} |A|) \).
- Research article
- https://doi.org/10.61091/ojac-503
- Full Text
- Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics
- Issue 5, 2010
- Pages: 1-4 (Paper #3)
- Published: 31/01/2010
We provide further explanation of the significance of an example in a recent paper of Wolf in the context of the problem of finding large subspaces in sumsets.
- Research article
- https://doi.org/10.61091/ojac-502
- Full Text
- Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics
- Issue 5, 2010
- Pages: 1-24 (Paper #2)
- Published: 31/01/2010
Lucy Slater used Bailey’s \( {}_6\psi_6 \) summation formula to derive the Bailey pairs she used to construct her famous list of 130 identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan type.
In the present paper, we apply the same techniques to Chu’s \( {}_{10}\psi_{10} \) generalization of Bailey’s formula to produce quite general Bailey pairs. Slater’s Bailey pairs are then recovered as special limiting cases of these more general pairs.
In re-examining Slater’s work, we find that her Bailey pairs are, for the most part, special cases of more general Bailey pairs containing one or more free parameters. Further, we also find new general Bailey pairs (containing one or more free parameters) which are also implied by the \( {}_6\psi_6 \) summation formula.
Slater used the Jacobi triple product identity (sometimes coupled with the quintuple product identity) to derive her infinite products. Here we also use other summation formulae (including special cases of the \( {}_6\psi_6 \) summation formula and Jackson’s \( {}_6\phi_5 \) summation formula) to derive some of our infinite products. We use the new Bailey pairs, and/or the summation methods mentioned above, to give new proofs of some general series-product identities due to Ramanujan, Andrews, and others. We also derive a new general series-product identity, one which may be regarded as a partner to one of the Ramanujan identities. We also find new transformation formulae between basic hypergeometric series, new identities of Rogers-Ramanujan type, and new false theta series identities. Some of these latter are a kind of “hybrid” in that one side of the identity consists of a basic hypergeometric series, while the other side is formed from a theta product multiplied by a false theta series. This type of identity appears to be new.