S.S. Sane1, M.S. Shrikhande2
1Department of Mathematics University of Bombay Bombay — 98 INDIA
2 Mathematics Department Central Michigan University Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859 U.S.A.

In “On the exact minimal (1, 4)-cover of twelve points” (\textit{Ars Combinatoria} 27, 3–18, 1989), Sane proved that if \(E\) is an exact minimal (1, 5)-cover of nineteen points, then \(E\) has 282, 287, 292, or 297 blocks. Here we rule out the first possibility.

S.M. Lee1, A. Lia2
1 Department of Mathematics and Computing Science San Jose State University San Jose, CA 95192
2 Department of Mathematics University of Alberta Edmonton, ALTA, T6G 2G1
HL. Abbott1, B. Zhou1
1 Department of Mathematics University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta Canada T6G 2G1

It is shown that a \(4\)-critical planar graph must contain a cycle of length \(4\) or \(5\) or a face of size \(k\), where \(6 \leq k \leq 11\).

Doron Cohen1, Tuvi Etzion1
1 Department of Computer Science Technion Haifa 32000 Israel

We give a construction of a row-complete Latin square, which cannot be made column-complete by a suitable permutation of its rows, for every even order greater than \(8\).

Branko Griinbaum1
1 Department of Mathematics University of Washington GN-50 Seattle, WA U.S.A. 98195

In a recent paper, Gustavus J. Simmons introduced a new class of combinatorial-geometric objects he called “campaign graphs”. A \(k\)-campaign graph is a collection of points and segments such that each segment contains precisely \(k\) of the points, and each point is the endpoint of precisely one segment. Among other results, Simmons proved the existence of infinitely many critical \(k\)-campaign graphs for \(k \leq 4\).

The main aim of this note is to show that Simmons’ result holds for \(k = 5\) and \(6\) as well, thereby providing proofs, amplifications and a correction for statements of this author which Dr. Simmons was kind enough to include in a postscript to his paper.

K. L. Teo1, K.M. Koh2
1Department of Mathematics and Statistics Massey University New Zealand
2 Department of Mathematics National University of Singapore Singapore

Let \(P(G)\) denote the chromatic polynomial of a graph \(G\). Two graphs \(G\) and \(H\) are chromatically equivalent, writen \(G \sim H\), if \(P(G) = P(H)\). A graph \(G\) is chromatically unique if \(G \cong H\) for any graph H such that \(H \sim G\). Let \(\mathcal{G}\) denote the class of \(2\)-connected graphs of order n and size \(n+ 2\) which contain a \(4\)-cycle or two triangles. It follows that if \(G \in \mathcal{G}\) and \(H \sim G\),then \(H \in \mathcal{G}\). In this paper, we determine all equivalence classes in \(\mathcal{G}\) under the equivalence relation \(‘\sim’\) and characterize the structures of the graphs in each class. As a by-product of these,we obtain three new families of chromatically unique graphs.

J. H. Dinitz1, W. D. Wallis2
1University of Vermont
2 Southern Illinois University
C.C. Lindner1, C.A. Rodger1, D.R. Stinson2
1Dept. of Algebra, Combinatorics and Analysis Auburn University Auburn, AL 36849 U.S.A.
2 Department of Computer Science University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2 CANADA

We show that for all odd \(m\), there exists a directed \(m\)-cycle system of \(D_n\) that has an \(\left\lfloor \frac{m}{2} \right\rfloor\)-nesting, except possibly when \(n \in \{3m+1, 6m+1\}\).

Martin J. Sharry1, Anne Penfold Street1
1 Centre for Combinatorics, Department of Mathematics The University of Queensland, Queensland 4072, AUSTRALIA

Given an overlarge set of Steiner triple systems, each on \(v\) points, we construct an overlarge set of Steiner triple systems, each on \(2v+1\) points. Overlarge sets with specified properties can be constructed in this way; in particular, we construct overlarge sets which cannot be derived from Steiner quadruple systems.

C. Alves1, S. McLaurin2, D. Smith2
1Trenton State College K. Gurganus,
2University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Halberstam, Hoffman and Richter introduced the idea of a Latin triangle as an analogue of a Latin square, showed the existence or non-existence of Latin triangles for small orders, and used a multiplication technique to generate triangles of orders \(3^n\) and \(3^n – 1\). We generalize this multiplication theorem and provide a construction of Latin triangles of odd order \(n\) for \(n\) such that \(n+2\) is prime. We also discuss scalar multiplication, orthogonal triangles, and results of computer searches.

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