Ars Combinatoria

ISSN 0381-7032 (print), 2817-5204 (online)

Ars Combinatoria is the oldest Canadian Journal of Combinatorics, established in 1976. The journal is dedicated to advancing the field of combinatorial mathematics through the publication of high-quality research papers. From 2024 onward, it publishes four volumes per year in March, June, September and December. Ars Combinatoria has gained recognition and visibility in the academic community and is indexed in renowned databases such as MathSciNet, Zentralblatt, and Scopus. The Scope of the journal includes Graph theory, Design theory, Extremal combinatorics, Enumeration, Algebraic combinatorics, Combinatorial optimization, Ramsey theory, Automorphism groups, Coding theory, Finite geometries, Chemical graph theory but not limited.

Hui Cheng1, Bing Yao2, Xiang-en Chen, Zhong-fu Zhang
1 College of Mathematics and Information Science, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, 730070, China
2Institute of Applied Mathematic, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, P.R.China

In this paper, we, by means of Rosa’s \(\alpha\)-labelling and \(k\)-graceful labelling, prove that generalized spiders, generalized caterpillars, and generalized path-block chains are graceful under some conditions. Some of the results are stronger than that obtained in \([4]\).

K.Reji Kumar1, S. Arumugam2, G. Macgillivray3
1Department of Mathematics, N.S. $ College, Pandalam, India .
2Senior Professor (Research), Arutmigu Kalasalingam College of Engineering, Anand Nagar, Krishnankoil, India .
3Department. of Mathematies and Statistics. University of Victoria, Canada. Research sup- ported by NSERC .

We study convexity with respect to a definition of fractional independence in a graph \(G\) that is quantified over neighbourhoods rather than edges. The graphs that admit a so-called universal maximal fractional independent set are characterized, as are all such sets. A characterization is given of the maximal fractional independent sets which cannot be obtained as a proper convex combination of two other such sets.

Qiuju Bian1
1School of Mathematics and Information Science Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, P. R. China

In this paper, we consider the relationship between the toughness and the existence of fractional \(f\)-factors. It is proved that a graph $G$ has a fractional \(f\)-factor if \(t(G) \geq \frac{b^2+b}{a}-\frac{b+1}{b}\). Furthermore, we show that the result is best possible in some sense.

Haci Civciv1, Ramazan Turkmen1
1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Art and Science, Selcuk University, 42031 Konya, Turkey

It is always fascinating to see what results when seemingly different areas of mathematics overlap. This article reveals one such result; number theory and linear algebra are intertwined to yield complex factorizations of the classic Fibonacci, Pell, Jacobsthal, and Mersenne numbers. Also, in this paper we define a new matrix generalization of the Fibonacci numbers, and using essentially a matrix approach we show some properties of this matrix sequence.

A. Panayotopoulos1, P. Vlamos2
1University of Piraeus, 80 Karaoli & Dimitriou Str, 18534 Piraeus, Greece
2Department of Informatics, Ionian University, Plateia Tsirigoti 7, 49100 Corfu, Greece,

The notion of meandric polygons is introduced in this paper. A bijection exists between the set of meandric polygons and that of closed meanders. We use these polygons to enumerate the set of meanders which have a fixed number of arcs of the meandric curves lying above and below the horizontal line at a given point.

Zan-Bo Zhang1,2, Dingjun Lou2, Xiaoyan Zhang3
1Department of Computer Engineering, Guangdong Industry Technical College, Guangzhou 510300, China
2Department of Computer Science, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
3School of Mathematics and Computer Science & Institute of Mathematics, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China

In this paper, we give a sufficient and necessary condition for a \(k\)-extendable graph to be \(2k\)-factor-critical when \(k = \frac{v}{4}\), and prove some results on independence numbers in \(n\)-factor-critical graphs and \(k\frac{1}{2}\)-extendable graphs.

M.A. Seoud1, E.A.El Sakhawi1
1Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University Abbassia, Cairo, Egypt

In this paper, we show that some families of graphs are arbitrarily graceful or almost graceful.

Rodolfo Salvi1, Norma Zagaglia Salvi1
1Dipartimento di Matematica Politecnico di Milano P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 20133 Milano, Italy

We consider the lattice of order ideals of the union of an \(n\)-element fence and an antichain of size \(i\), whose Hasse diagram turns out to be isomorphic to the \(i\)-th extended Fibonacci cube. We prove that the Whitney numbers of these lattices form a unimodal sequence satisfying a particular property, called \({alternating}\), we find the maximum level of the game sequence and determine the exact values of these numbers.

Juan Liu1, Jixiang Meng1
1College of Mathematics and System Sciences, Xinjiang University Urumai, Xinjiang, 830046, P.R.China

Let \(D\) be a strongly connected digraph with order at least two. Let \(T(D)\) denote the total digraph of \(D\), and let \(\kappa(D)\) and \(\lambda(D)\) denote the connectivity and arc-connectivity of \(D\), respectively. In this paper, we study super-arc-connected and super-connected total digraphs. The following results are obtained:

  1. \(T(D)\) is super-arc-connected if and only if \(D \ncong \overrightarrow{K_2}\).
  2. If \(\kappa(D) + \lambda(D) > \delta(D) + 1\), then \(T(D)\) is super-connected.

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