Diane Donovan1, Abdollah Khodkar1
1Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Computing Department of Mathematics The University of Queensland Queensland 4072 Australia

Let \( T \) be a partial Latin square. If there exist two distinct Latin squares \( M \) and \( N \) of the same order such that \( M \cap N = T \), then \( M \setminus T \) is said to be a Latin trade. For a given Latin square \( M \), it is possible to identify a subset of entries, termed a critical set, which intersects all Latin trades in \( M \) and is minimal with respect to this property.

Stinson and van Rees have shown that under certain circumstances, critical sets in Latin squares \( M \) and \( N \) can be used to identify critical sets in the direct product \( M \times N \). This paper presents a refinement of Stinson and van Rees’ results and applies this theory to prove the existence of two new families of critical sets.

Spencer P. Hurd1, Tarsem S. Purewal2, Dinesh G. Sarvate3
1Dept. of Mathematics and CS, The Citadel Charleston, SC, 29409,
2Department of Mathematics, University of Charleston, Charleston, SC, 29424,
3Department of Mathematics, University of Charleston, Charleston, SC, 29424

We obtain necessary conditions for the enclosing of a group divisible design with block size 3, \( \text{GDD}(n, m; \lambda) \), into a group divisible design \( \text{GDD}(\text{n}, \text{m+1}; \lambda+\text{x}) \) with one extra group and minimal increase in \( \lambda \). We prove that the necessary conditions are sufficient for the existence of all such enclosings for GDDs with group size 2 and \( \lambda \leq 6 \), and for any \( \lambda \) when \( v \) is sufficiently large relative to \( \lambda \).

Peter J. Larcombe1, David R. French (Retired)1
1School of Computing and Technology University of Derby, Kedleston Road, Derby DE22 1GB, U.K.

A known convolution identity involving the Catalan numbers is presented and discussed. Catalan’s original formulation, which is algebraically straightforward, is similar in style to one reported previously by the first author and the result has some interesting combinatorial aspects.

A. Panayotopoulos1, P. Tsikouras1
1 Department of Informatics University of Piraeus 80 Karaoli & Dimitriou, 185 34 Piraeus Greece

In this paper we prove various properties of the meanders. We then use these properties in order to construct recursively the set of all meanders of any particular order.

Hossein Shahmohamad1
1Department of Mathematics & Statistics Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY 14623

The main results of this paper are the discovery of infinite families of flow equivalent pairs of \( B_5 \) and \( W_5 \), amalamorphs, and infinite families of chromatically equivalent pairs of \( P \) and \( W_5^* \); homeomorphs, where \( B_5 \) is \( K_5 \) with one edge deleted, \( P \) is the Prism graph, and \( W_5 \) is the join of \( K_1 \) and a cycle on 4 vertices. Six families of \( B_5 \) amalamorphs, with two families having 6 parameters, and 9 families of \( W_5 \) amalamorphs, with one family having 4 parameters, are discovered. Since \( B_5 \) and \( W_5 \) are both planar, all these results obtained can be stated in terms of chromatically equivalent pairs of \( B_5^* \) and \( W_5^* \) homeomorphs. Also, three conjectures are made about the non-existence of flow-equivalent amalamorphs or chromatically equivalent homeomorphs of certain graphs.

WD. Wallis1, J. L. Yucas1
1Department of Mathematics, Southern Ilinois University, Carbondale IL, USA 62901-4408

Agrawal provided a construction for designs for two-way elimination of heterogeneity, based on a symmetric balanced incomplete block design. He could not prove the construction, although he found no counterexample. Subsequently Raghavarao and Nageswarerao published a proof of the method. In this note we observe a flaw in the published proof.

Tom C. Brown1
1Department of Mathematics Simon Fraser University Burnaby, BC, Canada V5A 186

We discuss van der Waerden’s theorem on arithmetic progressions and an extension using Ramsey’s theorem, and the canonical versions. We then turn to a result (Theorem 6 below) similar in character to van der Waerden’s theorem, applications of Theorem 6, and possible canonical versions of Theorem 6. We mention several open questions involving arithmetic progressions and other types of progressions.

Mario Gionfriddo1, C. C. Lindner2
1Departimento di Matematica Universita di Catania 95125 Catania ITALIA
2Department of Discrete and Statistical Sciences Auburn University Auburn, Alabama 36849 USA

Let \( c^* = \). If we remove the double edge, the result is a \( 4 \)-cycle. Let \( (S,T) \) be a \( 2 \)-fold triple system without repeated triples and \( (S,C^*) \) a pairing of the triples into copies of \( c^* \). If \( C \) is the collection of \( 4 \)-cycles obtained by removing the double edges from each copy of \( c^* \) and \( F \) is a reassembly of these double edges into \( 4 \)-cycles, then \( (S,C \cup F) \) is a \( 2 \)-fold \( 4 \)-cycle system. We show that the spectrum for \( 2 \)-fold triple systems having a \emph{metamorphosis} into a \( 2 \)-fold \( 4 \)-cycle system as described above is precisely the set of all \( n \equiv 0,1,4\, \text{or}\, 9 \pmod{12} \geq 5 \).

B.L. Hartnell1, P.D. Vestergaard2
1Department of Mathematics and Computing Science Saint Mary’s University Halifax, N.S. Canada B3H 3C3
2Department of Mathematics Aalborg University Fredrik Bajers Vej 7G DK-9220 Aalborg @ Denmark

Consider a graph \( G \) in which the vertices are partitioned into \( k \) subsets. For each subset, we want a set of vertices of \( G \) that dominate that subset. Note that the vertices doing the domination need not be in the subset itself. We are interested in dominating the entire graph \( G \) as well as dominating each of the \( k \) subsets and minimizing the sum of these \( k + 1 \) dominating sets. For trees and for all values of \( k \), we can determine an upper bound on this sum and characterize the trees that achieve it.

Hamish Carr1, William Kocay2
1Computer Science Department University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC, Canada, R3T 2N2
2Computer Science Department St. Paul’s College, University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3T 2N2

A technique is described that constructs a 4-colouring of a planar triangulation in quadratic time. The method is based on iterating Kempe’s technique. The heuristic gives rise to an interesting family of graphs which cause the algorithm to cycle. The structure of these graphs is described. A modified algorithm that appears always to work is presented. These techniques may lead to a proof of the 4-Colour Theorem which does not require a computer to construct and colour irreducible configurations.

Sin-Min Lee1, Linda Valdés1, Yong-Song Ho2
1San José State University San José, CA 95192
2Nan-Chiau High School, Singapore

For \( k > 0 \), we call a graph \( G = (V,E) \) \( k \)-magic if there exists a labeling \( l: E(G) \to \mathbb{Z}_k^* \) such that the induced vertex set labeling \( l^+: V(G) \to \mathbb{Z}_k \), defined by

l^+(v) = \sum\{l(u,v): (u,v) \in E(G)\}

is a constant map. We denote the set of all \( k \) such that \( G \) is \( k \)-magic by \(\text{IM}(G)\). We call this set the \textbf{\emph{integer-magic spectrum}} of \( G \). We investigate these sets for trees, double trees, and abbreviated double trees. We define group-magic spectrum for \( G \) similarly. Finally, we show that a tree is \( k \)-magic, \( k > 2 \), if and only if it is \( k \)-label reducible.

C. A. Baker1, Anthony Bonato2, Julia M.N. Brown3
1Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, 67 York Street, Sackville, Nb, Canaba, E4l 1E6
2Department of Mathematics, Wilfrid Laurier University, Water- Loo, on, Canaba, N2l 3C5
3Department Of Mathematics and Sratistics, York Universiry, N520 Ross Bul.Ding, 4700 Ker.E Stree’, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1p3

A graph \( G \) is 3-e.c. if for each distinct triple \( S \) of vertices, and each subset \( T \) of \( S \), there is a vertex not in \( S \) joined to the vertices of \( T \) and to no other vertices of \( S \). Few explicit examples of 3-e.c. graphs are known, although almost all graphs are 3-e.c. We provide new examples of 3-e.c. graphs arising as incidence graphs of partial planes resulting from affine planes. We also present a new graph operation that preserves the 3-e.c. property.

Richard Bilous1
1Concordia University Department of Computer Science

It is known that if a \( (22,33,12,8,4) \)-BIBD exists, then its incidence matrix is contained in a \( (33,16) \) doubly-even self-orthogonal code (that does not contain a coordinate of zeros). There are 594 such codes, up to equivalence. It has been theoretically proven that 116 of these codes cannot contain the incidence matrix of such a design. For the remaining 478 codes, an exhaustive clique search may be tried, on the weight 12 words of a code, to determine whether or not it contains such an incidence matrix. Thus far, such a search has been used to show 299 of the 478 remaining codes do not contain the incidence matrix of a \( (22,33,12,8,4) \)-BIBD.

In this paper, an outline of the method used to search the weight 12 words of these codes is given. The paper also gives estimations on the size of the search space for the remaining 179 codes. Special attention is paid to the toughest cases, namely the 11 codes that contain 0 weight 4 words and the 21 codes that contain one and only one weight 4 word.

Heiko Harborth1, Markus Seemann1
1Technische Universitat Braunsclweig D-38023 Braunschweig, Germany

Given a polyomino \( P \) with \( n \) cells, two players \( A \) and \( B \) alternately color the cells of the square tessellation of the plane. In the case of \( A \)-achievement, player \( A \) tries to achieve a copy of \( P \) in his color and player \( B \) tries to prevent \( A \) from achieving a copy of \( P \). The handicap number \( h(P) \) denotes the minimum number of cells such that a winning strategy exists for player \( A \). For all polyominoes that form a square of \( n = s^2 \) square cells, the handicap number will be determined to be \( s^2 – 1 \).

Gennian Ge1, Malcolm Greig2, Jennifer Seberry3
1Department of Mathematics, Suzhou University, Suzhou, 215006, P. R. China
2Greig Consulting, 317-130 East 11th St., North Vancouver, BC, Canada V7L 4R3
3School of Information Technology and Computer Science, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia.

De Launey and Seberry have looked at the existence of Generalized Bhaskar Rao designs with block size 4 signed over elementary Abelian groups and shown that the necessary conditions for the existence of a \( (v, 4, \lambda; EA(g)) \) GBRD are sufficient for \( \lambda > g \) with 70 possible basic exceptions. This article extends that work by reducing those possible exceptions to just a \( (9, 4, 18h; EA(9h)) \) GBRD, where \( \gcd(6, h) = 1 \), and shows that for \( \lambda = g \) the necessary conditions are sufficient for \( v > 46 \).

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