Ars Combinatoria

ISSN 0381-7032 (print), 2817-5204 (online)

Ars Combinatoria is the oldest Canadian Journal of Combinatorics, established in 1976. The journal is dedicated to advancing the field of combinatorial mathematics through the publication of high-quality research papers. From 2024 onward, it publishes four volumes per year in March, June, September and December. Ars Combinatoria has gained recognition and visibility in the academic community and is indexed in renowned databases such as MathSciNet, Zentralblatt, and Scopus. The Scope of the journal includes Graph theory, Design theory, Extremal combinatorics, Enumeration, Algebraic combinatorics, Combinatorial optimization, Ramsey theory, Automorphism groups, Coding theory, Finite geometries, Chemical graph theory but not limited.

Ebadollah S. Mahmoodian 1,2
1 Department of Mathematical Sciences Sharif University of Technology
2 Research Center of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran

The set of all distinct blocks of an \(t\)-(v,k) design is referred to as the support of the design, and its cardinality is denoted by \(b^*\). By generalizing a method on BIB designs called “trade off” to \(3\)-designs, a table for \(3\)-(9,4) designs with each \(60 \leq b^* \leq 126 = {\binom{9}{4}}\) is constructed. Also, we have produced over 2500 non-isomorphic \(3\)-(9,4) designs with \(\lambda = 6\). By utilizing this generalized trade off method along with two other methods, a table for \(3\)-(10,4) designs with 156 different \(b^*\)’s is constructed. By a recursive lower bound on the minimum value of \(b^*\) in all \(t\)-(v,k) designs, it is shown that \(b^*_{min}[3-(9,4)] \geq 36,\) and \(b^*_{min}[3\)-(10,4)] = 30.

Geoffrey Exoo1
1Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Indiana State University Terre Haute, IN 47809

A hypergraph has property \(\mathcal{B}\) (or chromatic number two) if there is a set which intersects each of its edges, but contains none of its edges. The number of edges in a smallest \(n\)-graph which does not have property \(\mathcal{B}\) is denoted \(m(n)\). This function has proved difficult to evaluate for \(n > 3\). As a consequence, several refinements and variations of the function \(m\) have been studied. In this paper, we describe an effort to construct, via computer, hypergraphs that improve current estimates of such functions.

Brendan D. McKay1, Gordon F. Royle2
1 Computer Science Department Australian National University GPO Box 4, ACT 2601, Australia
2 Mathematics Department University of Western Australia Nedlands, Wa 6009, Australia

We complete the construction of all the simple graphs with at most \(26\) vertices and transitive automorphism group. The transitive graphs with up to \(19\) vertices were earlier constructed by McKay , and the transitive graphs with \(24\) vertices by Praeger and Royle . Although most of the construction was done by computer, a substantial preparation was necessary. Some of this theory may be of independent interest.

Jason I. Brown1, Derek G. Corneil 2
1 Department of Mathematics York University, Toronto
2Department of Computer Science University of Toronto Toronto, CANADA

Given a graph \(G\) and nonnegative integer \(k\), a map \(\pi: V(G) \to \{1, \ldots, k\}\) is a perfect \(k\)-colouring if the subgraph induced by each colour class is perfect. The perfect chromatic number of \(G\) is the least \(k\) for which \(G\) has a perfect \(k\)-colouring; such an invariant is a measure of a graph’s imperfection. We study here the theory of perfect colourings. In particular, the existence of perfect \(k\)-chromatic graphs are shown for all \(k\), and we draw attention to the associated extremal problem. We provide extensions to C. Berge’s Strong Perfect Graph Conjecture, and prove the existence of graphs with only one perfect \(k\)-colouring (up to a permutation of colours). The type of approach taken here can be applied to studying any graph property closed under induced subgraphs.

Paul Vieira Caetano1, Katherine Heinrich 2
1 University of Waterloo Waterloo Ontario N2L 3G1 Canada
2Simon Fraser University Burnaby BC VSA 186 Canada

An \(S_{s,t}\) distar-factorization of \(DK_{m}\) is an edge partitioning of the complete symmetric directed graph \(DK_{m}\) into subdigraphs each of which is isomorphic to the distar \(S_{s,t}\) (the distar \(S_{s,t}\) being obtained from the star \(K_{1,s+t}\) by directing \(s\) of the edges into the centre and \(t\) of the edges out of the centre). We consider the question, “When can the arcs of \(DK_{m}\) be partitioned into arc-disjoint subgraphs each isomorphic to \(S_{s,t}\)?” and give necessary and sufficient conditions for \(S_{s,t}\) distar-factorizations of \(DK_{m}\) in the cases when either \(m\equiv 0\) or \(1 \pmod{s+t}\).

E. Csaki1, S. G. Mohanty2, Jagdish Saran3
1Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest, HUNGARY
2 McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario CANADA
3 University of Delhi Delhi, INDIA

Consider a random walk in a plane in which a particle at any stage moves one unit in any one of the four directions, namely, north, south, east, west with equal probability. The problem of finding the distribution of any characteristic of the above random walk when the particle reaches a fixed point \((a, b)\) after \(d\) steps reduces to the counting of lattice paths in a plane in which the path can move one unit in any of the four directions. In this paper, path counting results related to the boundaries \(y-x = k_1\) and \(y+x = k_2\) such as touchings, crossings, etc., are obtained by using either combinatorial or probabilistic methods. Some extensions to higher dimensions are indicated.

William McCuaig1
1Department of Combinatorics and Optimization University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1 CANADA

For \(v \geq 4\) we determine the largest number \(f(v)\), such that every simple \(3\)-connected graph on \(v\) vertices has \(f(v)\) edge contractions which result in a smaller \(3\)-connected graph. We also characterize those simple \(3\)-connected graphs on \(v\) vertices which have exactly \(f(v)\) such edge contractions.

Olof Heden 1
1Department of Mathematics Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden
B. Piazza1, R. Ringeisen2, S. Stueckle3
1University of Southem Mississippi
2 Clemson University
3University of Idaho

Several measures of the vulnerability of a graph have been examined previously. These include connectivity, toughness, binding number, and integrity. In this paper the authors examine the toughness and binding number of cycle permutation graphs (sometimes called generalized prisms). In particular, we determine the binding number for any cycle permutation graph and find upper and lower bounds for the toughness of such graphs. A class of cycle permutation graphs where the lower bound is always achieved and a class of cycle permutation graphs (which are also generalized Petersen graphs) where the lower bound is never achieved are also presented.

Howard B. Frost1, Michael S. Jacobson2, Jerald A. Kabell3, F.R. MeMorris2
1 Department of Mathematics University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721
2 Department of Mathematics University of Louisville Louisville, KY 40292
3Department of Computer Science Central Michigan University Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859

Following up on the bipartite analogue of an interval graph developed in a previous work, we investigate several possibilities for a bipartite analogue of the concept of a split graph. We also give bipartite analogues of threshold graphs and of perfect graphs.

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