Peter Adams1, Ryan C. Bunge2, Jordan Dulowski2, Saad I. El-Zanati2, Maddillon Kenney2, Ugur Odabası3, Kaitlyn Zale2
1The University of Queensland, QLD 4072, Australia
2Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61790-4520, USA
3Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Istanbul, 34320, Turkey

The λ-fold complete symmetric directed graph of order v, denoted λKv*, is the directed graph on v vertices and λ directed edges in each direction between each pair of vertices. For a given directed graph D, the set of all v for which λKv* admits a D-decomposition is called the λ-fold spectrum of D. In this paper, we settle the λ-fold spectrum of each of the nine non-isomorphic orientations of a 6-cycle.

Youssef Ahendouz1, Ismail Akharraz1
1Mathematical and Informatics Engineering Laboratory Ibn Zohr University – Morocco

In this paper, we provide a correction regarding the structure of negacyclic codes of length \(8p^s\) over \(\mathcal{R} = \mathbb{F}_{p^m} + u \mathbb{F}_{p^m}\) when \(p^m \equiv 3 \pmod{8}\) as classified in [1]. Among other results, we determine the number of codewords and the dual of each negacyclic code.

Xiaoling Sun1, Jianwei Du1
1School of Mathematics, North University of China, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030051, China

The multiplicative sum Zagreb index is a modified version of the well-known Zagreb indices. The multiplicative sum Zagreb index of a graph \(G\) is the product of the sums of the degrees of pairs of adjacent vertices. The mathematical properties of the multiplicative sum Zagreb index of graphs with given graph parameters deserve further study, as they can be used to detect chemical compounds and study network structures in mathematical chemistry. Therefore, in this paper, the maximal and minimal values of the multiplicative sum Zagreb indices of graphs with a given clique number are presented. Furthermore, the corresponding extremal graphs are characterized.

Kevin R. Hutson1, Stephen T. Hedetniemi2
1Department of Mathematics, Furman University, Greenville, SC 29613, USA
2Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, USA

Let \( G = (V, E) \) be a graph. A subset \( S \subseteq V \) of vertices is an \textit{efficient dominating set} if every vertex \( v \in V \) is adjacent to exactly one vertex in \( S \), where a vertex \( u \in S \) is considered to be adjacent to itself. Efficient domination is highly desirable in many real-world applications, and yet, in general, graphs are often not efficient. It is of value, therefore, to determine optimum ways in which inefficient graphs can be changed in order to make them efficient. It is well known, for example, that almost no \( m \times n \) grid graphs have efficient dominating sets. In this paper, we consider the minimum number of vertices that can be removed from an \( m \times n \) grid graph so that the remaining graph has an efficient dominating set.

Yegnanarayanan Venkataraman1, George Barnabas1, Bryan Freyberg2
1Department of Mathematics, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil, 626126, Tamilnadu, India
2Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Minnesota Duluth, 1117 University Drive, Duluth, 55811, MN, USA

Let \( G = (V, E) \) be any graph. If there exists an injection \( f : V \rightarrow \mathbb{Z} \), such that \( |f(u) – f(v)| \) is prime for every \( uv \in E \), then we say \( G \) is a prime distance graph (PDG). The problem of characterizing the family of all prime distance graphs (PDGs) with chromatic number 3 or 4 is challenging. In the fourth part of this series of articles, we determined which fans are PDGs and which wheels are PDGs. In addition, we showed: (1) a chain of \( n \) mutually isomorphic PDGs is a PDG, and (2) the Cartesian product of a PDG and a path is a PDG. In this part of the series, we improve (1) by showing that there exists a chain of \( n \) arbitrary PDGs which is a PDG. We also show that the following graphs are PDGs: (a) any graph with at most three cycles, (b) the one-point union of cycles, and (c) a family of graphs consisting of paths with common end vertices.

M. Ilayaraja1, A. Muthusamy2
1Department of Mathematics Sona College of Arts and Science Salem-636005, Tamil Nadu, India
2Department of Mathematics Periyar University Salem-636011, Tamil Nadu, India

Let \(P_n\) and \(K_n\) respectively denote a path and complete graph on \(n\) vertices. By a \(\{pH_{1}, qH_{2}\}\)-decomposition of a graph \(G\), we mean a decomposition of \(G\) into \(p\) copies of \(H_{1}\) and \(q\) copies of \(H_{2}\) for any admissible pair of nonnegative integers \(p\) and \(q\), where \(H_{1}\) and \(H_{2}\) are subgraphs of \(G\). In this paper, we show that for any admissible pair of nonnegative integers \(p\) and \(q\), and positive integer \(n \geq 4\), there exists a \(\{pP_{4}, qS_{4}\}\)-decomposition of \(K_n\) if and only if \(3p+4q=\binom{n}{2}\), where \(S_4\) is a star with \(4\) edges.

Wenyue Wu1
1College of Law, Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230032, Anhui, China

Natural environment protection compensation refers to the legal system that protects the natural ecological environment, protects the natural environment and makes the beneficiaries of the natural environment get compensation by some means, so as to adjust the interests of the relevant subjects of natural ecological environment protection. This paper discusses the ecosystem service function and its type division of newly built areas in Ganjiang, and the emergy evaluation of ecosystem service function of newly built areas in Ganjiang, establishes the regular scheduling and joint optimal scheduling models of natural ecosystem service value single reservoir, intro-duces the corresponding model solving methods, and applies the ant colony algorithm to the optimal schedule is a lesson. According to the ant colony algorithm, the best way to study the region is to determine these algorithms. Combined with the kernel density analysis method, the spatial scope, potential corridors and key recovery points of ecological corridors are identified, and the optimization mode of natural ecological security pattern of Shule River is constructed. The experimental results show that the optimized ant colony algorithm proves that joint scheduling plays a more prominent role in ecological environment protection, mainly in ecological support and ecological regulation. At the same time, it verifies the applicability of ant colony algorithm in joint scheduling, and improves the average protection efficiency of natural ecology to 20.9%.

Jingjing Zhao1
1Pingdingshan Polytechnic College Ministry of Physical Education and Mental Health, Pingdingshan 467001,China

The semantic function of modern Chinese “negation + X” modal words based on communication technology and big data corpus has gained wide attention. As the basis of SOA architecture, Web services provide the key resources for worldwide information transfer and information sharing with their characteristics of loose coupling, platform independence, and data exchange without additional support from third-party hardware and software. However, along with the popularization and improvement of Web service technology, the number and types of Web services in the Internet are also increasing massively, and there are a large number of Web services with various functions, quality and granularity. Therefore, how to quickly and accurately discover Web services that satisfy users’ query requests from a large and complex set of services has become a critical problem to be solved in the current Web service discovery research. Based on the real corpus, this paper analyzes the similarities and differences in the semantic functions of modern Chinese “negation + X” modal words by combining lexicalization and grammatization, cognitive linguistics, systemic functional grammar and other related theories. The experimental results demonstrate that the model is designed for automatic annotation of semantic word classes, and the annotation algorithm based on the hidden horse model, combined with the Viterbi algorithm based on dynamic programming, achieves a correct rate of 94.3% in the closed test and 89.1% in the open test despite the small size of the training corpus and severe data sparsity, and the model fitting effect meets the dynamic expectations.

Lijing Gai1
1Department of Physical Education, Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang 110158, Liaoning, China

The relationship between competition state anxiety, motor motivation and coping styles of adolescent track and field athletes in China was investigated using interview and questionnaire research methods. The results showed that the mean scores of cognitive state anxiety and somatic state anxiety were lower in junior track and field athletes who had entered the echelon for a short period of time than in older athletes, and the opposite was true for state self-confidence; there were highly significant differences and significant differences in the identity regulation and introjection regulation dimensions of motor motivation; and there were significant differences in the focused problem-solving coping dimension of coping style. This paper proposes an algorithm for classifying athletic visual mirrors based on sequential model mining. This paper focuses on two issues – feature extraction and definition of semantic rules. In the feature extraction stage, the track and field video footage is automatically segmented into a series of identifiable sequences of athletic events, and then each type of behavioral event is identified using a mechanically learned algorithm. There were no significant differences between the three age groups in terms of race state anxiety, identity regulation and introjection regulation, and no significant differences in coping styles. There were no significant differences in the anxiety of competition status, motivation and coping styles among youth athletes of different sport levels. The results showed the effectiveness of the present algorithm for classifying track and field video cameras.

A. Lourdusamy1, F. Joy Beaula2, F. Patrick3
1Department of Mathematics, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai-627002, India
2Department of Mathematics, Holy Cross College (Autonomous), Trichy-620002, India
3Department of Mathematics, Aadhavan College of Arts and Science, Manapparai-621307, India

A graph labeling is an assignment of integers to the vertices or edges or both, which satisfies certain conditions. The domination cover pebbling number of a graph \( G \) is \( \psi(G) \), which is the minimum number of pebbles required such that any initial configuration of \( \psi(G) \) pebbles can be transformed through a number of pebbling moves so that the set of vertices with pebbles after the pebbling operation forms a dominating set of \( G \). In this paper, we explore the relationship between two graph parameters, namely graph labeling and domination cover pebbling.

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