Hong-Jian Lai 1, Xiankun Zhang1
1Department of Mathematics West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 26505

The edge-integrity of a graph \(G\) is given by
\min\limits_{S\subseteq E(G)} \{ |S| + m(G – S) \},
where \(m(G – S)\) denotes the maximum order of a component of \(G – S\).
Let \(I'(G)\) denote the edge-integrity of a graph \(G\). We define a graph \(G\) to be \(I’\)-maximal if for every edge \(e\) in \(\overline{G}\), the complement of graph \(G\), \(I'(G + e) > I'(G)\). In this paper, some basic results of \(I’\)-maximal graphs are established, the girth of a connected \(I’\)-maximal graph is given and lower and upper bounds on the size of \(I’\)-maximal connected graphs with given order and edge-integrity are investigated. The \(I’\)-maximal trees and unicyclic graphs are completely characterized.

Mao-Ting Chien 1
1Department of Mathematics Soochow University Taipei, Taiwan 11102

The numbers of sets of independent edge sets in \(2\)-lattice graphs, wheel graphs, and circuit graphs are computed.

Bruce M. Landman 1
1Department of Mathematical Sciences University of North Carolina at Greensboro, North Carolina 27412

It is well-known that if \(D\) is any finite set of integers, then there is an \(n\) large enough so that there exists a 2-coloring of the positive integers that avoids any monochromatic \(n\)-term arithmetic progressions whose common differences belong to \(D\).
If \(\vec{d} = (d_1, \ldots, d_k)\) and \(\vec{n} = (n_1, \ldots, n_k)\) are \(k\)-tuples of positive integers, denote by \(f_{\vec{d}}(\vec{n})\) the least positive integer \(N\), if it exists, such that for every 2-coloring of \([1, N]\) there is, for some \(i\), a monochromatic \(n_i\)-term arithmetic progression with common difference \(d_i\).
This paper looks at the problem of determining when \(f_{\vec{d}}(\vec{n})\) exists, and its value when it does exist, for \(k \leq 3\).
A complete answer is given for \(k = 2\).
A partial answer is given for \(k = 3\), including the fact that for all ordered triples \(\vec{d}\), \(f_{\vec{d}}(4, 4, 4)\) does not exist.

Frederick C. Harris1
1 Department of Computer Science University of Nevada Reno, Nevada 89557

Given a set of \(N\) cities, construct a connected network which has minimum length. The problem is simple enough, but the catch is that you are allowed to add junctions in your network. Therefore, the problem becomes how many extra junctions should be added, and where should they be placed so as to minimize the overall network length.

This intriguing optimization problem is known as the Steiner Minimal Tree Problem (SMT), where the junctions that are added to the network are called Steiner Points.

The focus of this paper is twofold.
First We look at the computational history of the problem, up through and including a new method to compute SMT’s in parallel.
Secondly We look at future work in the computation of Steiner Minimal Trees.

Brenton D. GrRay1
1 Cenire for Combinatorics Department of Mathematics The University of Queensland Brisbane 4072 Australia

Suppose \(S\) is a defining set of a symmetric \(2\)-( \(v, k, \lambda\) ) design \(D\), where \(\lambda = 1\) or \(2\); that is, \(D\) is a projective plane or a biplane.
In this paper, conditions under which the residual of \(S\) is a defining set of the residual of \(D\) are investigated.
As a consequence, inequalities relating the sizes of smallest defining sets of \(D\) and of the residual of \(D\) are obtained.
The exact sizes of smallest defining sets of \({PG}(2, 5)\), \({AG}(2, 5)\), and the three non-isomorphic \(2\)-( \(10, 4, 2\) ) designs are determined.

E. Bora-Senta 1, C. Moyssiadis1
1Department of Mathematics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 54006 Thessaloniki. Greece

Exact designs with \(n\) observations and \(k\) two-level factors in the presence of autocorrelated errors are considered. The problem of finding \(D\)- and \(A\)- optimal designs is discussed. An algorithm for constructing such designs, using exhaustive search for different values of \(n\) and \(k\), is developed. The application of this algorithm showed that, in the case of positive autocorrelation, the maximum possible number of interchanges of the factor levels provides almost optimal designs.
On the contrary, in the case of negative autocorrelation, the minimum such number provides almost optimal designs. A list of the exact \(D\)- and \(A\)-optimal designs is given.

Theresa P. Vaughan1
1Department of Mathematics University of North Carolina at Greensboro Greensboro, NC 27412

A tree \(T\) consisting of a line with edges \(\{(1, 2), (2, 3), \ldots, (n-1, n)\}\) and with edges \(\{(1, a_1), (1, a_2), \ldots, (1, a_k)\}\) (a star) attached on the left, is called a broom.
The edges of the tree \(T\) are called \(T\)-transpositions. We give an algorithm to factor any permutation \(\sigma\) of \(\{a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_k, 1, 2, \ldots ,n\}\) as a product of \(T\)-transpositions, and prove that the factorization produced by the algorithm has minimal length.

Sandi Klavzar1, Henry Martyn Mulder2
1Department of Mathematics PEF, University of Maribor Koroska, cesta 160 2000 Maribor Slovenia
2Econometrisch Instituut Erasmus Universiteit P.O. Box 1738 3000 DR Rotterdam The Netherlands

Median graphs are surveyed from the point of view of their characterizations, their role in location theory, and their connections with median structures. The median structures we present include ternary algebras, betweenness, interval structures, semilattices, hypergraphs, join geometries, and conflict models. In addition, some new characterizations of median graphs as meshed graphs are presented and a new characterization in terms of location theory is given.

Marco Buratti 1, Fulvio Zuanni 1
1 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica Universita’ degli Studi di L’Aquila I – 67040 Poggio di Roio (AQ) ITALY

Up to isomorphisms, there are exactly 22 \(1\)-rotational resolved \((52,4,1)\)-BIBD’s.

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