William D. Weakley 1
1Department of Mathematical Sciences Indiana University – Purdue University Fort Wayne, IN 46805

The queen’s graph \(Q_n\) has the squares of the \(n \times n\) chessboard as its vertices; two squares are adjacent if they are in the same row, column, or diagonal. Let \(\gamma(Q_n)\) be the minimum size of a dominating set of \(Q_n\). Spencer proved that \(\gamma(Q_n) \geq {(n-1)}/{2}\) for all \(n\), and the author showed \(\gamma(Q_n) = {(n-1)}/{2}\) implies \(n \equiv 3 \pmod{4}\) and any minimum dominating set of \(Q_n\) is independent.

Define a sequence by \(n_1 = 3\), \(n_2 = 11\), and for \(i > 2\), \(n_i = 4n_{i-1} – n_{i-2} – 2\). We show that if \(\gamma(Q_n) = {(n-1)}/{2}\) then \(n\) is a member of the sequence other than \(n_3 = 39\), and (counting from the center) the rows and columns occupied by any minimum dominating set of \(Q_n\) are exactly the even-numbered ones. This improvement in the lower bound enables us to find the exact value of \(\gamma(Q_n)\) for several \(n\); \(\gamma(Q_n) = {(n+1)}/{2}\) is shown here for \(n = 23, 39\), and elsewhere for \(n = 27, 71, 91, 115, 131\).

Subhamoy Maitra1, Palash Sarkar2
1 Computer and Statistical Service Centre Indian Statistical Institute 203, B.T. Road, Calcutta 700 035, INDIA
2Department of Combinatorics and Optimization University of Waterloo 200 University Avenue West Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3G1

A characterization of symmetric bent functions has been presented in [3]. Here, we provide a simple proof of the same result.

E. J. Cockayne1, O. Favaront2, C. M. Mynhardt3
1Department of Mathematics, University of Victoria, P. O. Box 3045, Victoria, BC, CANADA V8W 3P4;
2LRI, Bat. 490, Université Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex, FRANCE;
3Department of Mathematics, University of South Africa, P. O. Box 392, Unisa, 0003 SOUTH AFRICA;

We prove that the total domination number of an \(n\)-vertex claw-free cubic graph is at most \({n}/{2}\).

Martin BACA1, Mirka MILLER2
1 Department of Applied Mathematics Technical University, Ko8ice, Slovak Republic
2Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering The University of Newcastle, Australia

This paper deals with the problem of labeling the edges of a plane graph in such a way that the weight of a face is the sum of the labels of the edges surrounding that face. The paper describes \((a, d)\)-face antimagic labeling of a certain class of convex polytopes.


Below, we prove that there are exactly 244 nonisomorphic cyclic decompositions of the complete graph \(K_{25}\) into cubes. The full list of such decompositions is given in the Appendix.

J. Cormie1, V. Lineki 1, Sheng Jiang2, Rui-Chen Chen2
1 Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Winnipeg Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 2E9 CANADA
2Department of Mathematics Yangzhou University Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225002 P. R. CHINA

The magic square is probably the most popular and well-studied topic in recreational mathematics. We investigate a variation on this classic puzzle — the antimagic square. We review the history of the problem, and the structure of the design. We then present computational results on the enumeration and construction. Finally, we describe a construction for all orders.

Bader F. AlBdaiwi1, Peter Horak1
1 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Kuwait University Kuwait

We establish a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a perfect distance-\(d\) placement in 3-dimensional tori, for both regular and irregular cases.

Sanming Zhou1
1 Department of Mathematics and Statistics The University of Melbourne Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia

Let \(G\) be a simple graph and \(f\) a function from the vertices of \(G\) to the set of positive integers. An \((f, n)\)-coloring of \(G\) is an assignment of \(n\) colors to the vertices of \(G\) such that each vertex \(x\) is adjacent to less than \(f(x)\) vertices with the same color as \(x\). The minimum \(n\) such that an \((f, n)\)-coloring of \(G\) exists is defined to be the \(f\)-chromatic number of \(G\). In this paper, we address a study of this kind of locally restricted coloring.

Peter Adams1, Darryn Bryant1, Heather Gavlas 2
1 Department of Mathematics University of Queensland Qld 4072 Australia
2Department of Mathematics and Statistics Grand Valley State University Allendale, MI 49401 USA

A \(G\)-decomposition of the complete graph \(K_v\) is a set \({S}\) of subgraphs of \(K_v\), each isomorphic to \(G\), such that the edge set of \(K_v\) is partitioned by the edge sets of the subgraphs in \({S}\). For all positive integers \(v\) and every 2-regular graph \(G\) with ten or fewer vertices, we prove necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a \(G\)-decomposition of \(K_v\).

A. Averbuch1, Y. Roditty1, B. Shoham1
1Department of Computer Science School of Computer Sciences Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978 Israel

A broadcast graph on \(n\) vertices is a network in which a message can be broadcast in minimum possible (\(=\lceil \log_2 n \rceil\)) time from any vertex. Broadcast graphs which have the smallest number of edges are called \emph{Minimum Broadcast Graphs}, and are subjects of intensive study. In this paper, we study how the number of edges in minimum broadcast graphs decreases, as we allow additional time over \(\lceil \log_2 n \rceil\).

We improve results obtained by Shastri in [15] and prove a conjecture posed by Shastri in [15, 16].

Jennifer Seberry 1, Ken Finlayson1
1School of IT and Computer Science University of Wollongong NSW 2522 Australia

We give a new construction for skew-Hadamard matrices. This yields new infinite families of skew-Hadamard matrices, including 43 new skew-Hadamard matrices of order \(4q < 4000\).

M. Emami1, G.B. Khosrovshahi2,3, Ch. Maysoori2
1Department of Mathematics, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, IRAN
2Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM) P.O.Box 19395-5746, Tehran, IRAN
3Department of Mathematics, University of Tehran, Tehran, IRAN

The binary and ternary codes spanned by the rows of the point-by-block, pair-by-block, block-by-point incidence matrices of some 2-designs of small orders and their orthogonal complements are studied. Among some results, it is shown that if the code is properly chosen, then the weight distribution of the code serves as an appropriate design isomorphism invariant. The automorphism groups of the codes and the design are computed.

Hung-Lin Fu1, Shyh-Chung Lin 1, Chin-Mei Fu 2
1Department of Applied Mathematics Nation Chiao Tung University Hsin Chu, Taiwan, R.O.C.
2Department of Mathematics Tankang University Tamsui, Taipei Hsein, Taiwan, R.O.C.

A Latin square of order \(n\) is an \(n \times n\) array of cells containing one of the \(n\) elements in \(\{1,2,\ldots,n\}\) such that in each row and each column each element appears exactly once. A partial transversal \(P\) of a Latin square \(L\) is a set of \(n\) cells such that no two are in the same row and the same column. The number of distinct elements in \(P\) is referred to as the length of \(P\), denoted by \(|P|\), and the maximum length of a partial transversal in \(L\) is denoted by \(t(L)\). In this paper, we study the technique used by Shor which shows that \(t(L) \geq n – 5.53{(\ln)}^2\) and we improve the lower bound slightly by using a more accurate evaluation.

Kevin Ferland1
1Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA 17815

The maximum possible toughness among graphs with \(n\) vertices and \(m\) edges is considered. This is an analog of the corresponding problem regarding maximum connectivity solved by Harary. We show that, if \(m < \lceil \frac{3n}{2} \rceil\) or \(m \geq n(\lfloor \frac{n}{6} \rfloor + \lfloor \frac{n \mod 6}{3} \rfloor)\), then the maximum toughness is half of the maximum connectivity. The same conclusion is obtained if \(r = \lfloor \frac{2m}{n} \rfloor \geq 1\) and \(\frac{(n-1)(r+1)}{2} \leq m < \frac{n(r+1)}{2}\). However, maximum toughness can be strictly less than half of maximum connectivity. Some values of maximum toughness are computed for \(1 \leq n \leq 12\), and some open problems are presented

William E. Wright1, Sakthivel Jeyaratnam2
1Dept. of Computer Science
2Dept. of Mathematics Southern Illinois University Carbondale Carbondale, IL 62901

We describe a random variable \(\text{D}_\text{{n,m}}\), \(\text{n} \geq \text{m} \geq 1\), as the number of failures until the first success in a sequence of n Bernoulli trials containing exactly m successes, for which all possible sequences containing m successes and n-m failures are equally likely. We give the probability density function, the expectation, and the variance of \(\text{D}_\text{{n,m}}\). We define a random variable \(\text{D}_\text{n}\), \(\text{n} \geq 1\), to be the mean of \(\text{D}_\text{n,1}, \ldots, \text{D}_\text{n,n}\). We show that E\([\text{D}_\text{n}]\) is a monotonically increasing function of n and is bounded by \(\ln\) n. We apply these results to a practical application involving a video-on-demand system with interleaved movie files and a delayed start protocol for keeping a balanced workload.

R.S. Rees1, Guo-Hui Zhang2
1Department of Mathematics and Statistics Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s, NF A1C 587
2 Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Alabama at Huntsville Huntsville, AL 35899

The exact values of \(c(n)\) are determined, where \(c(n)\) denotes the largest \(k\) for which there exists a triangle-free \(k\)-regular graph on \(n\) vertices containing a cut-vertex. As a corollary, we obtain a lower bound on the densest triangle-free regular graphs of given order that do not have a one-factorization.

Charles J. Colbourn1, Alan C.H. Ling2
1Computer Science and Engineering Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287-5406 U.S.A
2Computer Science University of Vermont Burlington, VT 05405 U.S.A

In the search for doubly resolvable Kirkman triple systems of order \(v\), systems admitting an automorphism of order \((v-3)/3\) fixing three elements, and acting on the remaining elements in three orbits of length \((v-3)/3\), have been of particular interest. We have established by computer that 100 such Kirkman triple systems exist for \(v=21\), 90,598 for \(v=27\), at least 4,494,390 for \(v=33\), and at least 1,626,684 for \(v=39\). This improves substantially on known lower bounds for numbers of Kirkman triple systems. We also establish that the KTS(27)s so produced yield 47 nonisomorphic doubly resolved KTS(27)s admitting the same automorphism.

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