Songlin Tian1
1Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Central Missouri State University Warrensburg, MO U.S.A. 64093-5045

A connected graph \(G\) is unicentered if \(G\) has exactly one central vertex. It is proved that for integers \(r\) and \(d\) with \(1 \leq r < d \leq 2r\), there exists a unicentered graph \(G\) such that rad\((G) = r\) and diam\((G) = d\). Also, it is shown that for any two graphs \(F\) and \(G\) with rad\((F) = n \geq 4\) and a positive integer \(d\) (\(4 \leq d \leq n\)), there exists a connected graph \(H\) with diam\((H) = d\) such that the periphery and the center of \(H\) are isomorphic to \(F\) and \(G\), respectively.

D. V. Chopra1
1Wichita State University Wichita, Kansas 67208 (U.S.A.)

In this paper we obtain some inequalities on the existence of balanced arrays (\(B\)-arrays) of strength four in terms of its parameter by using Minkowski’s inequality.

Wandi Wei1, Benfu Yang2
1Department of Mathematics Sichuan University Chengdu, CHINA
2Department of Mathematics Chengdu Teacher’s College Chengdu, CHINA

Let \(q\) be a prime power, \({F}_{q^2}\) the finite field with \(q^2\) elements, \(U_n({F}_{q^2})\) the finite unitary group of degree \(n\) over \({F}_{q^2}\), and \(UV_n({F}_{q^2})\) the \(n\)-dimensional unitary geometry over \({F}_{q^2}\). It is proven that the subgroup consisting of the elements of \(U_n({F}_{q^2})\) which fix a given \((m, s)\)-type subspace of \(UV_n({F}_{q^2})\), acts transitively on some subsets of subspaces of \(UV_n({F}_{q^2})\). This observation gives rise to a number of Partially Balanced Incomplete Block Designs (PBIBD’s).

Cantian Lin1, W.D. Wallis1
1Department of Mathematics Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Carbondale, IL 62901-4408

There are two criteria for optimality of weighing designs. One, which has been widely studied, is that the determinant of \(XX^T\) should be maximal, where \({X}\) is the weighing matrix. The other is that the trace of \((XX^T)^{-1}\) should be minimal. We examine the second criterion. It is shown that Hadamard matrices, when they exist, are optimal with regard to the second criterion, just as they are for the first one.

R. Craigen1
1Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science University of Lethbridge Lethbridge, Alberta Canada TIK 3M4

In 1988, Sarvate and Seberry introduced a new method of construction for the family of weighing matrices \(W(n^2(n-1), n^2)\), where \(n\) is a prime power. We generalize this result, replacing the condition on \(n\) with the weaker assumption that a generalized Hadamard matrix \(GH(n; G)\) exists with \(|G| = n\), and give conditions under which an analogous construction works for \(|G| < n\). We generalize a related construction for a \(W(13, 9)\), also given by Sarvate and Seberry, producing a whole new class. We build further on these ideas to construct several other classes of weighing matrices.

D. P. Day1
1Ortrud R. Oellermann and Henda C. Swart University of Natal

For an integer \(\ell \geq 2\), the \(\ell\)-connectivity (\(\ell\)-edge-connectivity) of a graph \(G\) of order \(p\) is the minimum number of vertices (edges) that need to be deleted from \(G\) to produce a disconnected graph with at least \(\ell\) components or a graph with at most \(\ell-1\) vertices. Let \(G\) be a graph of order \(p\) and \(\ell\)-connectivity \(\kappa_\ell\). For each \(k \in \{0,1,\ldots,\kappa_\ell\}\), let \(s_k\) be the minimum \(\ell\)-edge-connectivity among all graphs obtained from \(G\) by deleting \(k\) vertices from \(G\). Then \(f_\ell = \{(0, s_0), \ldots, (\kappa_\ell, s_{\kappa_\ell})\}\) is the \(\ell\)-connectivity function of \(G\). The \(\ell\)-connectivity functions of complete multipartite graphs and caterpillars are determined.

EJ. Cockayne1, C.M. Mynhardt2
1Department of Mathematics University of Victoria Box 3045 Victoria, B.C, CANADA V8W 3P4
2Department of Mathematics University of South Africa Box 392 Pretoria 0001 SOUTH AFRICA

An infinite class of graphs is constructed to demonstrate that the difference between the independent domination number and the domination number of \(3\)-connected cubic graphs may be arbitrarily large.

Michael A. Henning1
1University of Natal Pietermaritzburg

The domination number \(\gamma(G)\) and the total domination number \(\gamma_t(G)\) of a graph are generalized to the \(K_n\)-domination number \(\gamma_{k_n}(G)\) and the total \(K_n\)-domination number \(\gamma_{K_n}^t(G)\) for \(n \geq 2\), where \(\gamma(G) = \gamma_{K_2}(G)\) and \(\gamma_t(G) = \gamma_{K_2}^t(G)\). A nondecreasing sequence \(a_2, a_3, \ldots, a_m\) of positive integers is said to be a \(K_n\)-domination (total \(K_n\)-domination, respectively) sequence if it can be realized as the sequence of generalized domination (total domination, respectively) numbers \(\gamma_{K_2}(G), \gamma_{K_3}(G), \ldots, \gamma_{K_m}(G)\) (\(\gamma_{K_2}^t(G), \gamma_{K_3}^t(G), \ldots, \gamma_{K_m}^t(G)\), respectively) of some graph \(G\). It is shown that every nondecreasing sequence \(a_2, a_3, \ldots, a_m\) of positive integers is a \(K_n\)-domination sequence (total \(K_n\)-domination sequence, if \(a_2 \geq 2\), respectively). Further, the minimum order of a graph \(G\) with \(a_2, a_3, \ldots, a_m\) as a \(K_n\)-domination sequence is determined. \(K_n\)-connectivity is defined and for \(a_2 \geq 2\) we establish the existence of a \(K_m\)-connected graph with \(a_2, a_3, \ldots, a_m\) as a \(K_n\)-domination sequence for every nondecreasing sequence \(a_2, a_3, \ldots, a_m\) of positive integers.

Hesham El-Rewini1, Hesham H. Ali1
1Department of Math and Computer Science University of Nebraska at Omaha Omaha, NE 68182-0243

We study the problem of scheduling parallel programs with conditional branching on parallel processors. The major problem in having conditional branching is the non-determinism since the direction of a branch may be unknown until the program is midway in execution. In this paper, we overcome the problem of non-determinism by proposing a probabilistic model that distinguishes between branch and precedence relations in parallel programs. We approach the problem of scheduling task graphs that contain branches by representing all possible execution instances of the program by a single deterministic task graph, called the representative task graph. The representative task graph can be scheduled using one of the scheduling techniques used for deterministic cases. We also show that a schedule for the representative task graph can be used to obtain schedules for all execution instances of the program.

G.M. Hamilton1, A.J. W. Hilton2
1Department of Engineering University of Reading Whiteknights Reading, U.K.
2Department of Mathematics University of Reading Whiteknighis Reading, U.K,

We give a list of all graphs of maximum degree three and order at most sixteen which are critical with respect to the total chromatic number.

Rebecca A.H. Gower1, Sheila Oates-Williams1, Diane Donovan 1, Elizabeth J. Billington1
1 Department of Mathematics The University of Queensland Queensland 4072 Australia

In this paper we give a partial answer to a query of Lindner conceming the quasigroups arising from \(2\)-perfect \(6\)-cycle systems.

W. Gutjahr1
1Institut ftir Statistik und Informatik Universitat Wien A1010 Wien, Universititsstrasse 5/9 AUSTRIA

Consider the paths \(\pi_t(i_1), \ldots, \pi_t(i_k)\) from the root to the leaves \(i_1, \ldots, i_k\) in a random binary tree \(t\) with \(n\) internal nodes, where all such trees are assumed equally likely and the leaves are enumerated from left to right. We investigate, for fixed \(i_1, \ldots, i_k\) and \(n\), the average size of \(\pi_t(i_1)\cup \ldots \cup \pi_t(i_k)\) resp. of \(\pi_t(i_1)\cap \ldots \cap \pi_t(i_k)\) (the latter corresponding to the average depth of the smallest subtree containing \(i_1, \ldots, i_k\)). By a rotation argument, both problems are reduced to the case \(k=1\), for which a solution is known. Furthermore, formulas for the probability distributions of the depth of leaf \(i\), the distance between leaf \(i\) and \(j\) and the length of \(\pi_t(i) \cap \pi_t(j)\) are derived.

R. G. Stanton1, D. M.F. Stone1, E.A. Ruet d’Auteuil1
1Department of Computer Science University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Canada, R3T 2N2
A. LW. Hilton1,2, Zhao Cheng3
1Department of Mathematics University of Reading Whiteknights, Reading RG6 2AX United Kingdom
2Department of Mathematics, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506, U.S.A.
3West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 26506, U.S.A.

Chetwynd and Hilton made the following \({edge-colouring \; conjecture}\): if a simple graph \(G\) satisfies \(\Delta(G) > \frac{1}{3}|V(G)|\), then \(G\) is Class \(2\) if and only if it contains an overfull subgraph \(H\) with \(\Delta(H) = \Delta(G)\). They also made the following \({total-colouring \; conjecture}\): if a simple graph \(G\) satisfies \(\Delta(G) \geq \frac{1}{2}(|V(G)|+ 1)\), then \(G\) is Type \(2\) if and only if \(G\) contains a non-conformable subgraph \(H\) with \(\Delta(H) = \Delta(G)\). Here we show that if the edge-colouring conjecture is true for graphs of even order satisfying \(\Delta(G) > \frac{1}{2}|V(G)|\), then the total-colouring conjecture is true for graphs of odd order satisfying \(\delta(G) \geq \frac{3}{4}{|V(G)|} – \frac{1}{4}\) and \(\text{def}(G) \geq 2(\Delta(G) – \delta(G) + 1)\).

Theresa P. Vaughan1
1Department of Mathematics University of North Carolina at Greensboro Greensboro, NC 27412
Edward Spence1
1Department of Mathematics University of Glasgow Glasgow G12 8QQ Scotland

We correct an omission by Mathon in his classification of symmetric \((31, 10, 3)\)-designs with a non-trivial automorphism group and find that there are a further six such designs, all with an automorphism group of order \(3\).

E. J. Cockayne1, G. MacGillivray2, C. M. Mynhardt3
1University of Victoria, B.C., Canada
2University of Regina, Sask., Canada
3University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa

A \({dominating \; function}\) is a feasible solution to the LP relaxation of the minimum dominating set \(0-1\) integer program. A minimal dominating function (MDF) g is called universal if every convex combination of g and any other MDF is also a MDF. The problem of finding a universal MDF in a tree \({T}\) can also be described by a linear program. This paper describes a linear time algorithm that finds a universal MDF in \({T}\), if one exists.

Igrgen Bang-Jensen1, Gary MacGillivray2
1Department of Computer Science University of Copenhagen DK-2100, Denmark
2Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Regina Saskatchewan, Canada, $48 0A2

Let \(H\) be a digraph whose vertices are called colours. Informally, an \(H\)-colouring of a digraph \(G\) is an assignment of these colours to the vertices of \(G\) so that adjacent vertices receive adjacent colours. In this paper we continue the study of the \(H\)-colouring problem, that is, the decision problem “Does there exist an \(H\)-colouring of a given digraph \(G\)?”. In particular, we prove that the \(H\)-colouring problem is NP-complete if the digraph \(H\) consists of a directed cycle with two chords, or two directed cycles joined by an oriented path, or is obtained from a directed cycle by replacing some arcs by directed two-cycles, so long as \(H\) does not retract to a directed cycle. We also describe a new reduction which yields infinitely many new infinite families of NP-complete \(H\)-colouring problems.

Hong-Jian Lai1, Hongyuan Lai2
1University of West Virginia Morgantown, WV 26506
2Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48202

Bondy conjectures that if \(G\) is a \(2\)-edge-connected simple graph with \(n\) vertices, then at most \((2n-1)/{3}\) cycles in \(G\) will cover \(G\). In this note, we show that if \(G\) is a plane triangulation with \(n \geq 6\) vertices, then at most \((2n-3)/{3}\) cycles in \(G\) will cover \(G\).

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