Sharad S. Sane1
1Department of Mathematics University of Bombay Vidyanagari Bombay -98 INDIA

An affine (respectively projective) failed design \(D\), denoted by \(\text{AFD}(q)\) (respectively \(\text{PFD}(q)\)) is a configuration of \(v = q^2\) points, \(b = q^2 + q + 1\) blocks and block size \(k = q\) (respectively \(v = q^2 + q + 1\) points, \(b = q^2 + q + 2\) blocks and block size \(k = q + 1\)) such that every pair of points occurs in at least one block of \(D\) and \(D\) is minimal, that is, \(D\) has no block whose deletion gives an affine plane (respectively a projective plane) of order \(q\). These configurations were studied by Mendelsohn and Assaf and they conjectured that an \(\text{AFD}(q)\) exists if an affine plane of order \(q\) exists and a \(\text{PFD}(q)\) never exists. In this paper, it is shown that an \(\text{AFD}(5)\) does not exist and, therefore, the first conjecture is false in general, \(\text{AFD}(q^2)\) exists if \(q\) is a prime power and the second conjecture is true, that is, \(\text{PFD}(q)\) never exists.

Hong-Jian Lai1, Hongyuan Lai2
1University of West Virginia, Morgantown, WV 26506
2Wayne State Univerity, Detroit, MI 48202

In \([B]\), Bondy conjectured that if \(G\) is a \(2\)-edge-connected simple graph with \(n\) vertices, then \(G\) admits a cycle cover with at most \((2n-1)/{3}\) cycles. In this note, we show that if \(G\) is a \(2\)-edge-connected simple graph with \(n\) vertices and without subdivisions of \(K_4\), then \(G\) has a cycle cover with at most \((2n-2)/{3}\) cycles and we characterize all the extremal graphs. We also show that if \(G\) is \(2\)-edge-connected and has no subdivision of \(K_4\), then \(G\) is mod \((2k+1)\)-orientable for any integer \(k \geq 1\).

Kishore Sinha1
1Department of Statistics Birsa Agricultural University Ranchi-834006 India

A construction of rectangular designs from Bhaskar Rao designs is described. As special cases some series of rectangular designs are obtained.

Cheng Zhao1
1Department of Mathematics West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 26506 U.S.A.

A graph \(G\) is called \((d,d+1)\)-graph if the degree of every vertex of \(G\) is either \(d\) or \(d+1\). In this paper, the following results are proved:
A \((d,d+1)\)-graph \(G\) of order \(2n\) with no \(1\)-factor and no odd component, satisfies \(|V(G)| \geq 3d+4\);
A \((d,d+1)\)-graph \(G\) of order \(2n\) with \(d(G) \geq n\), contains at least \([(n+2)/{3}] + (d-n)\) edge disjoint \(1\)-factors.
These results generalize the theorems due to W. D. Wallis, A. I. W. Hilton and C. Q. Zhang.

Lowell W. Beineke1, Wayne Goddard2, Peter Hamburger1, Daniel J. Kleitman2, Mare J. Lipman3, Raymond E. Pippert3
1Department of Mathematical Sciences, Indiana-Purdue University at Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne IN 46805, USA
2Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA 02139, USA
3Office of Naval Research, 800 North Quincy Street, Arlington VA 22217, USA

It is shown that the integrity of the \(n\)-dimensional cube is \(O(2^n \log n/\sqrt{n})\).

W. D. Wallis1, Chia-Lun J. Hu2
1 Department of Mathematics and Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL 62901-4408
2Department of Mathematics and Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL 62901-4408

We discuss the learning problem in a two-layer neural network. The problem is reduced to a system of linear inequalities, and the solvability of the system is discussed.

Brendan D. McKay1, Nicholas C. Wormald2
1Computer Science Department Australian National University GPO Box 4, ACT 2601 AUSTRALIA
2Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Auckland Private Bag, Auckland NEW ZEALAND

We show how to generate \(k \times n\) Latin rectangles uniformly at random in expected time \(O(nk^3)\), provided \(k = o(n^{1/3})\). The algorithm uses a switching process similar to that recently used by us to uniformly generate random graphs with given degree sequences.

Brian Alspach1, Wang Zhijian2
1Department of Mathematics and Statistics Simon Fraser University Bumaby, B.C. V5A 186 CANADA
2Department of Mathematics Suzhou Railway Teachers College Suzhou PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

For any integers \(r\) and \(n\), \(2 < r < n-1\), it is proved that there exists an order \(n\) regular graph of degree \(r\) whose amida number is \(r + 1\).

Gary L. Mullen1, Jau-Shyong Shiue2
1Department of Mathematics The Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802
2Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Nevada, Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV 89154
J. Mark Keil1, Timothy B. Brecht1
1Department of Computational Science University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Canada S7N OWO

An \(h\)-cluster in a graph is a set of \(h\) vertices which maximizes the number of edges in the graph induced by these vertices. We show that the connected \(h\)-cluster problem is NP-complete on planar graphs.

R. G. Stanton1
1Department of Computer Science University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Canada R3T 2N2
Yong-Song Ho1, Sin-Min Lee2, Eric Seah3
1Department of Mathematics National University of Singapore REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE
2 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science San Jose State University San Jose, California 95192 U.S.A.
3Department of Actuarial and Management Sciences University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba RIT 2N2 CANADA

Lee conjectures that for any \(k > 1\), a \((n,nk)\)-multigraph decomposable into \(k\) Hamiltonian cycles is edge-graceful if \(n\) is odd. We investigate the edge-gracefulness of a special class of regular multigraphs and show that the conjecture is true for this class of multigraphs.

Wang Jinhua1, Zhu Lie1
1Department of Mathematics Suzhou University Suzhou 215006 CHINA Abstract.

A balanced incomplete block design \(B[k, \alpha; v]\) is said to be a nested design if one can add a point to each block in the design and so obtain a block design \(B[k + 1, \beta; v]\). Stinson (1985) and Colbourn and Colbourn (1983) proved that the necessary condition for the existence of a nested \(B[3, \alpha; v]\) is also sufficient. In this paper, we investigate the case \(k = 4\) and show that the necessary condition for the existence of a nested \(B[4, \alpha; v]\), namely \(\alpha = 3\lambda\), \(\lambda(v – 1) \equiv 0 \pmod{4}\) and \(v \geq 5\), is also sufficient. To do this, we need the concept of a doubly nested design. A \(B[k, \alpha; v]\) is said to be doubly nested if the above \(B[k + 1, \beta; v]\) is also a nested design. When \(k = 3\), such a design is called a doubly nested triple system. We prove that the necessary condition for the existence of a doubly nested triple system \(B[3, \alpha; v]\), namely \(\alpha = 3\lambda\), \(\lambda(v – 1) \equiv 0 \pmod{2}\) and \(v \geq 5\), is also sufficient with the four possible exceptions \(v = 39\) and \(\alpha = 3, 9, 15, 21\).

Sin-Min Lee1, Sie-Keng Tan2
1Department of Mathematics and Computer Science San Jose State University San Jose, CA 95192, US
2Department of Mathematics National University of Singapore Kent Ridge, Singapore 0511

We exhibit here an infinite family of planar bipartite graphs which admit a \(k\)-graceful labeling for all \(k \geq 1\).

E. J. Farrell1, Earl Glen Whitehead, Jr.2
1Department of Mathematics The University of the West Indies St. Augustine, Trinidad
2Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA

It is shown that under certain conditions, the embeddings of chessboards in square boards, yield non-isomorphic associated graphs which have the same chro- matic polynomials. In some cases, sets of non-isomorphic graphs with this property are formed.

B. Du1
1Department of Mathematics Suzhou University Suzhou 215006 China (PRC)

A diagonal Latin square is a Latin square whose main diagonal and back diagonal are both transversals. In this paper we give some constructions of pairwise orthogonal diagonal Latin squares (PODLS). As an application of such constructions we improve the known result about three PODLS and show that there exist three PODLS of order \(n\) whenever \(n > 46\); orders \(2 \leq n \leq 6\) are impossible, the only orders for which the existence is undecided are: \(10, 14, 15, 18, 21, 22, 26, 30, 33, 34\) and \(46\).

Venkatesh Raman1
1Department of Computer Science University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1

Finding the probability that there is an operational path between two designated vertices in a probabilistic computer network is known to be NP-hard. Edge-packing is an efficient strategy to compute a lower bound on the probability. We prove that finding the set of paths that produces the best edge-packing lower bound is NP-hard.

Zhi-Hong Chen1
1 Department of Mathematics Wayne State University Detroit, MI U.S.A. 48202

Using a contraction method, we find some best-possible sufficient conditions for \(3\)-edge-comected simple graphs such that either the graphs have spanning eulerian subgraphs or the graphs are contractible to the Petersen graph.

Robert J. Cimikowski1
1Computer Science Department Montana State University Bozeman, Montana 59717-0388 U.S.A.

We examine the problem of finding longest cycles in inner triangulations, that is, \(2\)-connected planar graphs in which all interior faces are triangles. These include the important family of geometric graphs called Delaunay triangulations In particular, we present two efficient heuristics for finding a longest cycle in an inner triangulation. The heuristics operate by considering at each step a local set of faces adjacent to the current cycle as candidates for inclusion in the cycle.

Julie Carrington1, Frank Harary2, Teresa W. Haynes3
1Department of Computer Science University of Central Florida Orlando, FL 32816
2Department of Computer Science New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003
3Department of Computer Science East Tennessee State University Johnson City, TN 37601

A dominating set in a graph \(G\) is a set \(D\) of nodes such that every node of \(G\) is either in \(D\) or is adjacent to some node in \(D\). The domination number \(\alpha(G)\) is the minimum size of a dominating set. The purpose of this paper is to explore the changing or unchanging of \(\alpha(G)\) when either a node is deleted, or an edge is added or deleted.

William E. Cherowitzo1
1Department of Mathematics University of Colorado at Denver 1200 Larimer Street Denver, CO 80217-3364 (USA)

The translation planes of order 16 have been classified by Dempwolff and Reifart \([4]\). Using this classification, and in particular the spreads given in that paper, we have conducted a complete computer search for the hyperovals (18-arcs) in each of these planes. With few exceptions, the hyperovals obtained are hyperbolic (having two points on the special line at infinity) and are of a type we call translation hyperovals. The only exceptions occur in the plane over the semifield with kernel \({GF}(2)\). In this plane there also appear a class of elliptic (having no points on the special line at infinity) hyperovals and two classes of hyperbolic hyperovals which are not translation hyperovals. The automorphism groups of the hyperovals are also determined.

Kathie Cameron1
1Department of Mathematics Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3C5 Canada

The problem we consider is: Given a complete multipartite graph \(G\) with integral weights on the edges, and given an integer \(m\), find a clique \(C\) in \(G\) such that the weight-sum of the edges of \(C\) is greater than or equal to \(m\). We prove that where \(G\) has \(k\) parts, each with at most two nodes, the edge-weights are \(0-1\), and \(m = \binom{k}{2}\), this problem is equivalent to \(2\)-conjunctive normal form satisfiability, and hence is polynomially solvable. However, if either each part has at most three nodes or \(m\) is arbitrary, the problem is NP-complete. We also show that a related problem which is equivalent to a \(0-1\) weighted version of \(2\)-CNF satisfiability is NP-complete.

The maximum edge-weighted clique problem in complete multipartite graphs arises in transit scheduling, where it is called the schedule synchronization problem.

R. Wei1
1Department of Mathematics Suzhou University Suzhou 215006, China (P.R.C.)
Geoffrey Exoo1
1Indiana State University Terre Haute, IN U.S.A.

We describe an algorithm which combines a discrete optimization heuristic with the construction due to Ringel and Sachs (independently) for self-complementary graphs. The algorithm is applied to some problems from Generalized Ramsey Theory.

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