M.N. Ellingham1
1Department of Mathematics Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN 37240, U. S. A.

A graph \(G\) is a sum graph if there is a labeling \(o\) of its vertices with distinct positive integers, so that for any two distinct vertices \(u\) and \(v\), \(uv\) is an edge of \(G\) if and only if \(\sigma(u) +\sigma(v) = \sigma(w)\) for some other vertex \(w\). Every sum graph has at least one isolated vertex (the vertex with the largest label). Harary has conjectured that any tree can be made into a sum graph with the addition of a single isolated vertex. We prove this conjecture.

Miri Priesler1, Michael Tarsi 1
1Computer Science Department School of Mathematical Sciences Tel-Aviv university 69978 Israel

An \(H\)-decomposition of a graph \(G\) is a representation of \(G\) as an edge disjoint union of subgraphs, all of which are isomorphic to another graph \(H\). We study the case where \(H\) is \(P_3 \cup tK_2\) – the vertex disjoint union of a simple path of length 2 (edges) and \(t\) isolated edges – and prove that a set of three obviously necessary conditions for \(G = (V, E)\) to admit an \(H\)-decomposition, is also sufficient if \(|E|\) exceeds a certain function of \(t\). A polynomial time algorithm to test \(H\)-decomposability of an input graph \(G\) immediately follows.

R. Wei 1
1Department of Mathematics Suzhou University Suzhou 215006 P.R. China

In this paper we consider group divisible designs with equal-sized holes \((HGDD)\) which is a generalization of modified group divisible designs \([1]\) and \(HMOLS\). We prove that the obvious necessary conditions for the existence of the \(HGDD\) is sufficient when the block size is three, which generalizes the result of Assaf[1].

Yin Jianxing1, Miao Ying2
1 Department of Mathematics Suzhou University Suzhou, 215006, PR. CHINA
2Mathematics Teaching-Research Section Suzhou Institute of Silk Textile Technology Suzhou, 215005, PR. CHINA

An obvious necessary condition for the existence of an almost resolvable \(B(k,k-1;v)\) is \(v \equiv 1 \pmod{k}\). We show in this paper that the necessary condition is also sufficient for \(k = 5\) or \(k = 6\), possibly excepting \(8\) values of \(v\) when \(k = 5\) and \(3\) values of \(v\) when \(k = 6\).

Le Tu Quoc Hung1
1 Institute of Computer Science University of Wroclaw Przesmyckiego 20 51 – 151 Wroclaw, Poland
Liu Zhenhong1, Guoping Jin1, Changfan Wang2
1Institute of Systems Science, Academia Sinica, Beijing 100080, People’s Republic China
2Yan Tai Teacher’s College, P. R. China

This paper gives two sufficient conditions for a \(2\)-connected graph to be pancyclic. The first one is that the degree sum of every pair of nonadjacent vertices should not be less than \(\frac{n}{2} + \delta\). The second is that the degree sum of every triple of independent vertices should not be less than \(n + \delta\), where \(n\) is the number of vertices and \(\delta\) is the minimum degree of the graph.

Hanno Lefmannst1
1 Fakultat fiir Mathematik, Universitat Bielefeld Postfach 8640 W-4800 Bielefeld 1 Germany

In this paper we will consider the Ramsey numbers for paths and cycles in graphs with unordered as well as ordered vertex sets.

Zhang Ke Min1, Wang Jian-zhong2
1 Department of Mathematics, University of Otago Dunedin, New Zealand
2 Department of Mathematics, Taiyuan Institute of Machinery Taiyuan, 030051, People’s Republic of China

Suppose that \(R = (V, A)\) is a diregular bipartite tournament of order \(p \geq 8\). Denote a cycle of length \(k\) by \(C_k\). Then for any \(e \in A(R)\), \(w \in V(R) \setminus V(e)\), there exists a pair of vertex-disjoint cycles \(C_4\) and \(C_{p-4}\) in \(R\) with \(e \in C_4\) and \(w \in C_{p-4}\), except \(R\) is isomorphic to a special digraph \(\tilde{F}_{4k}\).

Denis Hanson1, Gary MacGillivray1
1 Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Regina Regina, Sask., S45 0A2 Canada

We construct all four-chromatic triangle-free graphs on twelve vertices, and a triangle-free, uniquely three-colourable graph.

Pak-Ken Wong1
1 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Seton Hall University South Orange, NJ 07079

Let \(K\) be a maximal block of a graph \(G\) and let \(x\) and \(y\) be two nonadjacent vertices of \(G\). If \(|V(X)| \leq \frac{1}{2}(n+3)\) and \(x\) and \(y\) are not cut vertices, we show that \(x\) is not adjacent to \(y\) in the closure \(c(G)\) of \(G\). We also show that, if \(x, y \notin V(K)\), then \(x\) is not adjacent to \(y\) in \(c(G)\).

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