Serkan Araci1, Erdogan Sen2

In this work, we consider the generalized Genocchi numbers and polynomials. However, we introduce an analytic interpolating function for the generalized Genocchi numbers attached to \(\chi\) at negative integers in the complex plane, and also we define the Genocchi \(p\)-adic \(L\)-function. As a result, we derive the value of the partial derivative of the Genocchi \(p\)-adic \(l\)-function at \(s = 0\).

L. Asgharsharghi1, D. Kiani1,2
1Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Amirkabir University of Technology, P.O, Box 15875-4413, Tehran, Iran
2Schoo!l of Mathematics, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), P.O. Box 19395-5746, Tehran, Iran

Let \(G\) be a graph of order \(n\) and let \(\mu\) be an eigenvalue of multiplicity \(m\). A star complement for \(\mu\) in \(G\) is an induced subgraph of \(G\) of order \(n-m\) with no eigenvalue \(\mu\). Some general observations concerning graphs with the complete tripartite graph \(K_{r,s,t}\) as a star complement are made. We study the maximal regular graphs which have \(K_{r,s,t}\) as a star complement for eigenvalue \(\mu\). The results include a complete analysis of the regular graphs which have \(K_{n,n,n}\) as a star complement for \(\mu = 1\). It turns out that some well-known strongly regular graphs are uniquely determined by such a star complement.

Hung-Lin Fu1, Yuan-Hsun Lo1
1Department of Applied Mathematics National Chiao Tung University Hsinchu, Taiwan 30050

In this paper, we first prove that if the edges of \(K_{2m}\) are properly colored by \(2m-1\) colors in such a way that any two colors induce a 2-factor of which each component is a 4-cycle, then \(K_{2m}\) can be decomposed into \(m\) isomorphic multicolored spanning trees. Consequently, we show that there exist three disjoint isomorphic multicolored spanning trees in any properly \((2m-1)\)-edge-colored \(K_{2m-1}\) for \(m \geq 14\).

Qigang Yu1, Zhongxun Zhu1
1Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, South Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan 430074, P.R. China

The Merrifield-Simmons index, denoted by \(i(G)\), of a graph \(G\) is defined as the total number of its independent sets. A fully loaded unicyclic graph is a unicyclic graph with the property that there is no vertex with degree less than \(3\) in its unique cycle. Let \(\mathcal{U}_n^1\) be the set of fully loaded unicyclic graphs. In this paper, we determine graphs with the largest, second-largest, and third-largest Merrifield-Simmons index in \(\mathcal{U}_n^1\).

Shubo Chen1,2, Weijun Liu2
1School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Hunan City University, Yiyang, Hunan 413000, P. R.China
2College of Mathematics and statistics, Central South University, Changsha 410075, P. R. China

For a graph \(G = (V, E)\), the modified Schultz index of \(G\) is defined as \(S^0(G) = \sum\limits_{\{u,v\} \subset V(G)} (d_G(u) – d_G(v)) d_{G}(u, v)\), where \(d_G(u)\) (or \(d(u)\))is the degree of the vertex \(u\) in \(G\), and \(d_{G}(u, v)\) is the distance between \(u\) and \(v\). The first Zagreb index \(M_1\) is equal to the sum of the squares of the degrees of the vertices, and the second Zagreb index \(M_2\) is equal to the sum of the products of the degrees of pairs of adjacent vertices. In this paper, we present a unified approach to investigate the modified Schultz index and Zagreb indices of tricyclic graphs. The tricyclic graph with \(n\) vertices having minimum modified Schultz index and maximum Zagreb indices are determined.


Let \(T = (V, A)\) be a (finite) tournament and \(k\) be a non-negative integer. For every subset \(X\) of \(V\)\), the subtournament \(T[X] = (X, A \cap (X \times X))\) of \(T\), induced by \(X\), is associated. The dual tournament of \(T\), denoted by \(T^*\), is the tournament obtained from \(T\) by reversing all its arcs. The tournament \(T\) is self-dual if it is isomorphic to its dual. \(T\) is \((-k)\)-self-dual if for each set \(X\) of \(k\) vertices, \(T[V \setminus X]\) is self-dual. \(T\) is strongly self-dual if each of its induced subtournaments is self-dual. A subset \(I\) of \(V\) is an interval of \(T\) if for \(a,b \in I\) and for \(x \in V \setminus I\), \((a,x) \in A\) if and only if \((b,x) \in A\). For instance, \(\emptyset\), \(V\), and \(\{x\}\), where \(x \in V\), are intervals of \(T\) called trivial intervals. \(T\) is indecomposable if all its intervals are trivial; otherwise, it is decomposable. A tournament \(T’\), on the set \(V\), is \((-k)\)-hypomorphic to \(T\) if for each set \(X\) on \(k\) vertices, \(T[V \setminus X]\) and \(T'[V \setminus X]\) are isomorphic. The tournament \(T\) is \((-k)\)-reconstructible if each tournament \((-k)\)-hypomorphic to \(T\) is isomorphic to it.

Suppose that \(T\) is decomposable and \(|V| \geq 9\). In this paper, we begin by proving the equivalence between the \((-3)\)-self-duality and the strong self-duality of \(T\). Then we characterize each tournament \((-3)\)-hypomorphic to \(T\). As a consequence of this characterization, we prove that if there is no interval \(X\) of \(T\) such that \(T[X]\) is indecomposable and \(|V \setminus X| \leq 2\), then \(T\) is \((-3)\)-reconstructible. Finally, we conclude by reducing the \((-3)\)-reconstruction problem.

Haiyan Li1, Chunhui Lai1
1Department of Mathematics and Information Science, Zhangzhou Teachers College, Zhangzhou, Fujian 363000, P. R. of CHINA.

For a given graph \(H\), a graphic sequence \(\pi = (d_1, d_2, \ldots, d_n)\) is said to be potentially \(H\)-graphic if there exists a realization of \(\pi\) containing \(H\) as a subgraph. In this paper, we characterize the potentially \(C_{2,6}\)-graphic sequences. This characterization partially answers Problem 6 in Lai and Hu [12].

Ali Ahmad1, Nurdin 2,3, Edy Tri Baskoro2
1College of Computer Science & Information Systems, Jazan University, Jazan, KSA.
2Combinatorial Mathematics Research Division Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ITB, Jt. Ganesa 10 Bandung 40132, Indonesia
3Mathematics Department Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Hasanuddin University, J]. Perintis Kemerdekaan 10 Tamalanrea Makassar, Indonesia

We investigate two modifications of the well-known irregularity strength of graphs, namely the total edge irregularity strength and the total vertex irregularity strength.
In this paper, we determine the exact value of the total edge (vertex) irregularity strength for Halin graphs.

Ligang Zhou1, Erfang Shan1, Yancai Zhao1
1Department of Mathematics, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China

A signed \(k\)-dominating function of a graph \(G = (V, E)\) is a function \(f: V \rightarrow \{+1,-1\}\) such that \(\sum_{u \in N_G[v]} f(u) \geq k\) for each vertex \(v \in V\). A signed \(k\)-dominating function \(f\) of a graph \(G\) is minimal if no \(g \leq f\) is also a signed \(k\)-dominating function. The weight of a signed \(k\)-dominating function is \(w(f) = \sum_{v \in V} f(v)\). The upper signed \(k\)-domination number \(\Gamma_{s,k}(G)\) of \(G\) is the maximum weight of a minimal signed \(k\)-dominating function on \(G\). In this paper, we establish a sharp upper bound on \(\Gamma _{s,k}(G)\) for a general graph in terms of its minimum and maximum degree and order, and construct a class of extremal graphs which achieve the upper bound. As immediate consequences of our result, we present sharp upper bounds on \(\Gamma _{s,k}(G)\) for regular graphs and nearly regular graphs.

Rehana Ashraf1, Barbu Berceanu1,2, Ayesha Riasat1
2Instrrure or MaTHEeMatics SimMton S’rolLow, BUCHAREST-ROMANIA

The paper contains enumerative combinatorics for positive braids, square free braids, and simple braids, emphasizing connections with classical Fibonacci sequence.

Hsin-Hao Lai1, Ko-Wei Lih2
1 Department of Mathematics National Kaohsiung Normal University Yanchao, Kaohsiung 824, Taiwan
2Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan

Suppose that \(D\) is an acyclic orientation of a graph \(G\). An arc of \(D\) is called dependent if its reversal creates a directed cycle. Let \(d_{\min}(G)\) (\(d_{\max}(G)\)) denote the minimum (maximum) of the number of dependent arcs over all acyclic orientations of \(G\). We call \(G\) fully orientable if \(G\) has an acyclic orientation with exactly \(d\) dependent arcs for every \(d\) satisfying \(d_{\min}(G) \leq d \leq d_{\max}(G)\). A graph \(G\) is called chordal if every cycle in \(G\) of length at least four has a chord. We show that all chordal graphs are fully orientable.

Nader Jafari Rad1,2
1Department of Mathematics, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran
2School of Mathematics Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) P.O. Box 19395-5746, Tehran, Iran

A graph \(G\) with no isolated vertex is total restrained domination vertex critical if for any vertex \(v\) of \(G\) that is not adjacent to a vertex of degree one, the total restrained domination number of \(G – v\) is less than the total restrained domination number of \(G\). We call these graphs \(\gamma_{tr}\)-vertex critical. If such a graph \(G\) has total restrained domination number \(k\), then we call it \(k\)-\(\gamma_{tr}\)-vertex critical. In this paper, we study some properties in \(\gamma_{tr}\)-vertex critical graphs of minimum degree at least two.

Xiao Zhang1

In this paper, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for a function with the form \(tr(\sum_{i=1}^q a_ix^{i(q-1)})\) to be a generalized bent function. We indicate that these generalized bent functions are just those which could be constructed from partial spreads. We also introduce a method to calculate these generalized bent functions by means of interpolation.

A. Erfanian1, B. Tolue1, N.H. Sarmin2
1Department of Mathematics and Center of Excellence in Analysis on Algebraic Structures, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.
2Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Malaysia.

Let \(G\) be a finite group and \(n\) a positive integer. The \(n\)-th commutativity degree \(P_n(G)\) of \(G\) is the probability that the \(n\)-th power of a random element of \(G\) commutes with another random element of \(G\). In 1968, P. Erdős and P. Turán investigated the case \(n = 1\), involving only methods of combinatorics. Later, several authors improved their studies and there is a growing literature on the topic in the last 10 years. We introduce the relative \(n\)-th commutativity degree \(P_n(H,G)\) of a subgroup \(H\) of \(G\). This is the probability that an \(n\)-th power of a random element in \(H\) commutes with an element in \(G\). The influence of \(P_n(G)\) and \(P_n(H,G)\) on the structure of \(G\) is the purpose of the present work.

George He1, Yuejian Peng2, Cheng Zhao2
1EOIR Technologies, Inc. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Indiana State University Terre Haute, IN, 47809
2Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Indiana State University Terre Haute, IN, 47809

It is known that determining the Lagrangian of a general \(r\)-uniform hypergraph is useful in practice and is non-trivial when \(r \geq 3\). In this paper, we explore the Lagrangians of \(3\)-uniform hypergraphs with edge sets having restricted structures. In particular, we establish a number of optimization problems for finding the largest Lagrangian of \(3\)-uniform hypergraphs with the number of edges \(m = \binom{k}{3} – a\), where \(a = 3\) or \(4\). We also verify that the largest Lagrangian has the colex ordering structure for \(3\)-uniform hypergraphs when the number of edges is small.

Fengwei Xu1, Weifan Wang1
1 Department of Mathematics Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, China

Let \(D\) be an acyclic orientation of a simple graph \(G\). An arc of \(D\) is called dependent if its reversal creates a directed cycle. Let \(d(D)\) denote the number of dependent arcs in \(D\). Define \(d_{\min}(G)\) (\(d_{\max}(G)\)) to be the minimum (maximum) number of \(d(D)\) over all acyclic orientations \(D\) of \(G\). We call \(G\) fully orientable if \(G\) has an acyclic orientation with exactly \(k\) dependent arcs for every \(k\) satisfying \(d_{\min}(G) \leq k \leq d_{\max}(G)\). In this paper, we prove that the square of a cycle \(C_n\) is fully orientable except for \(n = 6\).


Let \(G = (V, A)\) be a graph. For every subset \(X\) of \(V\), the sub-graph \(G(X) = (X, A \cap (X \times X))\) of \(G\) induced by \(X\) is associated. The dual of \(G\) is the graph \(G^* = (V, A^*)\)such that \(A^* = \{(x,y): (y,x) \in A\}\). A graph \(G’\) is hemimorphic to \(G\) if it is isomorphic to \(G\) or \(G^*\). Let \(k \geq 1\) be an integer. A graph \(G’\) defined on the same vertex set \(V\) of \(G\) is \((\leq k)\)-hypomorphic (resp. \((\leq k)\)-hemimorphic) to \(G\) if for all subsets \(X\) of \(V\) with at most \(k\) elements, the sub-graphs \(G(X)\) and \(G'(X)\) are isomorphic (resp. hemimorphic). \(G\) is called \((\leq k)\)-reconstructible (resp. \((\leq k)\)-half-reconstructible) provided that every graph \(G’\) which is \((\leq k)\)-hypomorphic (resp. \((\leq k)\)-hemimorphic) to \(G\) is hypomorphic (resp. hemimorphic) to \(G\). In 1972, G. Lopez {14,15] established that finite graphs are \((\leq 6)\)-reconstructible. For \(k \in \{3,4,5\}\), the \((<k)\)-reconstructibility problem for finite graphs was studied by Y. Boudabbous and G. Lopez [1,5]. In 2006, Y. Boudabbous and C. Delhommé [4] characterized, for each \(k \geq 4\), all \((\leq k)\)-reconstructible graphs. In 1993, J. G. Hagendorf and G. Lopez showed in [12] that finite graphs are \((\leq 12)\)-half-reconstructible. After that, in 2003, J. Dammak [8] characterized the \((\leq k)\)-half-reconstructible finite graphs for every \(7 \leq k \leq 11\). In this paper, we characterize for each integer \(7 \leq k \leq 12\), all \((\leq k)\)-half-reconstructible graphs.

Jianglu Wang1, Haiyan You2
1School of Mathematical Sciences, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014, China
2School of Science, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, China

In this paper, we study the relations between degree sum and extending paths in graphs. The following result is proved. Let \(G\) be a graph of order \(n\), if \(d(u)+d(v) \geq n+k\) for each pair of nonadjacent vertices \(u,v\) in \(V(G)\), then every path \(P\) of \(G\) with \(\frac{n}{k+2} \leq 2 < n\) is extendable. The bound \(\frac{n}{k+2}+2\) is sharp.

Kristi Clark1, Elliot Krop2
1College of Information and Mathematical Sciences, Clayton State University
2College of Information and Mathematical Sciences, Clayton State University,

A median graph is a connected graph in which, for every three vertices, there exists a unique vertex \(m\) lying on the geodesic between any two of the given vertices. We show that the only median graphs of the direct product \(G \times H\) are formed when \(G = P_k\), for any integer \(k \geq 3\), and \(H = P_l\), for any integer \(l \geq 2\), with a loop at an end vertex, where the direct product is taken over all connected graphs \(G\) on at least three vertices or at least two vertices with at least one loop, and connected graphs \(H\) with at least one loop.

Tan Mingshu1
1Department of Mathematics, Chongqing Three-Gorges University, Chongqing 404000, P.R.China

An urn contains \(m\) distinguishable balls with \(m\) distinguishable colors. Balls are drawn for \(n\) times successively at random
and with replacement from the urn. The mathematical expectation of the number of drawn colors is investigated. Some combinatorial identities on the Stirling number of the second kind \(S(n,m)\) are derived by using probabilistic method.

M. Hashemi1
1 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.

Let \(G\) be a finite group. The commutativity degree of \(G\), written \(d(G)\), is defined as the ratio \[\frac{|\{(x, y)x,y \in G, xy = yx\}|}{|G|^2}\]. In this paper, we examine the commutativity degree of groups of nilpotency class 2 and, by using numerical solutions of the equation \(xy \equiv zu \pmod{n}\), we give certain explicit formulas for some particular classes of finite groups. A lower bound for \(d(G)\) is obtained for \(2\)-generated groups of nilpotency class \(2\).

Guibin Ou1, Zhongxun Zhu2
1College of Science, Wuhan University of Science and Engineering , Wuhan, 430073, P.R. China
2Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, South Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan 430074, P.R. China

For a graph \(G\), the Hosoya index is defined as the total number of its matchings. A generalized \(\theta\)-graph \((r_1, r_2, \ldots, r_k)\) consists of a pair of end vertices joined by \(k\) internally disjoint paths of lengths \(r_1 + 1, r_2 + 1, \ldots, r_k + 1\). Let \(\Theta_k\) denote the set of generalized \(\theta\)-graphs with \(k \geq 4\). In this paper, we obtain the smallest and the largest Hosoya index of the generalized \(\theta\)-graph in \(\Theta_n^k\), respectively. At the same time, we characterize the corresponding extremal graphs.

Ottilia Fiilép1
1Institute of Mathematics, Technical University of Budapest

The purpose of this paper is to solve the odd minimum \(S\)-cut, the odd minimum \(\bar{T}\)-cut, and the odd minimum \((S, T)\)-cut problems in directed graphs using triple families. We also provide here two properties of triple families.

Hong-Jian Lai1, Yehong Shao2, Mingquan Zhan3
1Department of Mathematics West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 26506, USA
2 Department of Mathematics Ohio University Southern Campus Ironton, OH 45638, USA
3 Department of Mathematics Millersville University of Pennsylvania Millersville, PA 17551, USA

Let \(G\) be a graph and let \(\delta(G)\) denote the minimum degree of \(G\). Let \(F\) be a given connected graph. Suppose that \(|V(G)|\) is a multiple of \(|V(F)|\). A spanning subgraph of \(G\) is called an \(F\)-factor if its components are all isomorphic to \(F\). In 2002, Kawarabayashi [5] conjectured that if \(G\) is a graph of order \(n\) (\(n \geq 3\)) with \(\delta(G) \geq \frac{\ell^2-3\ell+1}{\ell-2}\), then \(G\) has a \(K_\ell^-\)-factor, where \(K_\ell^-\) is the graph obtained from \(K_\ell\) by deleting just one edge. In this paper, we prove that this conjecture is true when \(\ell = 5\).

R. Balakrishnan1, S.Francis Raj1
1Department of Mathematics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-620024, India.

The \(b\)-chromatic number \(b(G)\) of a graph \(G\) is defined as the maximum number \(k\) of colors in a proper coloring of the vertices of \(G\) in such a way that each color class contains at least one vertex adjacent to a vertex of every other color class. Let \(\mu(G)\) denote the Mycielskian of \(G\). In this paper, it is shown that if \(G\) is a graph with \(b\)-chromatic number \(b\) and for which the number of vertices of degree at least \(b\) is at most \(2b – 2\), then \( b(\mu(G))\) lies in the interval \([b+1, 2b-1]\). As a consequence, it follows that \(b(G)+1 \leq b(\mu(G)) \leq 2b(G) -1\) for \(G\) in any of the following families: split graphs, \(K_{n,n} – \{a \ 1\text{-factor}\}\), the hypercubes \(Q_p\), where \(p \geq 3\), trees, and a special class of bipartite graphs. We show further that for any positive integer \(b\) and every integer \(k \in [b+1, 2b-1]\), there exists a graph \(G\) belonging to the family mentioned above, with \(b(G) = b\) and \(b(\mu(G)) = k\).

Shubo Chen1, Weijun Liu2
1College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Hunan City University, Yiyang, Hunan 413000, P. R. China
2College of Mathematics, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410075, P. R. China

For a graph \(G = (V,E)\), the Schultz index of \(G\) is defined as \(S(G) = \sum\limits_{\{u,v \}\subseteq V(G)} (d_G(u) + d_G(v))d_G(u,v)\), where \(d_G(u)\) is the degree of the vertex \(u\) in \(G\), and \(d_G(u,v)\) is the distance between \(u\) and \(v\) in \(G\). In this paper, we investigate the Schultz index of tricyclic graphs. The \(n\)-tricyclic graphs with the minimum Schultz index are determined.

Milan Basié1
1 Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Nig, Visegradska 33, 18000 Nig, Serbia

In this paper, we investigate the existence of perfect state transfer in integral circulant graphs between non-antipodal vertices—vertices that are not at the diameter of a graph. Perfect state transfer is considered on circulant quantum spin networks with nearest-neighbor couplings. The network is described by a circulant graph \(G\), which is characterized by its circulant adjacency matrix \(A\). Formally, we say that there exists perfect state transfer (PST) between vertices \(a, b \in V(G)\) if \(|F(\tau)_{ab}| = 1\) for some positive real number \(\tau\), where \(F(\tau) = \exp(itA)\). Saxena, Severini, and Shparlinski (International Journal of Quantum Information 5 (2007), 417-430) proved that \(|F(\tau)_{aa}| = 1\) for some \(a \in V(G)\) and \(t \in \mathbb{R}\) if and only if all the eigenvalues of \(G\) are integers (that is, the graph is integral). The integral circulant graph \(ICG_n(D)\) has the vertex set \(\mathbb{Z}_n = \{0, 1, 2, \ldots, n-1\}\) and vertices \(a\) and \(b\) are adjacent if \(\gcd(a-b, n) \in D\), where \(D \subseteq \{d: d|n, 1 \leq d \leq n\}\). We characterize completely the class of integral circulant graphs having PST between non-antipodal vertices for \(|D| = 2\). We have thus answered the question posed by Godsil on the existence of classes of graphs with PST between non-antipodal vertices. Moreover, for all values of \(n\) such that \(ICG_n(D)\) has PST (\(n \in 4\mathbb{N}\)), several classes of graphs \(ICG_n(D)\) are constructed such that PST exists between non-antipodal vertices.

Hua Wang1
1 Department of Mathematical Sciences Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA, 30460

Chemical indices are introduced to correlate chemical compounds’ physical properties with their structures. Among recently introduced such indices, the eccentric connectivity index of a graph \(G\) is defined as \(\xi^C(G) = \sum_{v \in V(G)} deg(v) ec(v)\), where \(deg(v)\) is the degree of a vertex \(v\) and \( ec(v)\) is its eccentricity. The extremal values of \(\xi^C(G)\) have been studied among graphs with various given parameters. In this note, we study trees with extremal values of the eccentric connectivity index with a given degree sequence. The extremal structures are identified; however, they are not unique.

Chun-Chun Lin1, Jing-Ho Yan1
1Department of Applied Mathematics Aletheia University, Tamsui 251, Taiwan

A \(k\)-L\((d, 1)\)-labeling of a graph \(G\) is a function \(f\) from the vertex set \(V(G)\) to \(\{0, 1, \ldots, k\}\) such that \(|f(u) – f(v)| > 1\) if \(d(u,v) = 2\) and \(|f(u) – f(v)| \geq d\) if \(d(u,v) = 1\). The L\((d,1)\)-labeling number \(\lambda(G)\) of \(G\) is the smallest number \(k\) such that \(G\) has a \(k\)-L\((d, 1)\)-labeling. In this paper, we show that \(2d+2 \leq \lambda(C_m \square C_n) \leq 2d+4\) if either \(m\) or \(n\) is odd. Furthermore, the following cases are determined: (a) \(\lambda_d(C_3 \square C_n)\) and \(\lambda_d(C_4 \square C_n)\) for \(d \geq 3\), (b) \(\lambda_d(C_m \square C_n)\) for some \(m\) and \(n\), (c) \(\lambda_d(C_{2m} \square C_{2n})\) for \(d \geq 5\) when \(m\) and \(n\) are even.

Yunpeng Wang1, Xinan Tong1
1Department of Mathematics and Physical, Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471023, P. R. China

The purpose of this paper is to establish several identities involving \(q\)-harmonic numbers by the \(q\)-Chu-Vandermonde convolution formula and obtain some \(q\)-analogues of several known identities.

Pablo De Caria1, Marisa Gutierrez2
1CONICET, Departamento de Matematica, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, C.C. 172, (1900), La Plata, Argentina”
2CONICET, Departamento de Matematica, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, C.C. 172, (1900), La Plata, Argentina

It will be proved that the problem of determining whether a set of vertices of a dually chordal graphs is the set of leaves of a tree compatible with it can be solved in polynomial time by establishing a connection with finding clique trees of chordal graphs with minimum number of leaves.

Hengzhe Li1, Weihua Yang2, Jixiang Meng1
1College of Mathematics and Systems Science, Xinjiang University, Urumai 830046, China
2School of Mathematical Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Fujian 361005, China

A vertex subset \(F\) is an \(R_k\)-vertex-cut of a connected graph \(G\) if \(G – F\) is disconnected and every vertex in \(G – F\) has at least \(k\) neighbors in \(G – F\). The cardinality of the minimum \(R_k\)-vertex-cut of \(G\) is the \(R_k\)-connectivity of \(G\), denoted by \(\kappa^k(G)\). This parameter measures a kind of conditional fault tolerance of networks. In this paper, we determine \(R_2\)-connectivity and \(R_3\)-connectivity of recursive circulant graphs \(G(2^m, 2)\).

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