A. Pawel Wojda1, Mariusz Woéniak1
1Instvtut Matematyki Akademia G6émiczo-Hutnicza Al. Mickiewicza 30 30-059 Krak6éw, Poland

A known theorem of Bigalke and Jung says that the only nonhamiltonian, tough graph \(G\) with \(\alpha(G) \leq H(G) + 1\), where \(H(G) \geq 3\), is the Petersen graph. In this paper we characterize all nonhamiltonian, tough graphs having k total vertex (i.e. adjacent to all others) with \(\alpha(G) \leq k+ 2\) (Theorem 3).

S.A. Choudum1
1 School of Mathematical Sciences Madurai Kamaraj University Madurai 625 021 INDIA

Given a sequence \(S: d_1, d_2, \ldots, d_p\) of non-negative integers, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for a subsequence of \(S\) with \(p – 1\) terms to be graphical.

S.M. Lee1, A. Lia2
1 Department of Mathematics and Computing Science San Jose State University San Jose, CA 95192
2 Department of Mathematics University of Alberta Edmonton, ALTA, T6G 2G1
Lian-Chang Zhao 1, Jing-Hua Meng 1
1Department of Mathematics Northeast Institute of Technology Shenyang PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

Let \(D\) be a strictly disconnected digraph with \(n\) vertices. A common out-neighbor (resp. in-neighbor) of a pair of vertices \(u\) and \(v\) is a vertex \(x\) such that \(ux\) and \(vx\) (resp. \(xu\) and \(xv\)) are arcs of \(D\). It is shown that if

\[d^+(u_1) + d^+(v_1) + d^-(u_2) + d^-(v_2) > 2n-1\]

for any pair \(u_1, v_1\) of nonadjacent vertices with a common out-neighbor and any pair \(u_2, v_2\) of nonadjacent vertices with a common in-neighbor, then \(D\) contains a directed Hamiltonian cycle.

K. Sinha1, M. K. Singh2
1 Department of Statistics Birsa Agricultural University Ranchi 834006
2 Department of Mathematics Ranchi University Ranchi 834001 INDIA

A series of partially balanced incomplete block design yields under certain
restrictions, a new series of BIB designs with parameters:
\[v=\binom{2s+1}{2}, b=\frac{1}{2}(s+1)\binom{2s+1}{s+1}\]
\[v=s \binom{2s-1}{s},k=s^2, \lambda=(s-1)\binom{2s-1}{s-1}\]
where \(s \geq 2\) is any positive integer.

Xiang-dong Hou1
1 Department of Mathematics University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyoming 82071 U.S.A.

A \(d\)-design is an \(n \times n\) \((0,1)\)-matrix \(A\) satisfying \(A^t A = \lambda J + {diag}(k_1 – \lambda, \ldots, k_n – \lambda)\), where \(A^t\) is the transpose of \(A\), \(J\) is the \(n \times n\) matrix of ones, \(k_j >\lambda > 0\) (\(1 \leq j \leq n\)), and not all \(k_i\)’s are equal. Ryser [4] and Woodall [6] showed that such an \(A\) has precisely two row sums \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) (\(r_1 > r_2\)) with \(r_1 + r_2 = n + 1\). Let \(e_1\) be the number of rows of \(A\) with sum \(r_1\). It is shown that if \(e_1 = 4\), then \(\lambda = 3\).

Xu Shaoji1
1Department of Mathematics Shanghai Teachers’ University Shanghai, China

In this note we introduce a lemma which is useful in studying the chromaticity of graphs. As examples, we give a short proof for a conclusion in \([3]\).

J.A. Davis 1
1 University of Richmond VA 23173 U.S.A.

The existence of difference sets in abelian \(2\)-groups is a recently settled problem \([5]\); this note extends the abelian constructs of difference sets to nonabelian groups of order \(64\).

Manolis Manoussakis1, Yannis Manoussakis2
1 Universitat Salzburg Mathematisches Institut Hellbrunnerstr 34, AUSTRIA
2Université PARIS-XI (ORSAY) L.R.I. bat. 490 91405 ORSAY Cedex, FRANCE

We deal with conditions on the number of arcs sufficient for bipartite digraphs to have cycles and paths with specified properties.

Andrzej Rucitiski 1
1Department of Discrete Mathematics Adam Mickiewicz University 60-769 Poznan, Poland

The convex hull of graph \(G\), a notion born in the theory of random graphs, is the convex hull of the set in \(xy\)-plane obtained by representing each subgraph \(H\) of \(G\) by the point whose coordinates are the number of vertices and edges of \(H\).

In the paper, the maximum number of corners of the convex hull of an \(n\)-vertex graph, bipartite graph, and \(K({r})\)-free graph is found. The same question is posed for strictly balanced graphs.

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