Jianxiu Hao1
1Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University, P.O. Box: 321004, Jinhua, Zhejiang, P.R. China

The modified Zagreb indices are important topological indices in mathematical chemistry. In this paper, we study the modified Zagreb indices of disjunctions and symmetric differences.

Mingyan Fu1, Weihua Yang1, Jixiang Meng1
1Department of Mathematics, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China

Given a graph G and a non-negative integer g, the g-extra-connectivity of G (written κg(G)) is the minimum cardinality of a set of vertices of G, if any, whose deletion disconnects G, and every remaining component has more than g vertices. The usual connectivity and superconnectivity of G correspond to κ0(G) and κ1(G), respectively. In this paper, we determine κg(Pn1×Pn2××Pns) for 0gs, where × denotes the Cartesian product of graphs. We generalize κg(Qn) for 0gn, n4, where Qn denotes the n-cube.

Martin Baca1, Christian Barrientos2
1Department of Applied Mathematics, Technical University Letnad 9, 042 00 Kodice, Slovak Republic
2College of Information and Mathematical Sciences Clayton State University Morrow, GA 30260, USA

A graph labeling is an assignment of integers (labels) to the vertices and/or edges of a graph. Within vertex labelings, two main branches can be distinguished: difference vertex labelings that associate each edge of the graph with the difference of the labels of its endpoints. Graceful and edge-antimagic vertex labelings correspond to these branches, respectively. In this paper, we study some connections between them. Indeed, we study the conditions that allow us to transform any a-labeling (a special case of graceful labeling) of a tree into an (a,1)- and (a,2)-edge antimagic vertex labeling.

Min-Jen Jou1
1Department of Insurance Ling Tung University Taichung, Taiwan 40852, R.O.C.

The domination number γ(G) of a graph G is the minimum cardinality among all dominating sets of G, and the independence number α(G) of G is the maximum cardinality among all independent sets of G. For any graph G, it is easy to see that γ(G)α(G). In this paper, we present a characterization of trees T with γ(T)=α(T).

Mingquan Zhan1
1Department of Mathematics Millersville University, Millersville, PA 17551, USA

This paper generalizes the concept of locally connected graphs. A graph G is triangularly connected if for every pair of edges e1,e2E(G), G has a sequence of 3-cycles C1,C2,,Cl such that e1C1,e2Cl and E(Ci)E(Ci+1) for 1il1. In this paper, we show that every triangularly connected K1,4-free almost claw-free graph on at least three vertices is fully cycle extendable.

Haiying Wang1, Jingzhen Gao2
1The School of Information Engineering China University of Geosciences(Beijing) Beijing 100083, P.R.China
2Department of Mathematics and Science Shandong Normal University Jinan, Shandong, 250014,P.R.China

Let G=(V,E) be a simple graph. N and Z denote the set of all positive integers and the set of all integers, respectively. The sum graph G+(S) of a finite subset SN is the graph (S,E) with uvE if and only if u+vS. G is a sum graph if it is isomorphic to the sum graph of some SN. The sum number σ(G) of G is the smallest number of isolated vertices, which result in a sum graph when added to G. By extending N to Z, the notions of the integral sum graph and the integral sum number of G are obtained, respectively. In this paper, we prove that ζ(Cn¯)=σ(Cn¯)=2n7 and that ζ(Wn¯)=σ(Wn¯)=2n8 for n7.

Sergio Bermudo1, Juan A. Rodriguez-Velazquez2, José M.Sigarreta3, Ismael G.Yero2
1Department of Economy, Quantitative Methods and Economic History Pablo de Olavide University, Carretera de Utrera Km. 1, 41013-Sevilla, Spain
2Department of Computer Engineering and Mathematics Rovira i Virgili University, Av. Paisos Catalans 26, 43007 Tarragona, Spain.
3Faculty of Mathematics, Autonomous University of Guerrero Carlos E. Adame 5, Col. La Garita, Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico

We investigate the relationship between geodetic sets, k-geodetic sets, dominating sets, and independent sets in arbitrary graphs. As a consequence of the study, we provide several tight bounds on the geodetic number of a graph.

Xuemei Liu1, You Gao1
1College of Science, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin,300300,P.R.China

For 1dv1, let V denote the 2v-dimensional symplectic space over a finite field Fq, and fix a (vd)-dimensional totally isotropic subspace W of V. Let L(d,2v)=P{V}, where P={AA is a subspace of V,AW={0} and AW}. Partially ordered by ordinary or reverse inclusion, two families of finite atomic lattices are obtained. This article discusses their geometricity, and computes their characteristic polynomials.

Ronald C.Read1
1Department of Combinatorics and Optimization University of Waterloo. Canada

Let M be a graph, and let H(M) denote the homeomorphism class of M, that is, the set of all graphs obtained from M by replacing every edge by a `chain’ of edges in series. Given M it is possible, either using the `chain polynomial’ introduced by E. G. Whitehead and myself (Discrete Math. 204(1999)337356) or by ad hoc methods, to obtain an expression which subsumes the chromatic polynomials of all the graphs in H(M). It is a function of the number of colors and the lengths of the chains replacing the edges of M. This function contains complete information about the chromatic properties of these graphs. In particular, it holds the answer to the question “Which pairs of graphs in H(M) are chromatically equivalent”. However, extracting this information is not an easy task.

In this paper, I present a method for answering this question. Although at first sight it appears to be wildly impractical, it can be persuaded to yield results for some small graphs. Specific results are given, as well as some general theorems. Among the latter is the theorem that, for any given integer γ, almost all cyclically 3-connected graphs with cyclomatic number γ are chromatically unique.

The analogous problem for the Tutte polynomial is also discussed, and some results are given.

Jingwen Li1, Zhiwen Wang2, Zhongfu Zhang1, Enqiang Zhu1, Fei Wen1, Hongjie Wang1
1Institute of Applied Mathematics, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, P.R.China
2 School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, P.R.China

Let G be a simple graph of order p2. A proper k-total coloring of a simple graph G is called a k-vertex distinguishing proper total coloring (k-VDTC) if for any two distinct vertices u and v of G, the set of colors assigned to u and its incident edges differs from the set of colors assigned to v and its incident edges. The notation χvt(G) indicates the smallest number of colors required for which G admits a k-VDTC with kχvt(G). For every integer m3, we will present a graph G of maximum degree m such that χvt(G)<χvt(H) for some proper subgraph HG.

Doost Ali Mojdeh1, Roslan Hasni1
1School of Mathematical Sciences University Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia

Let G=(V,E) be a graph. Let γ(G) and γt(G) be the domination and total domination number of a graph G, respectively. The γ-criticality and γt-criticality of Harary graphs are studied. The Question 2 of the paper [W. Goddard et al., The Diameter of total domination vertex critical graphs, Discrete Math. 286(2004),255261] is fully answered with the family of Harary graphs. It is answered to the second part of Question 1 of that paper with some Harary graphs.

Guihai Yu1, Lihua Feng1, Aleksandar Ilic2
1School of Mathematics, Shandong Institute of Business and Technology 191 Binhaizhong Road, Yantai, Shandong, P.R. China, 264005
2Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Nig Visegradska 33, 18000 Nis, Serbia

Let G be a connected graph. The hyper-Wiener index WW(G) is defined as WW(G)=12u,vV(G)d(u,v)+12u,vV(G)d2(u,v), with the summation going over all pairs of vertices in G and d(u,v) denotes the distance between u and v in G. In this paper, we determine the upper or lower bounds on hyper-Wiener index of trees with given number of pendent vertices, matching number, independence number, domination number, diameter, radius, and maximum degree.

Hongtao Zhao1
1School of Mathematics and Physics, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China

A large set of resolvable Mendelsohn triple systems of order v, denoted by LRMTS(v), is a collection of v2 RMTS(v)s based on v-set X, such that every Mendelsohn triple of X occurs as a block in exactly one of the v2 RMTS(v)s. In this paper, we use TRIQ and LR-design to present a new product construction for LRMTS(v)s. This provides some new infinite families of LRMTS(v)s.

S.M. Khamis1, Kh.M. Nazzal1
1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Abbaseia, Cairo, Egypt.

In this paper, we investigate the existence of nontrivial solutions for the equation y(G◻H)γ(G)γ(H) fixing one factor. For the complete bipartite graphs Km,n, we characterize all nontrivial solutions when m=2,n3 and prove the nonexistence of solutions when m2,n3. In addition, it is proved that the above equation has no nontrivial solution if A is one of the graphs obtained from G, the cycle of length n, either by adding a vertex and one pendant edge joining this vertex to any vertex to any vV(Cn), or by adding one chord joining two alternating vertices of Cn.

Yinghong Ma1,2, Qinglin Yu1,3
1Center for Combinatorics, LPMC, Nankai University Tianjing, China
2School of Management Shandong Normal University, Jinan, Shandong, China
3Department of Mathematics and Statistics Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC, Canada

For a graph G=(V(G),E(G)), let i(G) be the number of isolated vertices in G. The isolated toughness of G is defined as
I(G)=min{|S|i(GS):SV(G),i(GS)2} if G is not complete; I(G)=|V(G)|1 otherwise. In this paper, several sufficient conditions in terms of isolated toughness are obtained for the existence of [a,b]-factors avoiding given subgraphs, e.g., a set of vertices, a set of edges and a matching, respectively.

KM. Kathiresan1, G. Marimuthu1
1Centre for Research and Post Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, [Autonomous], Sivakasi- 626 124,Tamil Nadu, India.

In a graph G, the distance d(u,v) between a pair of vertices u and v is the length of a shortest path joining them. The eccentricity e(u) of a vertex u is the distance to a vertex farthest from u. The minimum eccentricity is called the radius of the graph and the maximum eccentricity is called the diameter of the graph. The radial graph R(G) based on G has the vertex set as in G. Two vertices u and v are adjacent in R(G) if the distance between them in G is equal to the radius of G. If G is disconnected, then two vertices are adjacent in R(G) if they belong to different components. The main objective of this paper is to find a necessary and sufficient condition for a graph to be a radial graph.

A. Drapal1, T.S. Griggs2
1Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Sokolovska 83 186 75 Praha 8 CZECH REPUBLIC
2Department of Mathematics and Statistics The Open University Walton Hall Milton Keynes MK7 6AA UNITED KINGDOM

Let {T,T} be a Latin bitrade. Then T (and T) is said to be (r,c,e)-homogeneous if each row contains precisely r entries, each column contains precisely c entries, and each entry occurs precisely e times. An (r,c,e)-homogeneous Latin bitrade can be embedded on the torus only for three parameter sets, namely (r,c,e)=(3,3,3),(4,4,2), or (6,3,2). The first case has been completely classified by a number of authors. We present classifications for the other two cases.

Michael Aristidou1
1Barry University, Department of Mathematics and Comp. Science 11300 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami Shores, FL 33161

In this paper, we prove an interesting property of rook polynomials for 2-D square boards and extend that for rook polynomials for 3-D cubic, and r-D “hypercubic” boards. In particular, we prove that for r-D rook polynomials the modulus of the sum of their roots equals their degree. We end with some further questions, mainly for the 2-D and 3-D case, that could serve as future projects.

Guohui Hao1, Qingde Kang1
1Institute of Math., Hebei Normal University Shijiazhuang 050016, P.R. China

Let G be a finite graph and H be a subgraph of G. If V(H)=V(G), then the subgraph H is called a spanningsubgraph of G. A spanning subgraph H of G is called an Ffactor if each component of H is isomorphic to F. Further, if there exists a subgraph of G whose vertex set is λV(G) and can be partitioned into F-factors, then it is called a λfoldFfactor of G, denoted by Sλ(1,F,G). A largeset of λ-fold F-factors in G is a partition {Bi}i of all subgraphs of G isomorphic to F, such that each (X,Bi) forms a λ-fold F-factor of G. In this paper, we investigate the large set of λ-fold P3-factors in Kv,v and obtain its existence spectrum.

Kotaro Hayashi1
1Honda R&D Co.,Ltd. Motorcycle R&D Center 3-15-1 Senzui, Asaka-shi, Saitama, 351-8555 Japan

Let k1, l3, and s5 be integers. In 1990, Erdős and Faudree conjectured that if G is a graph of order 4k with δ(G)2k, then G contains k vertex-disjoint 4-cycles. In this paper, we consider an analogous question for 5-cycles; that is to say, if G is a graph of order 5k with δ(G)3k, then G contains k vertex-disjoint 5-cycles? In support of this question, we prove that if G is a graph of order 5k with ω2(G)6l2, then, unless Kl2¯+K2l+1,2l+1GKl2+K2l+1,2l+1, G contains l1 vertex-disjoint 5-cycles and a path of order 5, which is vertex-disjoint from the l1 5-cycles. In fact, we prove a more general result that if G is a graph of order 5k+2s with ω2(G)6k+2s, then, unless Kk¯+K2k+s,2k+sGKk+K2k+s,2k+s, G contains k+1 vertex-disjoint 5-cycles and a path of order 2s5, which is vertex-disjoint from the k+1 5-cycles. As an application of this theorem, we give a short proof for determining the exact value of ex(n,(k+1)C5), and characterize the extremal graph.

Saadet Arslan 1, Fikri Koken2
2Setcuk UNtversiry, FACULTY oF Science, DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, 42075 KaMmPus, Konya, TURKEY

In this paper, we present the complex factorizations of the Jacobsthal and Jacobsthal Lucas numbers by determinants of tridiagonal matrices.

E. Kilic1, D. Tasci2

In this paper, we find families of (0,1,1)-tridiagonal matrices whose determinants and permanents equal the negatively subscripted Fibonacci and Lucas numbers. Also, we give complex factorizations of these numbers by the first and second kinds of Chebyshev polynomials.

Bart De Bruyn1
1 Ghent University, Department of Pure Mathematics and Computer Algebra, Galglaan 2, B-9000 Gent, Belgium,

We classify all finite near hexagons which satisfy the following properties for a certain t2{1,2,4}:(i) every line is incident with precisely three points;(ii) for every point x, there exists a point y at distance 3 from x;(iii) every two points at distance 2 from each other have either 1 or t2+1 common neighbours;(iv) every quad is big. As a corollary, we obtain a classification of all finite near hexagons satisfying (i), (ii) and (iii) with t2 equal to 4.

Lihua Feng1
1School of Mathematics, Shandong Institute of Business and Technology 191 Binhaizhong Road, Yantai, Shandong, P.R. China, 264005.

In this paper, we obtain the largest Laplacian spectral radius for bipartite graphs with given matching number and use them to characterize the extremal general graphs.

Bing Yao1, Ming Yao2, Hui Cheng1
1College of Mathematics and Information Science, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, 730070, P.R.China
2Department of Information Process and Control Engineering, Lanzhou Petrochemical College of Vocational Technology, Lanzhou, 730060, P.R.China

For integers k,θ3 and β1, an integer k-set S with the smallest element 0 is a (k;β,θ)-free set if it does not contain distinct elements ai,j (1ijθ) such that j=1θ1ai,j=βaiθ. The largest integer of S is denoted by max(S). The generalized antiaverage number λ(k;β,θ) is equal to min{max(S):S is a (k0;δ,0)-free set}. We obtain:(1) If β{θ2,θ1,θ}, then λ(m;β,θ)(θ1)(m2)+1; (2) If βθ1, then λ(k;β,θ)mink=m+n{λ(m;β,θ)+βλ(n;β,θ)+1}, where k=m+n with n>m3 and λ(2n;β,θ)λ(n;β,θ)(β+1)+ε, for ε=1 for θ=3 and ε=0 otherwise.

Kathleen A.McKeon1
1Connecticut College

A connected graph is highly irregular if the neighbors of each vertex have distinct degrees. We will show that every highly irregular tree has at most one nontrivial automorphism. The question that motivated this work concerns the proportion of highly irregular trees that are asymmetric, i.e., have no nontrivial automorphisms. A d-tree is a tree in which every vertex has degree at most d. A technique for enumerating unlabeled highly irregular d-trees by automorphism group will be described for d4 and results will be given for d=4. It will be shown that, for fixed d, d4, almost all highly irregular d-trees are asymmetric.

Duanfeng Liu1,2, Xinru Liu1
1Department of Mathematics Science and Computer Technology,Central South University, Changsha 410083,P.R.China
2Department of Applied Mathematics,Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006,P.R.China

Combining with specific degrees or edges of a graph, this paper provides some new classes of upper embeddable graphs and extends the results in [Y. Huang, Y. Liu, Some classes of upper embeddable graphs, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 1997,17(Supp.): 154161].

Ligong Wang1, Xiaodong Liu2
1Department of Applied Mathematics, School of Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710072, P.R.China
2School of Information, Xi’an University of Finance and Economics, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710061, P.R.China

A graph is called integral if all eigenvalues of its adjacency matrix are integers. In this paper, we investigate integral trees S(r;mi)=S(a1+a2++as;m1,m2,,ms) of diameter 4 with s=2,3. We give a better sufficient and necessary condition for the tree S(a1+a2;m1,m2) of diameter 4 to be integral, from which we construct infinitely many new classes of such integral trees by solving some certain Diophantine equations. These results are different from those in the existing literature. We also construct new integral trees S(a1+a2+a3;m1,m2,m3)=S(a1+1+1;m1,m2,m3) of diameter 4 with non-square numbers m2 and m3. These results generalize some well-known results of P.Z. Yuan, D.L. Zhang et al.

Jianxiu Hao1
1Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University, P.O. Box: 321004, Jinhua, Zhejiang, P.R. China;

Zagreb indices are the best known topological indices which reflect certain structural features of organic molecules. In this paper we point out that the modified Zagreb indices are worth studying and present some results about product graphs.

Haiying Li, Tianshui Ma1
1College of Mathematics and Information Science, Henan Normal Univ., Xinxiang 453007, P.R.China.

Let gH(B), g(0)=0 and φ be a holomorphic self-map of the unit ball B in Cn. The following integral-type operator


was recently introduced by S. Stević and studied on some spaces of holomorphic functions on B, where Rf(z)=k=1nzkfzk(z) is the radial derivative of g. The boundedness and compactness of this operator from generally weighted Bloch spaces to Bloch-type spaces on B are investigated in this note.

Nebojsa Mudrinski1

We start by proving that the Henson graphs Hn, n3 (the homogeneous countable graphs universal for the class of all finite graphs omitting the clique of size n), are retract rigid. On the other hand, we provide a full characterization of retracts of the complement of H3. Further, we prove that each countable partial order embeds in the natural order of retractions of the complements of Henson graphs. Finally, we show that graphs omitting sufficiently large null subgraphs omit certain configurations in their endomorphism monoids.

De-Yin Zheng1
1Department of Mathematics, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 310012, P. R. China

Combining integration method with series rearrangement,we establish several closed formulae for Gauss hypergeometric series with four free parameters, which extend essentially the related results found recently by Elsner (2005).

Ramazan Karatas1
1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, University of Selcuk, Meram Yeni Yol, Konya, TURKIYE

In this paper, we study the global behavior of the nonnegative equilibrium points of the difference equation


where A, B, C are nonnegative parameters, initial conditions are nonnegative real numbers, and k, l are nonnegative integers, lk. Also, we derive solutions of some special cases of this equation.

Jian Wang1, Yong-Liang Pan1
1Department of Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China Hefei, Auhui 230026, The People’s Republic of China

In this paper, the critical group structure of the Cartesian product graph C4×Cn is determined, where n3.

Shengbiao Hu1
1Department of Mathematics, Qinghai Nationalities College, Xinig, Qinghai 810007 People’s Republic of China

Let G=(V,E) be a simple connected graph with 7 vertices. The degree of viV and the average of degrees of the vertices adjacent to vi are denoted by di and mi, respectively. The spectral radius of G is denoted by ρ(G). In this paper, we introduce a parameter into an equation of adjacency matrix, and obtain two inequalities for upper and lower bounds of spectral radius. By assigning different values to this parameter, one can obtain some new and existing results on spectral radius. Specially, if G is a nonregular graph, then

ρ(G)max1j<in{dimidjmj+(dimidjmj)24didj(didj)(mimj)2(didj)} and ρ(G)min1j<in{dimidjmj+(dimidjmj)24didj(didj)(mimj)2(didj)}. If G is a bidegreed graph whose vertices of same degree have equal average of degrees, then the equality holds.

Lutz Volkmann1
1Lehrstuhl II fiir Mathematik, RWTH Aachen University, 52056 Aachen, Germany

An orientation of a simple graph G is called an oriented graph. If D is an oriented graph, δ(D) its minimum degree and λ(D) its edge-connectivity, then λ(D)δ(D). The oriented graph is called maximally edge-connected if λ(D)=δ(D) and super-edge-connected, if every minimum edge-cut is trivial. In this paper, we show that an oriented graph D of order n without any clique of order p+1 in its underlying graph is maximally edge-connected when


Some related conditions for oriented graphs to be super-edge-connected are also presented.

Shuhua Li1, Hong Bian1, Fuji Zhang2, Guoping Wang1,3
1Department of Mathematics, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumai, Xinjiang 830054, P.R.China
2Department of Mathematics, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian 361005, P.R.China
3Department of Mathematics, Jiangsu Teacher University of Technology, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213001, P.R.China

Denote by An, the set of the polyphenyl chains with n hexagons. For any AnAn, let mk(An) and ik(An) be the numbers of k-matchings and k-independent sets of An, respectively. In the paper, we show that for any AnAn and for any k0,mk(Mn)mk(An)mk(On)andik(Mn)ik(An)ik(On), with the equalities holding if An=Mn or An=On, where Mn and On are the meta-chain and the ortho-chain, respectively. These generalize some related results in [1].

Sizhong Zhou1
1School of Mathematics and Physics , Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212003, P. R. China

Let G=(X,Y,E(G)) be a bipartite graph with vertex set V(G)=X!Y and edge set E(G), and let g,f be two nonnegative integer-valued functions defined on V(G) such that g(x)f(x) for each xV(G). A (g,f)-factor of G is a spanning subgraph F of G such that g(x)dF(x)f(x) for each xV(F); a (g,f)-factorization of G is a partition of E(G) into edge-disjoint (g,f)-factors. Let F={F1,F2,,Fm} be a factorization of G and H be a subgraph of G with m edges. If Fi, 1im, has exactly r edges in common with H, we say that Fi is r-orthogonal to H. In this paper, it is proved that every bipartite (0,mf(m1)r)-graph has (0,f)-factorizations randomly r-orthogonal to any given subgraph with m edges if 2rf(x) for any xV(G).

Wayne Goddard1, Stephen T.Hedetniemi1, James L.Huff2, Alice A.McRae3
1Dept of Computer Science Clemson University, Clemson SC 29634, USA
2 Dept of Computer Science Clemson University, Clemson SC 29634, USA
3Dept of Computer Science Appalachian State University, Boone NC 28608, USA

We define an r-capacitated dominating set of a graph G=(V,E) as a set {v1,,vk}V such that there is a partition (V1,,Vk) of V where for all i, viVi, vi is adjacent to all of Vi{vi}, and |Vi|r+1. r(G) is the minimum cardinality of an r-capacitated dominating set. We show properties of r, especially as regards the trivial lower bound |V|/(r+1). We calculate the value of the parameter in several graph families, and show that it is related to codes and polyominoes. The parameter is NP-complete in general to compute, but a greedy approach provides a linear-time algorithm for trees.

Zeling Shao1, Yanpei Liu2
1Department of Mathematics, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China
2Department of Mathematics, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China

On the basis of joint trees introduced by Yanpei Liu, by choosing different spanning trees and classifying the associated surfaces, we obtain the explicit expressions of genus polynomials for three types of graphs, namely K5n,W6n and K3,3n, which are different from the graphs whose embedding distributions by genus have been obtained. And K5n and K3,3n are non-planar.

D. Garijo1, A. Marquez1, M.P. Revuelta1
1Dep. Matematica Aplicada I. Universidad de Sevilla (Spain).

We develop the necessary machinery in order to prove that hexagonal tilings are uniquely determined by their Tutte polynomial, showing as an example how to apply this technique to the toroidal hexagonal tiling.

Tong Chunling1, Lin Xiaohui2, Yang Yuansheng3, Hou Zhengwei3
1Department of Information Science and Engineering Shandong Jiaotong University Jinan, 250023, P. R. China
2Department of Computer Science and Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian, 116024, P. R. China
3 Department of Computer Science and Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian, 116024, P. R. China

A (d,1)-totel labelling of a graph G is an assignment of integers to V(G)E(G) such that: (i) any two adjacent vertices of G receive distinct integers, (ii) any two adjacent edges of G receive distinct integers, and (iii) a vertex and its incident edge receive integers that differ by at least d in absolute value. The span of a (d,1)-total labelling is the maximum difference between two labels. The minimum span of labels required for such a (d,1)-total labelling of G is called the (d,1)-total number and is denoted by λdT(G). In this paper, we prove that λdT(G)d+r+1 for r-regular nonbipartite graphs with dr3 and determine the (d,1)-total numbers of flower snarks and of quasi flower snarks.

Haiying Wang1, Jingzhen Gao2
1The School of Information Engineering China University of Geosciences(Beijing) Beijing 100083, P.R.China
2Department of Mathematics and Science Shandong Normal University Jinan, Shandong, 250014,P.R.China

Let G=(V,E) be a simple graph with the vertex set V and the edge set E. G is a sum graph if there exists a labelling f of the vertices of G into distinct positive integers such that uvE if and only if f(w)=f(u)+f(v) for some vertex wV. Such a labelling f is called a sum labelling of G. The sum number σ(G) of G is the smallest number of isolated vertices which result in a sum graph when added to G. Similarly, the integral sum graph and the integral sum number ζ(G) are also defined. The difference is that the labels may be any distinct integers.
In this paper, we will determine that
{0=ζ(P4¯)<σ(P4¯)=1;1=ζ(P5¯)<σ(P5¯)=2;3=ζ(P6¯)<σ(P6¯)=4;ζ(Pn¯)=σ(Pn¯)=0, for n=1,2,3;ζ(Pn¯)=σ(Pn¯)=2n7, for n7; and {0=ζ(F5¯)<σ(F5¯)=1;2=ζ(F5¯)<σ(F6¯)=2;ζ(Fc¯)=σ(Fn¯)=0, for n=3,4;ζ(Fn¯)=σ(Fn¯)=2n8, for n7.

Jianxiu Hao1
1Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University, P.O. Box: 321004, Jinhua, Zhejiang, PR. China;

The Padmakar-Ivan (PI) index is a Wiener-Szeged-like topological index which reflects certain structural features of organic molecules. In this paper, we study the PI indices of bicyclic graphs whose cycles do not share two or more common vertices.

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The Combinatorial Press Editorial Office routinely extends invitations to scholars for the guest editing of Special Issues, focusing on topics of interest to the scientific community. We actively encourage proposals from our readers and authors, directly submitted to us, encompassing subjects within their respective fields of expertise. The Editorial Team, in conjunction with the Editor-in-Chief, will supervise the appointment of Guest Editors and scrutinize Special Issue proposals to ensure content relevance and appropriateness for the journal. To propose a Special Issue, kindly complete all required information for submission;