Dae San Kim1, Taekyun Kim2

In this paper, we give some new identities of symmetry for \(q\)-Bernoulli polynomials under the symmetric group of degree \(n\) arising from \(p\)-adic \(q\)-integrals on \(\mathbb{Z}_p\).

Chunxia Shen1, Zhanjun Su1, Liping Yuan1
1College of Mathematics and Information Science, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, 050024, China.

The covering and packing of a unit square (resp. cube) with squares (resp. cubes) are considered. In \(d\)-dimensional Euclidean space \(\mathbb{E}^d\), the size of a \(d\)-hypercube is given by its side length and the size of a covering is the total size of the \(d\)-hypercubes used to cover the unit hypercube. Denote by \(g_d(n)\) the smallest size of a minimal covering (consisting of \(n\) hypercubes) of a \(d\)-dimensional unit hypercube. In this paper, we consider the problem of covering a unit hypercube with hypercubes in \(\mathbb{E}^d\) for \(d \geq 4\) and determine the tight upper bound and lower bound for \(g_d(n)\).

Khristo N.Boyadzhiev1
1 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Ohio Northern University, Ada, OH 45810 USA

Given the binomial transforms \(\{b_n\}\) and \(\{c_n\}\) of the sequences \(\{a_n\}\) and \(\{d_n\}\) correspondingly, we compute the binomial transform of the sequence \(\{a_nc_n\}\) in terms of \(\{b_n\}\) and \(\{d_n\}\). In particular, we compute the binomial transform of the sequences \(\{n{n-1}\ldots (n-1-m)a_n\}\) and \(\{a_k x^k\}\) in terms of \(\{b_n\}\). Further applications include new binomial identities with the binomial transforms of the products \(H_n B_n\), \(H_n F_n\), \(H_n L_n(X)\), and \(B_n F_n\), where \(H_n\), \(B_n\), \(F_n\), and \(L_n(X)\) are correspondingly the harmonic numbers, the Bernoulli numbers, the Fibonacci numbers, and the Laguerre polynomials.

Aijun Yu1, Lingye Wang2, Su Wang2, Jinhua Wang2
1Department II, Sugian College Suqian 223800, P. R. China
2School of Sciences, Nantong University Nantong 226007, P. R. China

A kite graph is a graph obtained from a \(3\)-cycle (or triple) by adding a pendent edge to a vertex of the \(3\)-cycle. A kite system of order \(v\) is a pair \((X, \mathcal{B})\), where \(\mathcal{B}\) is an edge-disjoint collection of kite graphs which partitions the edge set of \(K_v\). A kite system of order \(v\) is cyclic if it admits an automorphism of order \(v\), and 1-rotational if it admits an automorphism containing one fixed point and a cycle of length \(v – 1\). In this paper, we show that there exists a cyclic kite system of order \(v\) if and only if \(v \equiv 1 \pmod{8}\), and there exists a \(1\)-rotational kite system of order \(v\) if and only if \(v \equiv 0 \pmod{8}\).

J. Amjadi1, A. Parnian1
1Department of Mathematics Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University Tabriz, I.R. Iran

A \(2\)-rainbow dominating function (2RDF) on a graph \(G = (V, E)\) is a function \(f\) from the vertex set \(V\) to the set of all subsets of the set \(\{1,2\}\) such that for any vertex \(v \in V\) with \(f(v) = \emptyset\) the condition \(\cup_{u \in N(v)} f(u) = \{1, 2\}\) is fulfilled. The weight of a 2RDF \(f\) is the value \(w(f) = \sum_{v \in V(G)} |f(v)|\). The \(2\)-rainbow domination number, denoted by \(\gamma_{r2}(G)\), is the minimum weight of a 2RDF on \(G\). The rainbow bondage number \(b_{r2}(G)\) of a graph \(G\) with maximum degree at least two, is the minimum cardinality of all sets \(E’ \subseteq E(G)\) for which \(\gamma_{r2}(G – E’) > \gamma_{r2}(G)\). Dehgardi, Sheikholeslami, and Volkmann [Discrete Appl. Math. \(174 (2014), 133-139]\) proved that the rainbow bondage number of a planar graph does not exceed 15. In this paper, we improve this result.

Junging Cai1, Yuzhong Zhang1
1School of Management, Qufu Normal University, Rizhao 276826, P.R. China

Let \(id(v)\) denote the implicit degree of a vertex \(v\) in a graph \(G\). We define \(G\) to be implicit claw-heavy if every induced claw of \(G\) has a pair of nonadjacent vertices such that their implicit degree sum is more than or equal to \(|V(G)|\). In this paper, we show that an implicit claw-heavy graph \(G\) is hamiltonian if we impose certain additional conditions on \(G\) involving numbers of common neighbors of some specific pair of nonadjacent vertices, or forbidden induced subgraphs. Our results extend two previous theorems of Chen et al. [B. Chen, 8. Zhang and S. Qiao, Hamilton cycles in claw-heavy graphs, Discrete Math., \(309 (2009) 2015-2019.]\) on the existence of Hamilton cycles in claw-heavy graphs.

Shu-Guang Guo1, Guanglong Yu1
1Department of Mathematics, Yancheng Teachers University, Yancheng, 224002, Jiangsu, P.R. China

A connected graph \(G\) is called a quasi-tree graph, if there exists \(v_0 \in V(G)\) such that \(G – v_0\) is a tree. In this paper, among all triangle-free quasi-tree graphs of order \(n\) with \(G – v_0\) being a tree and \(d(v_0) = d(v_0)\), we determine the maximal and the second maximal signless Laplacian spectral radii together with the corresponding extremal graphs. By an analogous manner, we obtain similar results on the spectral radius of triangle-free quasi-tree graphs.

Wayan Sudarsana1
1 Combinatorial and Applied Mathematics Research Group, Tadulako University Jalan Sukarno-Hatta Km. 9 Tondo, Palu 94118, Indonesia.

The notation \(tK_3\) represents a graph with \(t\) copies of the complete graph \(K_3\). In this note, we discuss the goodness of path \(P_n\) or cycle \(C_n\) with respect to \(tK_3\). Furthermore, this result provides the computation of Ramsey number \(R(G, tK_3)\) when \(G\) is a set of disjoint paths or cycles.

Ruixia Wang1, Shiying Wang1
1School of Mathematical Sciences, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, Shanxi, 030006, China

A \(k\)-king in a digraph \(D\) is a vertex which can reach every other vertex by a directed path of length at most \(k\). Every tournament with no vertex of in-degree zero has at least three \(2\)-kings. In this paper, we present the structure of tournaments which have exactly three \(2\)-kings and prove that every strong tournament, containing at least \(k+2\) vertices with \(k \geq 3\), has at least \(k+1\) \(k\)-kings.

Indra Rajasingh1, Bharati Rajan1, Joice Punitha2, Paul Manuel3
1Department of Mathematics, Loyola college, Chennai 600 034, India
2Department of Mathematics, L. N. Government College, Ponneri, India
3Department of Information Science, Kuwait University, Kuwait 13060

A kernel in a directed graph \(D(V, E)\) is a set \(S\) of vertices of \(D\) such that no two vertices in \(S\) are adjacent and for every vertex \(u\) in \(V \setminus S\) there is a vertex \(v\) in \(S\), such that \((u,v)\) is an arc of \(D\). The definition of kernel implies that the vertices in the kernel form an independent set. If the vertices of the kernel induce an independent set of edges, we obtain a variation of the definition of the kernel, namely a total-kernel. The problem of existence of a kernel is itself an NP-complete problem for a general digraph. But in this paper, we solve the strong total-kernel problem of an oriented Circular Ladder and Möbius Ladder in polynomial time.

H.Abdollahzadeh Ahangar1, Fataba Fujie-Okamoto2, Vladimir Samodivkin3
1Department of Basic Science, Babol University of Technol- ogy, Babol- Iran.
2Mathematics Department, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La Crosse, WI 54601, USA.
3 Department of Mathematics, University of Architecture Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Hristo Smirnenski 1 Blv., 1046 Sofia, Bulgaria.

For two vertices \(u\) and \(v\) of a nontrivial connected graph \(G\), the set \(I[u,v]\) consists of all vertices lying on some \(u-v\) geodesic in \(G\), including \(u\) and \(v\). For \(S \subseteq V(G)\), the set \(Z[S]\) is the union of all sets \(I[u,v]\) for \(u,v \in S\). A set \(S \subseteq V(G)\) is a connected geodetic set of \(G\) if \(Z[S] = V(G)\) and the subgraph in \(G\) induced by \(S\) is connected. The minimum cardinality of a connected geodetic set of \(G\) is the connected geodetic number \(g_c(G)\) of \(G\) and a connected geodetic set of \(G\) whose cardinality equals \(g_c(G)\) is a minimum connected geodetic set of \(G\). A subset \(T\) of a minimum connected geodetic set \(S\) is a forcing subset for \(S\) if \(S\) is the unique minimum connected geodetic set of \(G\) containing \(T\). The forcing connected geodetic number \(f(S)\) of \(S\) is the minimum cardinality of a forcing subset of \(S\) and the forcing connected geodetic number \(f(G)\) of \(G\) is the minimum forcing connected geodetic number among all minimum connected geodetic sets of \(G\). Therefore, \(0 \leq f_c(G) \leq g_c(G)\). We determine all pairs \((a,b)\) of integers such that \(f_c(G) = a\) and \(gc(G) = b\) for some nontrivial connected graph \(G\). We also consider a problem of realizable triples of integers.

Maged Z.Youssef1, Naseam A.AL-Kuleab2
1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Abbassia 11566, Cairo, Egypt.
2Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Faisal University, Al-Hasa, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Hovey [11] called a graph \(G\) \(A\)-cordial, where \(A\) is an additive Abelian group, and \(f: V(G) \to A\) is a labeling of the vertices of \(G\) with elements of \(A\) such that when the edges of \(G\) are labeled by the induced labeling \(f: E(G) \to A\) by \(f^*(xy) = f(x) + f(y)\), then the number of vertices (resp. edges) labeled with \(\alpha\) and the number of vertices (resp. edges) labeled with \(\beta\) differ by at most one for all \(\alpha, \beta \in A\). When \(A = \mathbb{Z}_k\), we call a graph \(G\) \(k\)-cordial instead of \(\mathbb{Z}_k\)-cordial. In this paper, we give a sufficient condition for the join of two \(k\)-cordial graphs to be \(k\)-cordial and we give also a necessary condition for certain Eulerian graphs to be \(k\)-cordial when \(k\) is even, and finally we complete the characterization of the \(4\)-cordiality of the complete tripartite graph.

Alireza Marilyn1, Amir Loghman2

Let \(*\) be a binary graph operation. We call \(*\) a Cayley operation if \(\Gamma_1 * \Gamma_2\) is a Cayley graph for any two Cayley graphs \(\Gamma_1\) and \(\Gamma_2\) . In this paper, we prove that the Cartesian, (categorical or tensor) direct, and lexicographic products are Cayley operations. We also investigate the following question: Under what conditions on a binary graph operation \(*\) and Cayley graphs \(\Gamma_1\) and \(\Gamma_2\), the graph product \(\Gamma_1 * \Gamma_2\) is again a Cayley graph. The latter question is studied for the union, join (sum), replacement, and zig-zag products of graphs.

Jia-Bao Liu1,2, Xiang-Feng Pan1, Fu-Tao Hu1
1School of Mathematical Sciences, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui, 230601, China
2Department of Public Courses, Anhui Xinhua University, Hefei, Anhui, 230088, China

Let \(R(G)\) be the graph obtained from \(G\) by adding a new vertex corresponding to each edge of \(G\) and by joining each new vertex to the end vertices of the corresponding edge. Let \(RT(G)\) be the graph obtained from \(R(G)\) by adding a new edge corresponding to every vertex of \(G\), and by joining the end vertices of each new edge to the corresponding vertex of \(G\). In this paper, we determine the Laplacian polynomials of \(RT(G)\) of a regular graph \(G\). Moreover, we derive formulae and lower bounds of Kirchhoff indices of the graphs. Finally, we also present the formulae for calculating the Kirchhoff indices of some special graphs as applications, which show the correction and efficiency of the proposed results.

K. Manickam1, M. Marudai2, R. Kala3
1Department of Mathematics Sri Paramakalyani College, Alwarkurichi-627 412, India.
2 Department of Mathematics Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-620 024, India.
3Department of Mathematics Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli-627 012, India.

For integer \(n \geq 2\), let \(a_1, a_2, a_3, \ldots, a_n\) be an increasing sequence of nonnegative integers, and define the \(n\)-star \(St(a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n)\) as the disjoint union of the \(n\) star graphs \(K(1, a_1), K(1, a_2), \ldots, K(1, a_n)\). In this paper, we have partially settled the conjecture by Lee and Kong [4] that says for any odd \(n \geq 3\), the \(n\)-star \(St(a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n)\) is super edge magic. We solve the two cases:

1. The \(n\)-star \(St(a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n)\) is super edge magic where \(a_i = 1 + (i – 1)d\) for all integers \(1 \leq i \leq n\) and \(d\) is any positive integer.

2. An \(n\)-star \(St(a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n)\) is not super edge magic when \(a_1 = 0\).

Weijun Liu1,2, Guihai Yu3, Hui Qu3, Aleksandar Ilié4
1School of Science, Nantong University, Nantong, Jiangshu, 226019, China.
2 Department of Mathematics, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, 410083, China.
3School of Mathematics, Shandong Institute of Business and Technology, 191 Binhaizhong Road, Yantai, Shandong, 264005, China.
4Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Ni8, Serbia, 18000.

Let \(G\) be a simple connected graph with the vertex set \(V(G)\). The eccentric distance sum of \(G\) is defined as \(\xi^d(G) = \sum_{v \in V(G)} \varepsilon(v) D_G(v)\), where \(\varepsilon(v)\) is the eccentricity of the vertex \(v\) and \(D_G(v)\) is the sum of all distances from the vertex \(v\). The Harary index of \(G\) is defined as \(H(G) = \sum_{u,v \in V(G)} \frac{1}{d(u, v)}\), where \(d(u, v)\) is the distance between \(u\) and \(v\) in \(G\). The degree powers of \(G\) is defined as \(H(G) = \sum_{|u,v| \subseteq V(G)} \frac{1}{d(u,v)}\) for the natural number \(p \geq 1\). In this paper, we determine the extremal graphs with the minimal eccentric distance sum, the maximal Harary index, and the maximal degree powers among all graphs with given diameter.

José M.Sigarreta1
1 Facultad de Matematicas Universidad Auténoma de Guerrero, Carlos E. Adame 5, Col. La Garita, Acapulco, Guerrero, México.

Let \(\Gamma(V, E)\) be a graph of order \(n\), \(S \subset V\), and let \(B(S)\) be the set of vertices in \(V \setminus S\) that have a neighbor in \(S\). The differential of a set \(S\) is defined as \(\partial(S) = |B(S)| – |S|\), and the differential of the graph \(\Gamma\) is defined as \(\partial(\Gamma) = \max\{\partial(S) : S \subset V\}\). In this paper, we obtain several tight bounds for the differential in Cartesian product graphs. In particular, we relate the differential in Cartesian product graphs with some known parameters of \(\Gamma_1 \times \Gamma_2\), namely, its domination number, its maximum and minimum degree, and its order. Furthermore, we compute explicitly the differential of some classes of product graphs.

Yueming Liang1, Bolian Liu1
1College of Mathematical Science, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, P. R. China, 510631

The necessary and sufficient conditions for a given sequence of positive integers \(d_1, d_2, \ldots, d_n\) to be the degree sequence of \(3\)-connected graphs and cactus graphs are proved respectively by S. L. Hakimi [5] and A. R. Rao [6]. In this note, we utilize these results to prove a formula for the functions \(d_{tc}(2m)\) and \(d_{ca}(2m)\), the number of degree sequences with degree sum \(2m\) by \(3\)-connected graphs and cactus graphs respectively. We give generating function proofs and elementary proofs of the formulas \(d_{tc}(2m)\) and \(d_{ca}(2m)\).

Xiaodan Chen1,2, Fuliang Lu3
1College of Mathematics and Information Science, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, Guangzi, P.R. China
2Department of Mathematics, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, Hunan, P.R. China
3School of Science, Linyi University, Linyi 276000, Shandong, P.R. China

In this paper, the graphs with maximal (signless Laplacian) spectral radius among all connected graphs with given matching number are characterized.

Ali Brhtoei1, Behnaz Omoomi1
1Department of Mathematical Sciences Isfahan University of Technology 84156-83111, Isfahan, Iran

Let \(c\) be a proper \(k\)-coloring of a connected graph \(G\) and \(\Pi = (V_1, V_2, \ldots, V_k)\) be an ordered partition of \(V(G)\) into the resulting color classes. For a vertex \(v\) of \(G\), the color code of \(v\) with respect to \(\Pi\) is defined to be the ordered \(k\)-tuple \(c_\Pi := (d(v, V_1), d(v, V_2), \ldots, d(v, V_k))\), where \(d(v, V_i) = \min\{d(v, x) \mid x \in V_i\}\) for \(1 \leq i \leq k\). If distinct vertices have distinct color codes, then \(c\) is called a locating coloring. The minimum number of colors needed in a locating coloring of \(G\) is the locating chromatic number of \(G\), denoted by \(\chi_L(G)\). In this paper, we study the locating chromatic numbers of grids, the cartesian product of paths and complete graphs, and the cartesian product of two complete graphs.

Wei Jin1, Li Tan2

A graph \(\Gamma\) is said to be \((G, 2)\)-distance-transitive if, for \(i = 1, 2\) and for any two vertex pairs \((u_1, v_1)\) and \((u_2, v_2)\) with \(d_\Gamma(u_1, v_1) = d_\Gamma(u_2, v_2) = i\), there exists \(g \in G\) such that \((u_1, v_1)^g = (u_2, v_2)\). This paper classifies the family of \((G, 2)\)-distance-transitive graphs of valency \(7\).

H. Chuang1, H.-J. Lai2, G.R. Omidi1,3, N. Zakeri1
1Department of Mathematical Sciences, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 84156-83111, Iran
2College of Mathematics and System Sciences, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830046, PRC and Department of Mathematics, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26505, USA
3School of Mathematics, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), P.O.Box:19395-5746, Tehran, Iran

We investigate the group choice number of a graph \(G\) and prove the group list coloring version of Brooks’ Theorem, the group list coloring version of Szekeres-Wilf extension of Brooks’ Theorem, and the Nordhaus-Gaddum inequalities for group choice numbers. Furthermore, we characterize all \(D\)-group choosable graphs and all \(3\)-group choosable complete bipartite graphs.

Adam M.Goyt1
1Department of Mathematics Minnesota State University Moorhead 1104 7th Avenue South Moorhead, Minnesota 56563

We study a poset of compositions restricted by part size under a partial ordering introduced by Björner and Stanley. We show that our composition poset \(C_{n, k}\) is isomorphic to the poset of words \(A_{d}^{*}\). This allows us to use techniques developed by Björner to study the Möbius function of \(C_{d+1}\). We use counting arguments and shellability as avenues for proving that the Möbius function is \(\mu(u, w) = (-1)^{|u|+|w|}{\binom{w}{u}}_{dn}\), where \({\binom{w}{u}}_{dn}\) is the number of \(d\)-normal embeddings of \(u\) in \(w\). We then prove that the formal power series whose coefficients are given by the zeta and the Möbius functions are both rational. Following in the footsteps of Björner and Reutenauer and Björner and Sagan, we rely on definitions to prove rationality in one case, and in another case we use finite-state automata.

Ting Guo1, Yuanqiu Huang1, Zhangdong Ouyang2
1College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, P. R. China
2Department of Mathematics, Hunan First Normal University, Changsha 410205, P. R.China

The distribution of the set of embeddings of a graph into orientable or non-orientable surfaces is called the total embedding distribution. Chen, Gross, and Rieper [Discrete Math. \(128(1994) 73-94.]\) first used the overlap matrix for calculating the total embedding distributions of necklaces, closed-end ladders, and cobblestone paths. In this paper, also by using the overlap matrix, closed formulas of the total embedding distributions for two classes of graphs are given.

Delu Tian1, Shenglin Zhou2
1Department of Mathematics, Guangdong University of Education, Guangzhou, Guangdong 5103093, P. R. China
2 Department of Mathematics, South Chine University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510640, P. R. China

In this paper, we obtained two flag-transitive symmetric \((v, k, \lambda)\) designs admitting primitive automorphism groups of almost simple type with socle \(X = \mathrm{PSL}(12, 2)\).

Ch. Eslabchi1, H.R. Maimani2,3, R. Torabi4, R. Tusserkani3
1Dept. of Math., Shahid Beheshti University, G.C. Tehran, Iran.
2Dept. of Math., Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran.
3School of Math., Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran.
4School of Math., Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, fran.

In this paper, we present a new combinatorial problem, called the Nearly Perfect Bipartition Problem, which is motivated by a computer networks application. This leads to a new graph parameter, \(PN_p(G)\), which equals the maximum cardinality of a proper nearly perfect set. We show that the corresponding decision problem is \(NP\)-hard, even when restricted to graphs of diameter \(3\). We present several bounds for \(PN_p(G)\) and determine the value of \(PN_p(G)\) for several classes of graphs.

Hongyu Liang1
1Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

In this paper we determine the exact values of the signed domination number, signed total domination number, and minus domination number of complete multipartite graphs, which substantially generalizes some previous results obtained for special subclasses of complete multipartite graphs such as cliques and complete bipartite graphs.

Zhen-Bin Gao1, Xiao-Dong Zhang2, Li-Juan Xu1
1College of Science, Harbin Engineering University ,Harbin, 150001, P. R. China
2Department of Mathematices, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, 200240, P. R. China

In the paper, we discuss properties of the (super) vertex-graceful labeling of cycle \(C_n\), crown graph \(C_n \odot K_1\), and generalized crown graph \(C_n \odot K_{1,t}\), and prove that \(C_n\), \(C_{n} \odot K_1\), and \(C_n \odot K_{1,t}\) are vertex-graceful if \(n\) is odd; \(C_n\) is super vertex-graceful if \(n \neq 4, 6\); and \(C_{n} \odot K_1\) is super vertex-graceful if \(n\) is even. Moreover, we propose two conjectures on (super)vertex-graceful labeling.

H.-R. Fanai1
1Department of Mathematical Sciences Sharif University of Technology P.O. Box 11155-9415 Tehran, Iran.

For any integer \(m \geq 2\), let \(\mu_m\) be the group of \(m\)th roots of unity. Let \(p\) be a prime and \(a\) a positive integer. For \(m = p^\alpha\), it is shown that there is no \(n \times n\) matrix over \(\mu_m\) with vanishing permanent if \(n < p\).

N. Ananchuen1, W. Ruksasakchai2, W. Ananchuen3
1 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Silpakorn University, Nakorn Pathom 73000, Thailand Centre of Excellence in Mathematics, CHE, Si Ayutthaya Rd., Bangkok 10400, Thailand
2Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Silpakorn University, Nakorn Pathom 73000, Thailand
3School of Liberal Arts, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Pakkred, Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand

A subset \(S \subseteq V(G)\) is an independent dominating set for \(G\) if \(S\) is independent and each vertex of \(G\) is either in \(S\) or adjacent to some vertex of \(S\). Let \(i(G)\) denote the minimum cardinality of an independent dominating set for \(G\). For a positive integer \(t\), a graph \(G\) is \(t\)-i-critical if \(i(G) = t\), but \(i(G + uv) < t\) for any pair of non-adjacent vertices \(u\) and \(v\) of \(G\). Further, for a positive integer \(k\), a graph \(G\) is \(k\)-factor-critical if for every \(S \subseteq V(G)\) with \(|S| = k\), \(G – S\) has a perfect matching. In this paper, we provide sufficient conditions for connected \(3\)-i-critical graphs to be \(k\)-factor-critical in terms of connectivity and minimum degree.

Liqiong Xu1, Xiaohui Xu1
1School of science, Jimei university, Xiamen Fujian 361021,PR China

Let \(G = (V, E)\) be a simple graph, \(I(G)\) its incidence matrix. The incidence energy of \(G\), denoted by \(IE(G)\), is the sum of the singular values of \(I(G)\). The incidence energy \(IE(G)\) of a graph is a recently proposed quantity. However, \(IE(G)\) is closely related with the eigenvalues of the Laplacian and signless Laplacian matrices of \(G\). The trees with the maximal, the second maximal, the third maximal, the smallest, the second smallest, and the third smallest incidence energy were characterized. In this paper, the trees with the fourth and fifth smallest incidence energy are characterized by the quasi-order method and Coulson integral formula, respectively. In addition, the fourth maximal incidence energy among all trees on \(n\) vertices is characterized.

Saieed Akbari1, Sahar Qajar1
1Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, School of Mathematics, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, IPM, P.O. Box 19395-5746 Tehran, Iran.

A Roman dominating function (or simply RDF) on a graph \(G = (V(G), E(G))\) is a labeling \(f: V(G) \to \{0, 1, 2\}\) satisfying the condition that every vertex with label \(0\) has at least a neighbor with label \(2\). The Roman domination number, \(\gamma_R(G)\), of \(G\) is the minimum of \(\sum_{v \in V(G)} f(v)\) over such functions. The Roman bondage number, \(b_R(G)\), of a graph \(G\) with maximum degree at least two is the minimum cardinality among all sets \(E \subseteq E(G)\) for which \(\gamma_R(G – E) > \gamma_R(G)\). It was conjectured that if \(G\) is a graph of order \(n\) with maximum degree at least two, then \(b_R(G) \leq n – 1\). In this paper, we settle this conjecture. More precisely, we prove that for every connected graph of order \(n \geq 3\), \(b_R(G) \leq \min\{n – 1, n – \gamma_R(G) + 5\}\).

S.M. Sheikholeslami1, L. Volkmann2
1 Department of Mathematics Azarbaijan University of Tarbiat Moallem Tabriz, I.R. Iran
2Lehrstuhl II fiir Mathematik RWTH Aachen University 52056 Aachen, Germany

Let \(G\) be a finite and simple graph with vertex set \(V(G)\), and let \(f: V(G) \to \{-1, 1\}\) be a two-valued function. If \(k \geq 1\) is an integer and \(\sum_{x\in N[v]}f(x) \geq k\) for each \(v \in V(G)\), where \(N[v]\) is the closed neighborhood of \(v$, then \(f\) is a signed \(k\)-dominating function on \(G\). A set \(\{f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_d\}\) of distinct signed \(k\)-dominating functions on \(G\) with the property that \(\sum_{i=1}{d}f_i(v) \leq j\) for each \(x \in V(G)\), is called a signed \((j, k)\)-dominating family (of functions) on \(G\), where \(j \geq 1\) is an integer. The maximum number of functions in a signed \((j, k)\)-dominating family on \(G\) is the signed \((j, k)\)-domatic number on \(G\), denoted by \(d_{jkS}(G)\).

Xiaofang Wu1, Yan Zhao 2
1School of Statistics Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Chengdu,Sichuan 611130,China
2Henan Light Industry School Zhengzhou,Henan 450000,China

The aim of this paper is to classify the vertex-primitive symmetric graphs of order \(6p\). These works were essentially done in \([1]\). But in \([1]\) there is no such situation: \(G = \mathrm{PSL}(2, 13)\) acting on the set of cosets of subgroup \(H \cong D_{14}\). Then \(m = |\Omega| = 78 = 6p\), \(G\) has rank \(9\), and the sub-orbits of \(G\) have one of length \(1\), five of length \(7\), and three of length \(14\). In this paper, we give a complete list of symmetric graphs of order \(6p\).

Anuradha Sharma1, Suman Bala2
1 Department of Mathematics indian Institute of Technology Delhi New Delhi-110016, India
2 Department of Mathematics Panjab University Chandigarh-160014, India

Let \(p\) be an odd prime and \(n\) be a positive integer. For any positive integer \(d \leq n\), let \(g_1(x) = 1 + x^{p^{n-d}} + x^{{2p}^{n-d}} + \ldots + x^{(p-1)p^{n-d}}\) and \(g_2(x) = 1 + x^{p^{n-d+1}} + x^{2p^{n-d+1}} + \ldots + x^{{(p^{d-1}-1)}{p^{n-d+1}}}\). In this paper, we provide a method to determine the weight distributions of binary cyclic codes of length \(p^n\) generated by the polynomials \(g_1(x)\) and \(g_01(x)g_2(x)\), which is effective for small values of \(p\) and \(d\).

Shoichi Tsuchiya1
1Department of Information Media and Environment Sciences, Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences, Yokohama National University, 79-7 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama 240-8501, Japan

A spanning tree with no vertices of degree two of a graph is called a homeomorphically irreducible spanning tree (or HIST) of the graph. It has been proved that every planar triangulation \(G\) with at least four vertices has a HIST \(H\) [1]. However, the previous result asserts nothing whether the degree of a fixed vertex \(v\) of \(G\) is at least three or not in \(H\). In this paper, we prove that if a planar triangulation \(G\) has \(2n\) (\(n \geq 2\)) vertices, then, for any vertex \(v\), \(G\) has a HIST \(H\) such that the degree of \(v\) is at least three in \(H\). We call such a spanning tree a rooted HIST of \(G\) with root \(v\).

Maliheh Modallelavian1, Behnaz Omoomi1
1Department of Mathematical Sciences Isfahan University of Technology 84156-83111, Isfahan, Iran

A graph \(G\) is Hamiltonian connected, if there is a Hamiltonian path between every two distinct vertices of \(G\). A Hamiltonian connected graph \(G\) is called critical Hamiltonian connected (CHC), if for every edge \(e\) in \(G\), the graph \(G – e\) is not Hamiltonian connected. In this paper, we study the properties of CHC graphs.

Guanglong Yu1,2, Hailiang Zhang2,3, Jinlong Shu2
1Department of Mathematics, Yancheng Teachers University, Yancheng, 224002, Jiangsu, P.R. China
2Department of Mathematics, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200241, China
3Department of Mathematics, Taizhou University, Taizhou, 317000, Zhejiang, China

A generalized \(\theta\)-graph is composed of at least three internal disjoint paths (at most one of them is with length 1) which have the same initial vertex and the same terminal vertex. If the initial vertex and the terminal vertex are the same in a generalized \(\theta\)-graph, then the generalized \(\theta\)-graph is called a degenerated \(\theta\)-graph or a petal graph. In this paper, two graft transformations that increase or decrease the \(Q\)-spectral radius of a graph are represented. With them, for the generalized \(\theta\)-graphs and petal graphs with order \(n\), the extremal graphs with the maximal \(Q\)-spectral radius and the extremal graphs with the minimal \(Q\)-spectral radius are characterized, respectively.

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