Aubrey Blecher1, Arnold Knopfmacher1
1The John Knopfmacher Centre for Applicable Analysis and Number Theory, School of Mathematics, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, South Africa

For \(r=1,2,…, 6\), we obtain generating functions \(F^{(r)}_{k}(y)\) for words over the alphabet \([k]\), where \(y\) tracks the number of parts and \([y^n]\) is the total number of distinct adjacent \(r\)-tuples in words with \(n\) parts. In order to develop these generating functions for \(1\le r\le 3\), we make use of intuitive decompositions but for larger values of \(r\), we switch to the cluster analysis method for decorated texts that was introduced by Bassino et al. Finally, we account for the coefficients of these generating functions in terms of Stirling set numbers. This is done by putting forward the full triangle of coefficients for all the sub-cases where \(r=5\) and 6. This latter is shown to depend on both periodicity and number of letters used in the \(r\)-tuples.

Chris Busenhart1, Norbert Hungerbühler1, William Xu1
1Department of Mathematics, ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse;101, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland

We consider the following variant of the round-robin scheduling problem: \(2n\) people play a number of rounds in which two opposing teams of \(n\) players are reassembled in each round. Each two players should play at least once in the same team, and each two players should play at least once in opposing teams. We provide an explicit formula for calculating the minimal numbers of rounds needed to satisfy both conditions. Moreover, we also show how one can construct the corresponding playing schedules.

Hamza Ben Brahim1, Mohamed Y. Sayar1
1Faculty of Science of Sfax, Department of Mathematics Soukra Road km 4, PO Box 802, 3018 Sfax, Tunisia

Two binary structures \(\mathfrak{R}\) and \(\mathfrak{R’}\) on the same vertex set \(V\) are \((\leq k)\)-hypomorphic for a positive integer \(k\) if, for every set \(K\) of at most \(k\) vertices, the two binary structures induced by \(\mathfrak{R}\) and \(\mathfrak{R’}\) on \(K\) are isomorphic. A binary structure \(\mathfrak{R}\) is \((\leq k)\)-reconstructible if every binary
structure \(\mathfrak{R’}\) that is \((\leq k)\)-hypomorphic to \(\mathfrak{R}\) is isomorphic to \(\mathfrak{R}\). In this paper, we describe the pairs of \((\leq 3)\)-hypomorphic posets and the pairs of \((\leq 3)\)-hypomorphic bichains. As a consequence, we characterize the \((\leq 3)\)-reconstructible posets and the \((\leq 3)\)-reconstructible bichains. This answers a question suggested by Y. Boudabbous and C. Delhommé during a personal communication.

G. Mehak1, A. A. Bhatti1
1Department of Sciences and Humanities, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Lahore Campus, B-Block, Faisal Town, Lahore, Pakistan

A tremendous amount of drug experiments revealed that there exists a strong inherent relation between the molecular structures of drugs and their biomedical and pharmacology characteristics. Due to the effectiveness for pharmaceutical and medical scientists of their ability to grasp the biological and chemical characteristics of new drugs, analysis of the bond incident degree (BID) indices is significant of testing the chemical and pharmacological characteristics of drug molecular structures that can make up the defects of chemical and medicine experiments and can provide the theoretical basis for the manufacturing of drugs in pharmaceutical engineering. Such tricks are widely welcomed in developing areas where enough money is lacked to afford sufficient equipment, relevant chemical reagents, and human resources which are required to investigate the performance and the side effects of existing new drugs. This work is devoted to establishing a general expression for calculating the bond incident degree (BID) indices of the line graphs of various well-known chemical structures in drugs, based on the drug molecular structure analysis and edge dividing technique, which is quite common in drug molecular graphs.

Mohit Kumar1
1Department of Mathematics, Institute of Applied Sciences and Humanities, GLA University Mathura, Uttar Pradesh 281406, India

In this paper, we introduce a graph structure, called component intersection graph, on a finite dimensional vector space \(\mathbb{V}\). The connectivity, diameter, maximal independent sets, clique number, chromatic number of component intersection graph have been studied.

Adrián Vázquez Ávila1
1Subdirección de Ingeniería y Posgrado Universidad Aeronáutica en Querétaro Parque Aeroespacial de Querétaro 76278, Querétaro, México

A linear system is a pair \((P,\mathcal{L})\) where \(\mathcal{L}\) is a finite family of subsets on a finite ground set \(P\) such that any two subsets of \(\mathcal{L}\) share at most one element. Furthermore, if for every two subsets of \(\mathcal{L}\) share exactly one element, the linear system is called intersecting. A linear system \((P,\mathcal{L})\) has rank \(r\) if the maximum size of any element of \(\mathcal{L}\) is \(r\). By \(\gamma(P,\mathcal{L})\) and \(\nu_2(P,\mathcal{L})\) we denote the size of the minimum dominating set and the maximum 2-packing of a linear system \((P,\mathcal{L})\), respectively. It is known that any intersecting linear system \((P,\mathcal{L})\) of rank \(r\) is such that \(\gamma(P,\mathcal{L})\leq r-1\). Li et al. in [S. Li, L. Kang, E. Shan and Y. Dong, The finite projective plane and the 5-Uniform linear intersecting hypergraphs with domination number four, Graphs and 34 Combinatorics (2018) , no.~5, 931–945.] proved that every intersecting linear system of rank 5 satisfying \(\gamma(P,\mathcal{L})=4\) can be constructed from a 4-uniform intersecting linear subsystem \((P^\prime,\mathcal{L}^\prime)\) of the projective plane of order 3 satisfying \(\tau(P^\prime,\mathcal{L}^\prime)=\nu_2(P^\prime,\mathcal{L}^\prime)=4\), where \(\tau(P^\prime,\mathcal{L}^\prime)\) is the transversal number of \((P^\prime,\mathcal{L}^\prime)\). In this paper, we give an alternative proof of this result given by Li et al., giving a complete characterization of these 4-uniform intersecting linear subsystems. Moreover, we prove a general case, that is, we prove if $q$ is an odd prime power and \((P,\mathcal{L})\) is an intersecting linear system of rank \((q+2)\) satisfying \(\gamma(P,\mathcal{L})=q+1\), then this linear system can be constructed from a spanning \((q+1)\)-uniform intersecting linear subsystem \((P^\prime,\mathcal{L}^\prime)\) of the projective plane of order \(q\) satisfying \(\tau(P^\prime,\mathcal{L}^\prime)=\nu_2(P^\prime,\mathcal{L}^\prime)=q+1\).

Bart De Bruyn1, Mou Gao1
1Department of Mathematics: Algebra and Geometry, Ghent. University, Krijgslaan 281 (S25), B-9000 Gent, Belgium

We classify all near hexagons of order \((3,t)\) that contain a big quad. We show that, up to isomorphism, there are ten such near hexagons.

H Naresh Kumar1, Y B Venkatakrishnan1
1Department of Mathematics, School of Arts, Science, Humanities and Education, SASTRA Deemed University, Tanjore, India

Let \(G=(V,E)\) be a simple graph. A vertex \(v\in V(G)\) ve-dominates every edge \(uv\) incident to \(v\), as well as every edge adjacent to these incident edges. A set
\(D\subseteq V(G)\) is a vertex-edge dominating set if every edge of \(E(G)\) is ve-dominated by a vertex of \(D.\) The MINIMUM VERTEX-EDGE DOMINATION problem is to find a vertex-edge dominating set of minimum cardinality. A linear time algorithm to find the minimum vertex-edge dominating set for proper interval graphs is proposed. The vertex-edge domination problem is proved to be APX-complete for bounded-free graphs and NP-Complete for Chordal bipartite and Undirected Path graphs.

Chunling Tong1, Senyuan Su1, Yuansheng Yang2
1College of Information Science and Electricity Engineering, Shandong Jiaotong University, Jinan 250357, China
2College of Computer Science, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China

In this paper, we investigate the \((d,1)\)-total labelling of generalized Petersen graphs \(P(n,k)\) for \(d\geq 3\). We find that the \((d,1)\)-total number of \(P(n,k)\) with \(d\geq 3\) is \(d+3\) for even \(n\) and odd \(k\) or even \(n\) and \(k=\frac{n}{2}\), and \(d+4\) for all other cases.

Marta Na Chen1, Wenchang Chu2
1School of Mathematics and Statistics, Zhoukou Normal University Zhoukou (Henan), China
2Via Dalmazio Birago 9E, Lecce 73100, Italy

By employing Kummer and Thomae transformations, we examine four classes of nonterminating \(_3F_2\)(1)-series with five integer parameters. Several new summation formulae are established in closed form.

Somnath Bera1, Kinkar Chandra Das2
1School of Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China.
2Department of Mathematics, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 16419, Republic of Korea.

Let \(G=(V,\,E)\) be a simple graph with vertex set \(V(G)\) and edge set \(E(G)\). The Lanzhou index of a graph \(G\) is defined by \(Lz(G)=\sum\limits_{u \in V(G)} d_u^2\overline{d}_u\), where \(d_u\) (\(\overline{d}_u \) resp.) denotes the degree of the vertex \(u\) in \(G\) (\(\overline{G}\), the complement graph of \(G\) resp.). It has predictive powers to provide insights of chemical relevant properties of chemical graph structures. In this paper we discuss some properties of Lanzhou index. Several inequalities having lower and upper bound for the Lanzhou index in terms of first, second and third Zagreb indices, radius of graph, eccentric connectivity index, Schultz index, inverse sum indeg index and symmetric division deg index, are discussed. At the end the Lanzhou index of corona and join of graphs have been derived.

Christian Rubio-Montiel1
1División de Matemáticas e Ingeniería, FES Acatlán, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 53150, Naucalpan, Mexico.

We define an extremal \((r|\chi)\)-graph as an \(r\)-regular graph with chromatic number \(\chi\) of minimum order. We show that the Turán graphs \(T_{ak,k}\), the antihole graphs and the graphs \(K_k\times K_2\) are extremal in this sense. We also study extremal Cayley \((r|\chi)\)-graphs and we exhibit several \((r|\chi)\)-graph constructions arising from Turán graphs.

Jishnu Sen1, Srinivasa Rao Kola1
1Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal Mangalore – 575025, India.

A dominating broadcast of a graph \(G\) is a function \(f : V(G) \rightarrow \lbrace 0, 1, 2, \dots ,\text{diam}(G)\rbrace\) such that \(f(v) \leqslant e(v)\) for all \(v \in V(G)\), where \(e(v)\) is the eccentricity of \(v\), and for every vertex \(u \in V(G)\), there exists a vertex \(v\) with \(f(v) > 0\) and \(\text{d}(u,v) \leqslant f(v)\). The cost of \(f\) is \(\sum_{v \in V(G)} f(v)\). The minimum of costs over all the dominating broadcasts of \(G\) is called the broadcast domination number \(\gamma_{b}(G)\) of \(G\). A graph $G$ is said to be radial if \(\gamma_{b}(G)=\text{rad}(G)\). In this article, we give tight upper and lower bounds for the broadcast domination number of the line graph \(L(G)\) of \(G\), in terms of \(\gamma_{b}(G)\), and improve the upper bound of the same for the line graphs of trees. We present a necessary and sufficient condition for radial line graphs of central trees, and exhibit constructions of infinitely many central trees \(T\) for which \(L(T)\) is radial. We give a characterization for radial line graphs of trees, and show that the line graphs of the \(i\)-subdivision graph of \(K_{1,n}\) and a subclass of caterpillars are radial. Also, we show that \(\gamma_{b}(L(C))=\gamma(L(C))\) for any caterpillar \(C\).

P. Titus1, S. Antin Mary2
1Department of Mathematics, University College of Engineering Nagercoil, Anna University, Tirunelveli Region.
2Department of Mathematics,Holy Cross College (Autonomous), Nagercoil, India.

In this paper we introduce the concept of independent fixed connected geodetic number and investigate its behaviours on some standard graphs. Lower and upper bounds are found for the above number and we characterize the suitable graphs achieving these bounds. We also define two new parameters connected geo-independent number and upper connected geo-independent number of a graph. Few characterization and realization results are formulated for the new parameters. Finally an open problem is posed.

Sunny Kumar Sharma1, Vijay Kumar Bhat2
1Department of Mathematics, Manipal Institute of Technology Bengaluru, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, India.
2School of Mathematics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra-182320, India.

Let \(E(H)\) and \(V(H)\) denote the edge set and the vertex set of the simple connected graph \(H\), respectively. The mixed metric dimension of the graph \(H\) is the graph invariant, which is the mixture of two important graph parameters, the edge metric dimension and the metric dimension. In this article, we compute the mixed metric dimension for the two families of the plane graphs viz., the Web graph \(\mathbb{W}_{n}\) and the Prism allied graph \(\mathbb{D}_{n}^{t}\). We show that the mixed metric dimension is non-constant unbounded for these two families of the plane graph. Moreover, for the Web graph \(\mathbb{W}_{n}\) and the Prism allied graph \(\mathbb{D}_{n}^{t}\), we unveil that the mixed metric basis set \(M_{G}^{m}\) is independent.

A. Lourdusamy1, F. Joy Beaula2, F. Patrick1
1Department of Mathematics, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai-627002, India.
2Center: PG and Research Department of Mathematics, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai-627002, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Abisekapatti-627012, Tamilnadu, India.

Consider a total labeling \(\xi\) of a graph \(G\). For every two different edges \(e\) and \(f\) of \(G\), let \(wt(e) \neq wt(f)\) where weight of \(e = xy\) is defined as \(wt(e)=|\xi(e) – \xi(x) – \xi(y)|\). Then \(\xi\) is called edge irregular total absolute difference \(k\)-labeling of \(G\). Let \(k\) be the minimum integer for which there is a graph \(G\) with edge irregular total absolute difference labeling. This \(k\) is called the total absolute difference edge irregularity strength of the graph \(G\), denoted \(tades(G)\). We compute \(tades\) of \(SC_{n}\), disjoint union of grid and zigzag graph.

Wei Ge1, Jun Yue2
1Shandong University of Engineering and Vocational Technology, Ji’nan, Shandong, China.
2School of Mathematics Science, Tiangong University, Tianjin, China.

A total dominator coloring of \(G\) without isolated vertex is a proper coloring of the vertices of \(G\) in which each vertex of \(G\) is adjacent to every vertex of some color class. The total dominator chromatic number \(\chi^t_d(G)\) of \(G\) is the minimum number of colors among all total dominator coloring of \(G\). In this paper, we will give the polynomial time algorithms to computing the total dominator coloring number for \(P_4\)-reducible and \(P_4\)-tidy graphs.

Solomon Stalin Kumar1
1Department of Mathematics, The American College, Madurai – 625 002, Tamilnadu, India.

An \(H\)-(a,d)-antimagic labeling in a \(H\)-decomposable graph \(G\) is a bijection \(f: V(G)\cup E(G)\rightarrow {\{1,2,…,p+q\}}\) such that \(\sum f(H_1),\sum f(H_2),\cdots, \sum f(H_h)\) forms an arithmetic progression with difference \(d\) and first element \(a\). \(f\) is said to be \(H\)-\(V\)-super-\((a,d)\)-antimagic if \(f(V(G))={\{1,2,…,p\}}\). Suppose that \(V(G)=U(G) \cup W(G)\) with \(|U(G)|=m\) and \(|W(G)|=n\). Then \(f\) is said to be \(H\)-\(V\)-super-strong-\((a,d)\)-antimagic labeling if \(f(U(G))={\{1,2,…,m\}}\) and \(f(W(G))={\{m+1,m+2,…,(m+n=p)\}}\). A graph that admits a \(H\)-\(V\)-super-strong-\((a,d)\)-antimagic labeling is called a \(H\)-\(V\)-super-strong-\((a,d)\)-antimagic decomposable graph. In this paper, we prove that complete bipartite graphs \(K_{m,n}\) are \(H\)-\(V\)-super-strong-\((a,d)\)-antimagic decomposable with both \(m\) and \(n\) are even.

Stella Maragatham R1, Subramanian A 2
1Department of Mathematics, Queen Mary’s College, Chennai-600 004, Tamil Nadu, India.
2Department of Mathematics, Presidency College, Chennai-600005, Tamil Nadu, India.

A Grundy \(k\)-coloring of a graph \(G\) is a proper \(k\)-coloring of vertices in \(G\) using colors \(\{1, 2, \cdots, k\}\) such that for any two colors \(x\) and \(y\), \(x<y\), any vertex colored \(y\) is adjacent to some vertex colored \(x\). The First-Fit or Grundy chromatic number (or simply Grundy number) of a graph \(G\), denoted by \(\Gamma \left(G\right)\), is the largest integer \(k\), such that there exists a Grundy \(k\)-coloring for \(G\). It can be easily seen that \(\Gamma \left(G\right)\) equals to the maximum number of colors used by the greedy (or First-Fit) coloring of \(G\). In this paper, we obtain the Grundy chromatic number of Cartesian Product of path graph, complete graph, cycle graph, complete graph, wheel graph and star graph.

A. W. Aboutahoun1,2, F. El-Safty3
1Zewail City of Science and Technology, $6^{\textrm{th}}$ of October City, Giza, Egypt.
2Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Egypt.
3Faculty of Science, Damanhour University, Damanhour, Egypt.

Determining the Tutte polynomial \(T(G;x,y)\) of a graph network \(G\) is a challenging problem for mathematicians, physicians, and statisticians. This paper investigates a self-similar network model \(M(t)\) and derives its Tutte polynomial. In addition, we evaluate exact explicit formulas for the number of acyclic orientations and spanning trees of it as applications of the Tutte polynomial. Finally, we use the derived \(T(M(t);x,y)\) to obtain the Tutte polynomial of another self-similar model \(N(t)\) presented in [1] and correct the main result discussed in [1] by Ma et al. and test our result numerically by using Matlab.

Yingbin Ma1, Kairui Nie1
1College of Mathematics and Information Science Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, P.R. China

A vertex-colouring of a graph \(\Gamma\) is rainbow vertex connected if every pair of vertices \((u,v)\) in \(\Gamma\) there is a \(u-v\) path whose internal vertices have different colours. The rainbow vertex connection number of a graph \(\Gamma\), is the minimum number of colours needed to make \(\Gamma\) rainbow vertex connected, denoted by \(rvc(\Gamma)\). Here, we study the rainbow vertex connection numbers of middle and total graphs. A total-colouring of a graph \(\Gamma\) is total rainbow connected if every pair of vertices \((u,v)\) in \(\Gamma\) there is a \(u-v\) path whose edges and internal vertices have different colours. The total rainbow connection number of \(\Gamma\), is the minimum number of colours required to colour the edges and vertices of \(\Gamma\) in order to make \(\Gamma\) total rainbow connected, denoted by \(trc(\Gamma)\). In this paper, we also research the total rainbow connection numbers of middle and total graphs.

Hanyuan Deng1, S. Balachandran2,3, S. Raja Balachandar4
1College of Mathematics and Statistics, Hunan Normal University, Changsha,Hunan 410081, P. R. China.
2Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa.
3Department of Mathematics, School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, SASTRA Deemed University, Thanjavur, India.
4Department of Mathematics, School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, SASTRA Deemed University, Thanjavur, India.

The harmonic index \(H(G)\) of a graph \(G\) is defined as the sum of the weights \(\frac{2}{d_{u}+ d_{v}}\) of all edges \(uv\) of \(G\), where \(d_{u}\) denotes the degree of a vertex \(u\). Delorme et al. [1] (2002) put forward a conjecture concerning the minimum Randić index among all connected graphs with \(n\) vertices and the minimum degree at least \(k\). Motivated by this paper, a conjecture related to the minimum harmonic index among all connected graphs with \(n\) vertices and the minimum degree at least \(k\) was posed in [2]. In this work, we show that the conjecture is true for a connected graph on $n$ vertices with \(k\) vertices of degree \(n-1\), and it is also true for a \(k\)-tree. Moreover, we give a shorter proof of Liu’s result [3].

Minahal Arshad1, M. Mobeen Munir1
1Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore, Pakistan.

Let \(L\) be a unital ring with characteristic different from \(2\) and \(\mathcal{O}(L)\) be an algebra of Octonion over \(L\). In the present article, our attempt is to present the characterization as well as the matrix representation of some variants of derivations on \(\mathcal{O}(L)\). The matrix representation of Lie derivation of \(\mathcal{O}(L)\) and its decomposition in terms of Lie derivation and Jordan derivation of \(L\) and inner derivation of \(\mathcal{O}\) is presented. The result about the decomposition of Lie centralizer of \(\mathcal{O}\) in terms of Lie centralizer and Jordan centralizer of \(L\) is given. Moreover, the matrix representation of generalized Lie derivation (also known as \(D\)-Lie derivation) of \(\mathcal{O}(L)\) is computed.

A. Lourdusamy1, S. Jenifer Wency2, F. Patrick1
1Department of Mathematics, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous),Palayamkottai – 627 002, Tamilnadu, India.
2Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India.

A sum divisor cordial labeling of a graph \(G\) with vertex set \(V(G)\) is a bijection \(f\) from \(V(G)\) to \(\{1,2,\cdots,|V(G)|\}\) such that an edge \(uv\) is assigned the label \(1\) if \(2\) divides \(f(u)+f(v)\) and \(0\) otherwise; and the number of edges labeled with \(1\) and the number of edges labeled with \(0\) differ by at most \(1\). A graph with a sum divisor cordial labeling is called a sum divisor cordial graph. In this paper, we discuss the sum divisor cordial labeling of transformed tree related graphs.

Gary Chartrand1, James Hallas1, Ping Zhang1
1Department of Mathematics Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008, USA.

For a graph \(G\) and a positive integer \(k\), a royal \(k\)-edge coloring of \(G\) is an assignment of nonempty subsets of the set \(\{1, 2, \ldots, k\}\) to the edges of \(G\) that gives rise to a proper vertex coloring in which the color assigned to each vertex \(v\) is the union of the sets of colors of the edges incident with \(v\). If the resulting vertex coloring is vertex-distinguishing, then the edge coloring is a strong royal \(k\) coloring. The minimum positive integer \(k\) for which a graph has a strong royal \(k\)-coloring is the strong royal index of the graph. The primary emphasis here is on strong royal colorings of trees.

Jagannathan. M1, Vernold Vivin. J2, Veninstine Vivik. J3
1Department of Mathematics, RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-641 402, Tamil Nadu, India.
2Department of Mathematics, University College of Engineering Nagercoil, (Anna University Constituent College), Nagercoil – 629 004, Tamil Nadu, India.
3Department of Mathematics, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore-641 114, Tamil Nadu, India

The coloring of all the edges of a graph \(G\) with the minimum number of colors, such that the adjacent edges are allotted a different color is known as the proper edge coloring. It is said to be equitable, if the number of edges in any two color classes differ by atmost one. In this paper, we obtain the equitable edge coloring of splitting graph of \(W_n\), \(DW_n\) and \(G_n\) by determining its edge chromatic number.

Ali Ahmad1
1College of Computer Science & Information Technology, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia.

Let us consider a~simple connected undirected graph \(G=(V,E)\). For a~graph \(G\) we define a~\(k\)-labeling \(\phi: V(G)\to \{1,2, \dots, k\}\) to be a~distance irregular vertex \(k\)-labeling of the graph \(G\) if for every two different vertices \(u\) and \(v\) of \(G\), one has \(wt(u) \ne wt(v),\) where the weight of a~vertex \(u\) in the labeling \(\phi\) is \(wt(u)=\sum\limits_{v\in N(u)}\phi(v),\) where \(N(u)\) is the set of neighbors of \(u\). The minimum \(k\) for which the graph \(G\) has a~distance irregular vertex \(k\)-labeling is known as distance irregularity strength of \(G,\) it is denoted as \(dis(G)\). In this paper, we determine the exact value of the distance irregularity strength of corona product of cycle and path with complete graph of order \(1,\) friendship graph, Jahangir graph and helm graph. For future research, we suggest some open problems for researchers of the same domain of study.

Muhammad Junaid Ali Junjua1, Khurram Shabbir1, Asim Naseem1
1Govt. College University, Lahore, Pakistan.

Elimination ideals are monomial ideals associated to simple graphs, not necessarily square–free, was introduced by Anwar and Khalid. These ideals are Borel type. In this paper, we obtain sharp combinatorial upper bounds of the Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity of elimination ideals corresponding to certain family of graphs.

Asim Naseem1, Khurram Shabbir1, M. Ramzan1
1Govt. College University, Lahore, Pakistan.

Let \(G\) be a simple connected graph with vertex set \(V\) and diameter \(d\). An injective function \(c: V\rightarrow \{1,2,3,\ldots\}\) is called a radio labeling of \(G\) if \({|c(x) c(y)|+d(x,y)\geq d+1}\) for all distinct \(x,y\in V\), where \(d(x,y)\) is the distance between vertices \(x\) and \(y\). The largest number in the range of \(c\) is called the span of the labeling \(c\). The radio number of \(G\) is the minimum span taken over all radio labelings of \(G\). For a fixed vertex \(z\) of \(G\), the sequence \((l_1,l_2,\ldots,l_r)\) is called the level tuple of \(G\), where \(l_i\) is the number of vertices whose distance from \(z\) is \(i\). Let\(J^k(l_1,l_2,\ldots,l_r)\) be the wedge sum (i.e. one vertex union) of \(k\geq2\) graphs having same level tuple \((l_1,l_2,\ldots,l_r)\). Let \(J(\frac{l_1}{l’_1},\frac{l_2}{l’_2},\ldots,\frac{l_r} {l’_r})\) be the wedge sum of two graphs of same order, having level tuples  \((l_1,l_2,\ldots,l_r)\) and \((l’_1,l’_2,\ldots,l’_r)\). In this paper, we compute the radio number for some sub-families of \(J^k(l_1,l_2,\ldots,l_r)\) and \(J(\frac{l_1}{l’_1},\frac{l_2}{l’_2},\ldots,\frac{l_r}{l’_r})\).

S. Gomathi1, P. Venugopal1, T. Arputha Jose1
1Department of Mathematics, SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam, India.

An antipodal labeling is a function \(f\ \)from the vertices of \(G\) to the set of natural numbers such that it satisfies the condition \(d(u,v) + \left| f(u) – f(v) \right| \geq d\), where d is the diameter of \(G\ \)and \(d(u,v)\) is the shortest distance between every pair of distinct vertices  \(u\) and \(v\) of \(G.\) The span of an antipodal labeling \(f\ \)is \(sp(f) = \max\{|f(u) – \ f\ (v)|:u,\ v\, \in \, V(G)\}.\) The antipodal number of~G, denoted by~an(G), is the minimum span of all antipodal labeling of~G. In this paper, we determine the antipodal number of Mongolian tent and Torus grid.

Sin-Min Lee1, Hsin-Hao Su2, Yung-Chin Wang3
1Dept. of Computer Science, 208 MacQuarrie Hall San Jose State Univ., San Jose, CA 95192, USA
2Dept. of Mathematics, Stonehill College 320 Washington St, Easton, MA 02357, USA
3Dept. of Digital Media Design, Tzu-Hui Inst. of Tech. No.367, Sanmin Rd. Nanjhou Hsian, Pingtung, 926, Taiwan

Let \( G \) be a \((p,q)\)-graph in which the edges are labeled \( k, k+1, \ldots, k+q-1 \), where \( k \geq 0 \). The vertex sum for a vertex \( v \) is the sum of the labels of the incident edges at \( v \). If the vertex sums are constant, modulo \( p \), then \( G \) is said to be \( k \)-edge-magic. In this paper, we investigate some classes of cubic graphs which are \( k \)-edge-magic. We also provide a counterexample to a conjecture that any cubic graph of order \( p \equiv 2 \pmod{4} \) is \( k \)-edge-magic for all \( k \).

Iliya Bluskov1
1Department of Mathematics and Statistics Simon Fraser University Burnaby, B.C. CANADA, V5A 186

In this paper, we prove the existence of \(22\) new \(3\)-designs on \(26\) and \(28\) points. The base of the constructions are two designs with a small maximum size of the intersection of any two blocks.

Chang Yanxun1, Ge Gennian2
1Department of Mathematics Northern Jiaotong University Beijing, 100044 P.R. China
2Department of Mathematics Suzhou University Suzhou, 215006 P.R. China

A large set of KTS(\(v\)), denoted by LKTS(\(v\)), is a collection of (\(v-2\)) pairwise disjoint KTS(\(v\)) on the same set. In this article, some new LKTS(\(v\)) is constructed.

M. Mahdian1, E.S. Mahmoodian1
1Department of Computer Engineering Department of Mathematical Science Sharif University of Technology Tehran, Iran

Let \(G\) be a graph with \(v\) vertices. If there exists a list of colors \(S_1, S_2, \ldots, S_v\) on its vertices, each of size \(k\), such that there exists a unique proper coloring for \(G\) from this list of colors, then \(G\) is called a uniquely \(k\)-list colorable graph. We prove that a connected graph is uniquely \(2\)-list colorable if and only if at least one of its blocks is not a cycle, a complete graph, or a complete bipartite graph. For each \(k\), a uniquely \(k\)-list colorable graph is introduced.

T. Gangopadhyay1
1XLRI Jamshedpur Post Box 222 Jamshedpur 831 001 India

A supergraph \(H\) of a graph \(G\) is called tree-covered if \(H – E(G)\) consists of exactly \(|V(G)|\) vertex-disjoint trees, with each tree having exactly one point in common with \(G\). In this paper, we show that if a graph \(G\) can be packed in its complement and if \(H\) is a tree-covered supergraph of \(G\), then \(G\) itself is self-packing unless \(H\) happens to be a member of a specified class of graphs. This is a generalization of earlier results that almost all trees and unicyclic graphs can be packed in their complements.

Bu Yue Hua1, Zhang Ke Min2
1Department of Mathematics Zhejiang Normal University Jinhua 321004 China
2Department of Mathematics Nanjing University Nanjing 210008 China

Let \(T = (V,A)\) be an oriented graph with \(n\) vertices. \(T\) is completely strong path-connected if for each arc \((a,b) \in A\) and \(k\) (\(k = 2, \ldots, n-1\)), there is a path from \(b\) to \(a\) of length \(k\) (denoted by \(P_k(a,b)\)) and a path from \(a\) to \(b\) of length \(k\) (denoted by \(P’_k(a,b)\)) in \(T\). In this paper, we prove that a connected local tournament \(T\) is completely strong path-connected if and only if for each arc \((a,b) \in A\), there exist \(P_2(a,b)\) and \(P’ _2(a,b)\) in \(T\), and \(T\) is not of \(T_1 \ncong T_0\)-\(D’_8\)-type digraph and \(D_8\).

John L. Goldwasser1, Cun-Quan Zhang1
1Department of Mathematics West Virginia University Morgantown, West Virginia 26506-6310

It was proved by Ellingham \((1984)\) that every permutation graph either contains a subdivision of the Petersen graph or is edge-\(3\)-colorable. This theorem is an important partial result of Tutte’s Edge-\(3\)-Coloring Conjecture and is also very useful in the study of the Cycle Double Cover Conjecture. The main result in this paper is that every permutation graph contains either a subdivision of the Petersen graph or two \(4\)-circuits and therefore provides an alternative proof of the theorem of Ellingham. A corollary of the main result in this paper is that every uniquely edge-\(3\)-colorable permutation graph of order at least eight must contain a subdivision of the Petersen graph.

Bolian Liu1
1Department of Mathematics South China Normal University Guangzhou P.R. of China

In this paper, the \(k\)-exponent and the \(k\)th upper multiexponent of primitive nearly reducible matrices are obtained and a bound on the \(k\)th lower multiexponent of this kind of matrices is given.

Klaus Metsch1, Bridget S. Webb2
1 Mathematisches Institut Arndtstrasse 2 D-35392 Giessen
2Department of Pure Mathematics The Open University, Walton Hall Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA
G.B. Khosrovshahi1, R. Torabi1
1Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM), and The University of Tehran, Iran.

We call a simple \(t-(v,k)\) trade with maximum volume a maximal trade. In this paper, except for \(v = 6m+5\), \(m \geq 3\), maximal \(2-(v, 3)\) trades for all \(v\)’s are determined. In the latter case a bound for the volume of these trades is given.

G.Ram Kherwa, Jagdish Prasad1, Bhagwandas
1 L6H, University Campus, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur-302004 INDIA.

Balanced ternary and generalized balanced ternary designs are constructed from any \((v, b, r, k)\) designs. These results generalise the earlier results of Diane Donovan ( 1985 ).

Rao Li1
1Dept. of Mathematical Sciences University of Memphis Memphis, TN38152 U.S.A.

A graph is called \(K_{1,r}\)-free if it does not contain \(K_{1,r}\) as an induced subgraph. In this paper we generalize a theorem of Markus for Hamiltonicity of \(2\)-connected \(K_{1,r}\)-free (\(r \geq 5\)) graphs and present a sufficient condition for \(1\)-tough \(K_{1,r}\)-free (\(r \geq 4\)) graphs to be Hamiltonian.

Asad Ali Ali1, William Staton1
1Department of Computer Science Department of Mathematics University of Mississippi

Minimum degree two implies the existence of a cycle. Minimum degree \(3\) implies the existence of a cycle with a chord. We investigate minimum degree conditions to force the existence of a cycle with \(k\) chords.

H. J. Broersma1, C. Hoede1
1Faculty of Mathematical Sciences University of Twente P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands

Let \(T = (V, E)\) be a tree on \(|V| = n\) vertices. \(T\) is graceful if there exists a bijection \(f : V \to \{0,1,\dots, n-1\}\) such that \(\{|f(u) – f(v)| \mid uv \in E\} = \{1,2,\dots,n-1\}\). If, moreover, \(T\) contains a perfect matching \(M\) and \(f\) can be chosen in such a way that \(f(u) + f(v) = n-1\) for every edge \(uv \in M\) (implying that \(\{|f(u) – f(v)| \mid uv \in M\} = \{1,3,\dots,n-1\}\)), then \(T\) is called strongly graceful. We show that the well-known conjecture that all trees are graceful is equivalent to the conjecture that all trees containing a perfect matching are strongly graceful. We also give some applications of this result.

Suh-Ryung Kim1
1Department of Mathematics Kyung Hee University Seoul, Korea

Let \(D\) be an acyclic digraph. The competition graph of \(D\) has the same set of vertices as \(D\) and an edge between vertices \(u\) and \(v\) if and only if there is a vertex \(x\) in \(D\) such that \((u,x)\) and \((v,x)\) are arcs of \(D\). The competition-common enemy graph of \(D\) has the same set of vertices as \(D\) and an edge between vertices \(u\) and \(v\) if and only if there are vertices \(w\) and \(x\) in \(D\) such that \((w,u), (w,v), (u,x)\), and \((v,x)\) are arcs of \(D\). The competition number (respectively, double competition number) of a graph \(G\), denoted by \(k(G)\) (respectively, \(dk(G)\)), is the smallest number \(k\) such that \(G\) together with \(k\) isolated vertices is a competition graph (respectively, competition-common enemy graph) of an acyclic digraph.

It is known that \(dk(G) \leq k(G) + 1\) for any graph \(G\). In this paper, we give a sufficient condition under which a graph \(G\) satisfies \(dk(G) \leq k(G)\) and show that any connected triangle-free graph \(G\) with \(k(G) \geq 2\) satisfies that condition. We also give an upper bound for the double competition number of a connected triangle-free graph. Finally, we find an infinite family of graphs each member \(G\) of which satisfies \(k(G) = 2\) and \(dk(G) > k(G)\).

D.A. Preece1, B.J. Vowden1, N.C.K. Phillips2
1Institute of Mathematics and Statistics University of Kent at Canterbury Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NF, UK
2 Department of Computer Science Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois USA 62901

A \(k \times v\) double Youden rectangle (DYR) is a type of balanced Graeco-Latin design where each Roman letter occurs exactly once in each of the \(k\) rows, where each Greek letter occurs exactly once in each of the \(v\) columns, and where each Roman letter is paired exactly once with each Greek letter. The other properties of a DYR are of balance, and indeed the structure of a DYR incorporates that of a symmetric balanced incomplete block design (SBIBD). Few general methods of construction of DYRs are known, and these cover only some of the sizes \(k \times v\) with \(k = p\) (odd) or \(p+1\), and \(v = 2p + 1\). Computer searches have however produced DYRs for those such sizes, \(p \leq 11\), for which the existence of a DYR was previously in doubt. The new DYRs have cyclic structures. A consolidated table of DYRs of sizes \(p \times (2p +1)\) and \((p +1) \times (2p +1)\) is provided for \(p \leq 11\); for each of several of the sizes, DYRs are given for different inherent SBIBDs.

Cornelis Hoede1
1Department of Applied Mathematics University of Twente P.O. Box 217 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands

Some sufficient conditions for non-Hamiltonicity of graphs are compared.

David A. Pike1
1Department of Discrete and Statistical Sciences Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA. 36849-5307

Block-intersection graphs of Steiner triple systems are considered. We prove that the block-intersection graphs of non-isomorphic Steiner triple systems are themselves non-isomorphic. We also prove that each Steiner triple system of order at most \(15\) has a Hamilton decomposable block-intersection graph.

Stewart W. Neufeld1
1Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Winnipeg Winnipeg, MB. R3B 2E9

A directed graph \(G\) is primitive if there exists a positive integer \(k\) such that for every pair \(u, v\) of vertices of \(G\) there is a walk from \(u\) to \(v\) of length \(k\). The least such \(k\) is called the exponent of \(G\). The exponent set \(E_n\) is the set of all integers \(k\) such that there is a primitive graph \(G\) on \(n\) vertices whose exponent is \(k\).

Terry A. McKee1
1Department of Mathematics & Statistics Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio 45435

A simple inequality involving the number of components in an arbitrary graph becomes an equality precisely when the graph is chordal. This leads to a mechanism by which any graph parameter, if always at least as large as the number of components, corresponds to a subfamily of chordal graphs. As an example, the domination number corresponds to the well-studied family of \(P_4, C_4\)-free graphs.

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